

单词 Sion
释义 Si·on 英ˈsaɪən美ˈsaɪənAHDsīʹən 

originally a stronghold captured by David the 2nd king of the Israelites; above it was built a temple and later the name extended to the whole hill; finally it became a synonym for the city of Jerusalem;

the inhabitants of Jerusalem are personified as `the daughter of Zion'

Jewish republic in southwestern Asia at eastern end of Mediterranean; formerly part of Palestinean imaginary place considered to be perfect or ideal-sion=-ion
近义词 Zion犹太人utopia理想国Yisrael以色列Israel以色列亚洲…
For mountSion, because it is destroyed, foxes have walked upon it.因为熙雍山已经荒芜,狐狸成群出没其间。Treatment group were superior to control groups(P 两组主要症状及体征持续时间及疗效;观察组优于对照组(P⎤ And so was I established in Sion, and in the holy city likewise I rested, and my power was in Jerusalem.
这样,我就定居在熙雍山上;同样,他使我在他钟爱的城里安息,使我在耶路撒冷有权势。 ccreadbible

And the moon shall blush, and the sun shall be ashamed, when the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Sion, and in Jerusalem, and shall be glorified in the sight of his ancients.
那时,月亮要脸红,太阳要羞惭,因为万军的上主要在熙雍山上,要在耶路撒冷为王,在他的长老面前要备受颂扬。 ccreadbible

But the king's army went up against them to Jerusalem: and the king's army pitched their tents against Judea and mount Sion.
王的军队直开往耶路撒冷,攻打他们,王便面对犹太和熙雍山安营。 ccreadbible

Con-clu sion:The inhibition of apoptosis may play a role in the blastic transition of CML.
结论:细胞凋亡受抑可能在 CML急变形成过程中发挥一定的作用。 iciba

Deal favorably, O Lord, in thy good will with Sion; that the walls of Jerusalem may be built up.
求你随你的美意善待锡安;建造耶路撒冷的城墙。 readnovel

For mount Sion, because it is destroyed, foxes have walked upon it.
因为熙雍山已经荒芜,狐狸成群出没其间。 ccreadbible

The Lord hath brought forth our justices: Come, and let us declare in Sion the work of the Lord our God.
上主表彰了我们的正义,来,我们在熙雍称扬上主我们的天主的伟业。 ccreadbible

The warriors of Sion are like the harassed people of Israel.
锡安市的战士则像那群被骚扰的以色列民; hkdavc

The Welsh side took the lead from a corner when Liverpool fan Sion James headed home.
威尔士人通过角球领先,利物浦球迷的詹姆斯头球建功。 fans1

“The print could have happened accidentally or have been intended as a joke, ” excavation director Ofer Sion said in a statement.
“这个爪印可能是无意为之,也可能只是个玩笑,”挖掘负责人 Ofer Sion在采访中说道。 yeeyan

A literary pas- sion for the open air was to last me for a few years.
那几年,我一直对露天的环境怀有一种文学上的热爱。 yeeyan

Alternatively, the Sion club will be sojourning in Estepona, Spain between January18 and26, according to the statement.
同时,根据该份声明,,西昂俱乐部将于1月18日到26日在西班牙埃斯特波纳逗留以作为替代方案。 yeeyan

And all the army assembled together, and they went up into mount Sion.
于是全体军队集合,齐上熙雍山。 ccreadbible

And in mount Sion shall be salvation, and it shall be holy, and the house of Jacob shall possess those that possessed them.
但在熙雍山上必有救援,熙雍将是神圣的;并且雅各伯家要侵佔那侵佔过他们的人。 ccreadbible

Con clu- sion The organic chemical pollutants in water of N section of Huaihe River showed potential genotoxicity and affected the lipid peroxidation in mice.
结论淮河 N段水有机提取物对小鼠有潜在的遗传毒性,并能影响小鼠的脂质过氧化作用。 iciba

Con clu sion Amaranthaceae pollen is an important allergen of dermatitis in Nanchang and its skin test must be regarded as the routine test to diagnose allergic dermatitis.
结论野苋菜花粉皮试应作为南昌及其周围地区过敏性皮炎的常规检验。 iciba

Con clu sion: Spiral CT is of great value guidance in the pre- operation diagnosis and staging of renal carcinoma.
结论:螺旋 CT为肾癌术前诊断与术前分期提供重要的指导意义。 iciba

Swiss Super League club FC Sion announced on its website Saturday that a scheduled preparation tour to Tunisia had been cancelled following political disturbances in the North African country.
周六,瑞士足球超级联赛俱乐部西昂在其官网上发出通知,表示:鉴于突尼斯这个北非国家发生的政治骚乱,球队原定于前往突尼斯的时间表取消。 yeeyan

The first shall say to Sion: Behold they are here, and to Jerusalem I will give an evangelist.
只有我是第一位给熙雍报告过这事,给耶路撒冷遣发了一位报告喜讯的。 ccreadbible

The decisions on a DART's activation, composition, and mis- sion are made at a disaster response planning meeting held in OFDA.
一项灾难援助反应队的启动、组成及使命的决策应在 OFDA的灾难应对计划会议上作出。 yeeyan

They built up also at that time mount Sion, with high walls, and strong towers round about, lest the Gentiles should at any time come, and tread it down as they did before.
那时他们也重修熙雍山,在周围建起高墙和巩固的碉楼,免得异民再来,像从前一样蹂躏。 ccreadbible

This article has made a review on the current IT training profes- sion's some questions.
本文一方面对当前 IT培训行业的一些问题作了一些回顾。

Sion, the Son of Evan, folk song for voice& piano trio.
埃文的儿子西翁,为人声和钢琴而作的三重唱民歌。 blog.sina.com.cn




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