

单词 sinless
释义 sin·less AHDˈsinlə̇s 高COCA⁹⁴¹⁴⁴BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰iWeb²⁸⁰¹²

free from sinsin-less少⇒adj.无罪的⁸⁰;清白的²⁰近义词 pure纯的innocent清白的virtuous有品德的impeccant无罪过的无缺点错误的…

用作形容词Jesus Christ, God's Son, wassinless.神的儿子耶稣基督是无罪的。
Christ wassinless, so why did He think He should be baptized in this way?基督是无罪的,那么,他为什么认为他要受这样的洗呢?adj.free from sin
同义词 blameless,chaste,guiltless,immaculate,innocent,perfect,pure,righteous,saintly,upright
反义词 sinful,wickedadj.blameless
同义词 chaste,faultless,good,guiltless,holy,immaculate,innocent,innocent as a lamb,perfect,pure,undefiled
反义词 sinful,wicked
above suspicionadjective innocent
above reproach,blameless,guiltless,having clean hands,inculpable,irreproachable,scrupulous
angelicaladjective innocent
cleanadjective chaste, virtuous
cleanestadjective chaste, virtuous
clearadjective not guilty
cleareradjective not guilty
absolved,blameless,clean,cleared,discharged,dismissed,exculpated,exonerated,guiltless,immaculate,innocent,pure,sinless,stainless,unblemished,uncensurable,undefiled,untarnished,untroubled No one with sin can possibly live in the presence of a sinless God, and sin must be paid for.
有罪的人不可活在无罪的上帝的面前,因为你必须为你的罪过付出代价。 yeeyan

The sinless creator chose to become a man and to be our replacement, suffering and dying so our sins could be forgiven.
神圣的造物主选择成为人类,代替我们承受生活的痛苦和死亡,这样我们的罪恶才能得到宽恕。 yeeyan

U is for Unlevened, a life sinless and pure.
是无酵,无罪和纯洁的生命。 qichebaba

A man is accounted sinless until he is proven guilty.

Certainly, you know that you are not sinless;
当然,你知道,自己并非无罪; blog.sina.com.cn

God then displayed how the covenant of grace would succeed: a sinless sacrifice would die in the place of sinners, providing His righteousness for them and paying their penalty in His blood.
接着,神展示了这个恩典之约会如何进行:无罪的祭牲会代替罪人而死,把神的义提供给他们,以祂的血来偿付他们的刑罚。 blog.sina.com.cn

He ransomed all by offering Himself to God as the sinless Substitute for sinners and the sufficient Sacrifice for their sins.
他作为无罪的替代品,为有罪的人把自己交给神,为他们的罪作了完全的赎罪祭。 gbicp.org

He was a sinless sacrifice dying in our place.
他作为无罪的献祭代替了我们。 eddyemma.com

He knows you are incapable of being perfect or sinless.
他知道你无法成为完美或不犯罪。 ebigear

If they said this about the sinless, holy Son of God.
如果他们这样侮蔑圣洁的神子。 blog.sina.com.cn

If you search in the dictionary, pure refers to things that are free of dirt or pollution, that have a uniform composition, that are complete and sinless.
如果你翻查一下字典,会发现“纯”这个词是指干净没有被污染过的,成分单一的,完善和清白的。 yeeyan

In his life he showed perfect& sinless love through obedience to God.
在祂的一生中,透过对上帝的顺服,表明了祂对神完美而无罪的爱。 blog.sina.com.cn

Instead of being that hot girl with a new guy every week, you get to represent sinless perfection and submission in your relationship.
在男女关系中,你们应当彰显圣洁、完美、顺服,而不是成为每个星期都有新男友的辣妹。 middlekingdomlight.com

It may be less soothing than a sinless conscience.
这药也许不如一颗无罪的良心那样让人舒服。 ebigear

She is a sinless man.
她是无罪的人。 hotdic




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