

单词 single plant
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The single plant yield and other main economic characters of interspecific andintersubspecific combinations in rice have great potential for improvement.
水稻品种间及亚种间组合的单株产量及其他主要经济性状都还有很大的改良潜力。 cnki

The early sprouting and mid maturing new mulberry varieties Nongsang12 and Nongsang14 were bred through hybridization, single plant selection, pedigree selection and regional test.
通过人工有性杂交、单株选择、系统选择、区试鉴定,育成早生中熟桑树新品种农桑12号、农桑14号。 cnki

The economical yield of single plant, diameter, vertical length and compactness of flower head were considerably controlled by additive genes.
单株经济产量和与花球质量有关的花球直径球径、花球纵径、紧实度等性状则受加性基因效应影响大。 http://dict.cnki.net

The effect of single plant selection on pollen fertility was discussed.
讨论了单株选择对花粉育性的影响。 cnki

As the density being increased and the daley of emerging time the growth of a single plant of D.
随着密度的增加和出苗时间的推迟,马唐的单株生长量逐渐下降。 dictall

But the plant's one- time flowering, as pictured last week, is very fruitful: A single plant can produce up to ten million seeds.
可正如上周所摄之景,这种植物开花一次的生产效率是非常高的:单株植物能产出一千万个种子。 yeeyan

Correlation-path analysis indicated that the number of panicles, seed seting rate and the number of spikelets per panicle had direct influence on the single plant grain yield significantly.
相关和通径分析表明,单株有效穗、每穗粒数和结实率对单株产量有显著的直接作用。 cnki

Effects of ring barking is the best among the measure of promoting abloom and seed, setting percentage is90%, single plant yield raised60%.
在促进开花结实措施中,以环状砍皮方法效果较好,结实率为90 %、单株产量提高60 %; cnki

The results indicated that the hybrid seed fertility, single plant yield and apparent genetic effect of rice treated by SPNE were higher than the control.
结果表明,用 SPNE处理的杂交种子结实率、单株产量和表观遗传效应均高于对照。 dictall

The results of experiments provided that there had remarkable relation between early yield and single fruit weight, fruit size, leaf area of single plant, largest perimeter of fruits and so on.
结果表明。单果重、果实体积、单株叶面积、果实最大周长等与早期产量有显著的相关关系; cnki

There was certain negative correlation between first flower node, initial harvesting date and single plant yield.
始花节位和采收始期与单株产量间存在一定的负向相关。 cnki

Under rainfed conditions, the wheat varieties tolerant to drought owned high single plant filling ability, low spikelet density, small grain, stable filling process and high harvest index.
在旱地条件下,抗旱春小麦品种的单株分蘖力强、穗粒密度小、粒小、灌浆过程平稳、经济系数高。 cnki

When the source- sink was regulated the supply ability of plant and LAI are decreased remarkably, and the single plant productivity is also reduced prominently.
源库调节后,植株源供应能力明显减少,叶面积系数显著下降,单株生产力也显著降低。 cnki




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