

单词 simulator
释义 sim·u·la·tor 英ˈsɪmjəˌleɪtə美ˈsɪmjəˌletɚAHDsĭmʹyə-lā'tər ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁹¹⁵⁹BNC²⁴⁸⁴⁶iWeb⁸¹⁶⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a machine that simulates an environment for the purpose of training or researchsimulate,模拟,模仿,-or,表物。flight simulator飞行模拟装置…hardware simulator硬件模拟程序…electronic simulator电子仿真器rain simulator人工降雨装置…computer simulator计算机模拟器…noise simulator噪声模拟装置…process simulator程序模拟器chaff simulator箔条模拟器target simulator目标仿真radar simulator雷达模拟器reactor simulator反应堆仿真器…hybrid simulator混合仿真器, 混合模…digital simulator数字仿真器table simulator算表程序,表模拟程序…simulator stand模拟试验台dynamic simulator动力模拟器training simulator训练模拟器overload simulator过载模拟程序…environment simulator环境模拟装置…space simulator宇宙空间环境模拟器,…
simulate模仿;模拟+or者⇒模拟器,仿真器,模拟程序。近义词 trainer训练者emulator仿真器simulant 拟态的

用作名词As a child he won a chance to fly a Hawksimulator.还是一个孩子的时候,他就赢得了一次驾驶鹰型战斗机模拟器的机会。as in.quack
同义词 actor,bum,charlatan,cheat,counterfeit,counterfeiter,fake,faker,four-flusher,fraud,humbug,impostor,mountebank,phony,playactor,pretender,pseudo,put on,sham,shammer,shark,sharp,slicker,whipbunco artist,con artist,flimflammer,hoser,quacksalver
反义词 reality
quacknoun person who pretends to be an expert
actor,bum,bunco artist,charlatan,cheat,con artist,counterfeit,counterfeiter,fake,faker,flimflammer,four-flusher,fraud,hoser,humbug,impostor,mountebank,phony,playactor,pretender,pseudo,put on,quacksalver,sham,shammer,shark,sharp,slicker,whip The simulator clearly lists the invoked policies, applied assertions, and candidate endpoints during the simulation, the last being the selected endpoint that best fits the request.
模拟器在模拟过程中清楚地列出了调用的策略、应用的断言和候选端点,最后一项是最适合请求的所选端点。 ibm

The simulator has several different views, as mentioned previously.
模拟器有几个不同的视图,如前所述。 ibm

A simulator and test environment to test your application on a workstation without an actual network connection or live set-up.
一个模拟器和测试环境,用于在没有实际网络连接或者实际环境情况下的测试工作。 ibm

Before running a simulation, you must initialize the simulator.
在运行模拟之前,必须初始化模拟器。 ibm

Create client implementation to gather and transfer the request object to the simulator service.
生成客户端实现以收集请求对象并将其传递给模拟器服务。 ibm

Download and copy the data simulator files into your project.
下载和复制数据模拟器文件到您的项目。 ibm

Dust accumulated on the insulated simulator in the desolate lab.
灰尘在孤独的实验室在被隔离的模拟器上堆积。 hjenglish

FAAC responsibilities include the development, production, integration, delivery, and training of the simulator units.
FAAC的职责包括模拟器单元的开发、生产、集成、交付和训练。 www.etiri.com.cn

In all of these areas, a robust simulator framework provides a tremendous amount of value.
在所有这些领域中,一个功能健壮的模拟器框架将会很有价值。 ibm

It might be hooked up to a computer flight simulator rather than an airplane, but you could put it into an airplane if you wanted to.
可能会将它挂在计算机飞行模拟器、而不是一架飞机上,但是,如果愿意的话,也可以将它放在飞机中。 ibm

Our simulator and the software it uses cannot be bought in a store.
我们的模拟器和其软件配置是在店面中买不到的。 yeeyan

Part1 of this series discusses the installation, usage and pros and cons of each simulator.
本系列的第 1部分讨论了各个模拟器的安装、用法和优缺点。 ibm

Regardless, if you build an OCAP application, it should run on any OCAP platform, either a real set-top box or a simulator like the OCAP RI.
不管怎样,如果您构建一个 OCAP应用程序,它应该能够在任意 OCAP平台上运行,不管是真正的机顶盒还是像 OCAP RI这样的模拟器。 ibm

Researchers at the Berlin Institute for Technology attached electrodes to the scalps of volunteers inside a driving simulator.
志愿者坐在驾驶模拟器内,柏林技术研究所的研究员将电极接在他的头皮上。 yeeyan

Runtime views of the session data for devices configured within the simulator.
在模拟器内配置的设备的会话数据的运行时视图。 ibm

The first thing we need to do is create a simulator configuration file.
我们需要做的第一件事情就是创建模拟器配置文件。 ibm

The simulator will generate random values to emulate a server generating score updates, and will publish these“ scores” to the team channels.
这个模拟器将生成随机值来模仿一个生成比分更新信息的服务器,并发布这些“比分”到团队通道。 ibm

Then, each transition is labeled by an element, and the action associated with a transition is a call to a simulator for the DFA for the element labeling that transition.
然后每个转换都用一个元素标记,与转换有关的行为是调用 DFA的模拟器,可将该行为用于标记该转换的元素。 ibm

There is also an evaluation edition that allows you deploy to the simulator only.
还有一个评估版本,你只能把应用部署到模拟器中。 infoq

This isn't just some baseball simulator.
这不仅仅是某些棒球模拟器。 yeeyan

US Airways pilots can drill for water landings in a simulator, but no one knows how realistic that is.
美国航空公司的飞行员在模拟器上训练过水面降落,但没有人知道实际情形是怎样。 yeeyan

We can also specify which configuration file the simulator should use at runtime.
我们还可以指定模拟器在运行时应该使用哪一个配置文件。 ibm

You can observe and analyze this activity in the Simulator Client.
可以在模拟器客户机中观察和分析这一活动。 ibm

You can use the LSL documentation to write scripts for objects, and just build objects in the simulator using the standard client.
您可以使用 LSL文档为对象编写一些脚本,并在使用标准客户机的模拟器中编译这些对象。 ibm




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