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词汇 Simulations
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The new work provides supporting evidence for this idea, which was first proposed20 years ago on the basis of planetary growth simulations.
新的发现为这个观点提供了支持证据,这个观点首先是在20年前的行星成长模拟中提出的。 yeeyan

The scientists say this mirrors computer simulations where test subjects respond much faster to approaching visual stimuli when those objects are on a trajectory lined up with their heads.
科学家们说,这反映在计算机模拟上,当物体处于和头同一条线的轨迹上,测试对象对于处理视觉刺激能做出更快的反应。 yeeyan

After creating the model, if you decide to simulate the process you have a problem: how can you run multiple simulations?
创建模型以后,如果您决定模拟该流程,则会遇到一个问题:如何运行多个模拟呢? ibm

As a bonus, since the same merging process also produces gravitational waves, those simulations could aid in the discovery of that key prediction of general relativity theory.
作为一个意外收获,那些模拟可以帮助发现广义相对论的重要预言结果,因为相同的合并过程也会产生引力波。 ufochn

As you build these kinds of simulations, or anything like this, you need to think through whether things should be multiplicative or additive.

But as we’ve seen in real- world negotiations, as well as in classroom simulations with seasoned deal makers, this type of problem solving is exceedingly rare.
但是我们在现实世界中见到的谈判,或和老练的商人进行的教室模拟,针对这类问题的解决办法极其稀少。 yeeyan

But design and simulations can only take you so far.
但是设计和模拟只能让你做到这一步。 yeeyan

But for my grocery store, I decided to loop through several simulations, each one corresponding to a day of business.
但对于我的食品杂货店,我决定通过几次模拟进行循环,每次对应于某一天的业务。 ibm

For example, some of the detailed information that you need to specify in order to successfully run simulations has no correspondence in BPEL and will be flagged as not supported when you switch.
例如,您为成功完成仿真而必须指明的许多详细信息在 BPEL中是没有对应信息的,而且在您切换时会因为不能得到支持而被标记出来。 ibm

Given the pivotal role of randomization in some matrix-based simulations, it is instructive to investigate how these libraries perform in situations that call on randomization.
考虑到随机化在某些基于矩阵的模拟中的关键作用,研究这些库在调用随机化的情况下的表现是有益的。 ibm

In these computer simulations, learners are put in situations where they have to think and talk fast.

It also seems to match with computer simulations of quantum gravity.
它似乎也与量子引力的计算机模拟一致。 yeeyan

It can be used for signal processing, statistical analysis, image enhancement, fluid dynamics simulations, and numerical optimization.
它可被用于信号处理、统计分析、图像增强、流体动力学仿真和数值优化。 ibm

Large scale experiments are costly, so if we know that computer simulations are accurate, that opens the door to a whole new range of research possibilities.
大比例实验花费很多,所以如果我们知道计算机模拟是准确的,那就开启了一道通向全新的研究领域可能性的大门。 yeeyan

Of course, computer simulations can say only what could have happened, not what did.
当然,计算机模拟仅能描述可能发生的情况,并不代表真实发生的情况。 ecocn

So far, there is no evidence in our simulations that this transition is going to occur at least in the next century.
到目前为止,我们没有证据证明至少在下一世纪这个模拟过渡期可能要发生。 yeeyan

Such simulations have their problems.
这种模拟也有其问题。 ecocn

The data was supported by model simulations of cloud formation.
这些测量数据依托于云体形成的模拟模型。 yeeyan

The researchers ran computer simulations and then a series of experiments with glass beads to confirm the theory.
这群研究人员通过电脑模拟,然后利用玻璃珠进行了一系列的实验以证实这个理论。 yeeyan

These parameters might be added and simulations might be run to collect data on how the process needs to perform.
可以对这些参数进行添加,而且可以运行模拟来收集有关流程需要如何执行的数据。 ibm

This test is well suited to speed test computers meant to run scientific applications and simulations because they tend to solve linear equations at some stage or another.
这个测试非常适合用来测试那些要运行科学应用程序和模拟的计算机,因为它们都要在某些步骤上试图对线性方程进行求解。 ibm

Users not only have access to our forecasts, but can design their own forecasts and simulations and share them with others.
用户不仅可以访问我们的预测,而且可以自己设计预测和模拟,并与其他人分享。 worldbank

You can use the existing simulation results for dynamic analysis, or you can run the simulations again yourself.
您可以将现有的模拟结果用于动态分析,也可以自己重新运行模拟。 ibm

You will then be able to visually follow the behavior of the processes during simulations, and spot bottlenecks on the business process graph.
那样您就会能够在仿真期间真实地跟踪流程的活动,并且能够在业务流程图上发现瓶颈。 ibm

Simulations of the collision suggest that Earth really did melt for a brief time, meaning that all lightweight materials like carbon and water would have been utterly vaporized.
对这次撞击的模拟显示地球确实在短暂的时间内融化了,这意味着像碳和水这样的轻质物质都会完全蒸发掉。 yeeyan




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