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词汇 ban
释义 ban 英bæn美bænAHDbăn ★★★★☆高四六研GIT宝牛八COCA⁴²⁵¹BNC⁴⁰⁷⁶iWeb³⁷⁸³Economist¹²¹¹

vt. 明令禁止;取缔

forbid sth officially, especially by law; say officially that people must not do, sell, or use sth


an official rule that says that sth is not allowed; an official statement ordering people not to do, sell, or use sth

a decree that prohibits something100 bani equal 1 leu in Moldova100 bani equal 1 leu in Romaniaan official prohibition or edict against somethinga bachelor's degree in nursing
forbid the public distribution of a movie or a newspaperprohibit especially by legal means or social pressure;

Smoking is banned in this building

ban from a place of residence, as for punishmentexpel from a community or group
ban, forbid

这组词都有“禁止”的意思。其区别在于:forbid是普通用语,指父母、教师等直接下命令,或以规则来禁止某事; ban指禁止不合宗教、道德等标准的事情。

用作动词 v.
~+名词ban a protest禁止抗议ban a religion取缔某个宗教ban comment禁止议论ban demonstrations禁止示威活动ban noise禁止噪音ban obscene books查禁淫秽书籍ban opium禁鸦片ban strikes禁止罢工ban the manufacture of禁止制造…~+副词ban immediately立即取缔用作名词 n.动词+~announce a ban on宣布对…的禁令cancel a ban取消禁令claim a ban of主张禁止continue the ban继续禁止drop a ban解禁enforce a ban on实施对…的禁令established a ban on下令禁止impose a ban on颁布对…的禁令lay a ban on export禁止出口lift a ban from解除对…的禁令place a ban on禁止put a ban on drinking in the office禁止在办公室内饮酒put the ban to sth禁止remove the ban on political parties开放党禁renew a ban against恢复对…的禁令violate a ban违禁withdraw a ban取消禁令形容词+~complete ban全面禁止total ban完全禁止名词+~alcohol ban禁酒令nuclear test ban treaty禁止核试验条约parking ban禁止停车令the beef export ban出口牛肉的禁令wartime ban战时禁令介词+~under a ban被禁止~+介词ban on the sale of guns武器销售禁令ban on the use of atomic weapons对使用原子武器的谴责
ban from v.+prep.

禁止某人做某事ban sb from doing sth

ban sb from sth/v-ingThe teacher banned him from talking in class.老师严禁他在课堂上讲话。
They banned visitors from smoking in the building.他们禁止来访者在大楼内吸烟。
He was banned from the meeting.他被取消了出席会议的资格。
She was banned from athletics for two years after failing a drugs test.她药检没有通过,被禁赛两年。
They'd been banned from the pub for rowdiness.他们因吵闹被赶出酒店。
The book was banned from school libraries.这本书被学校图书馆所禁。
Bicycles are banned from superhighways.禁止在高速公路上骑自行车。
After the accident, he was banned from driving.事故发生后,他被禁止开车。
He was banned from driving for six months.他被禁止驾驶六个月。
He was banned from entering the barracks.他未被允许进入军营。
She's been banned from leaving Greece while that allegations are investigated.当局对指控进行调查期间,禁止她离开希腊。故事记忆有一个 Man男人是足球 Fan迷老家在 Iran伊朗跑到了 Japan日本皮肤是 Tan棕色脸色很 Wan苍白发现了 Swan天鹅宰了藏 Pan平底锅就去开 Van小火车被警察 Ban禁止非常记忆颁⇒有关部门颁布了条文禁止酒驾非常记忆ban 颁布⇒颁布禁令发音记忆颁 →颁布禁令发音记忆颁 ⇒颁布禁令和pann. 平底锅一起记近义词 out出bar酒吧veto否决shut关闭shun避开block街区forbid禁止banish驱逐exclude排除prohibit禁止sanction批准disallow驳回obstruct阻隔cast out逐出censor检查员embargo封港令interdict禁止proscribe禁止ostracize放逐ostracise放逐injunction指令prohibition禁止forbiddance禁止blackball反对票forbidding可怕的proscription禁止shut out关在外面court order法院指令outlaw被剥夺法律保护的人…banning动词ban的现在进行式…反义词 approve批准consent同意sanction批准permit许可证approval同意permission许可lessee房地产的租户…
S+~+ n./pron.“Ban the bomb!”“禁止核弹!”
Ban nuclear weapons!禁止使用核武器!
The government bans nuclear tests.政府禁止核试验。
The treaty bans underground nuclear tests.那条约禁止地下核试验。
Good manners ban abusive language anywhere.讲礼貌就是在任何地方都不能讲粗话。
The government banned publication of his books.政府禁止出版他的书。
The government has banned the sale of that produce which is harmful to the public.政府禁止出售对大众有害的那种产品。
The new military government has banned strikes and demonstrations.新的军人政府禁止罢工和示威活动。
They immediately banned the drug.他们立即取缔了这种毒品。
They may ban the expression for different ideas, but the ideas will still be there.他们可以禁止发表不同的意见,但不同的意见仍然存在。
To protect national industries, some countries have banned foreign investments in certain industrial branches.为了保护民族工业,一些国家禁止外国在某些工业部门投资。
Henry Miller is no longer banned in the United States.如今亨利·米勒的作品在美国已经不是禁书。
McEwan's play was banned by the BBC.麦克尤恩的剧本遭英国广播公司禁播。
The film was banned for thirteen years.这部电影被禁映13年之久。
The play was banned by the censor.该剧本被查禁了。
The book was banned on the grounds of obscenity.该书由于充满淫秽内容而被查禁。
The sale of alcohol to people under age 18 is banned.禁止向18岁以下的人出售酒精性饮料。
Chemical weapons are banned internationally.国际上禁止使用化学武器。
Smoking is banned in all public places.所有公共场所都禁止吸烟。
Swimming is banned in this lake.禁止在此湖内游泳。
Fishing is banned in this lake.此湖严禁捕鱼。S+~+ v -ingThe police banned their demonstrating in the park.警察禁止他们在公园里集会示威。其他They signed agreements banning the use of chemical weapons.他们签订了禁止使用化学武器的协议。用作名词n.The ban has been removed.禁令已取消了。
The ban is unlikely to be lifted this year.这项禁令今年不大可能解除。
Gambling is placed under ban in China.在中国赌博是被禁止的。
He is a person under the Pope's Ban.他是被罗马教皇革除教门的人。~+ prep. -phraseThe ban against foreign books has been withdrawn in that country.那个国家对外国书籍的禁令已经解除。
The police lifted the ban against parking in this street.警方已取消了不准在此街停放车辆的禁令。
The ban against dancing has been lifted.不许跳舞的禁令已解除。
Some countries claim a total ban of nuclear weapons.有些国家主张全面禁止核武器。
The committee also voted to continue the ban on price support of potatoes.委员会还表决赞成继续禁止对马铃薯进行价格补贴。
There is a ban on smoking in petrol stations.加油站禁止吸烟。
The government has enforced the ban on the export of uranium.政府已实施了不准出口铀的禁令。
The government placed a ban on the import of luxuries.政府禁止进口奢侈品。
The government put a ban on the sale of that drug.政府禁止售卖那药物。
The union has imposed a ban on overtime.工会颁布超时加班的禁令。
A ban on smoking in theatres has been declared.严禁在戏院内吸烟的禁令已颁布了。
There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office.办公室将彻底禁止吸烟。
There was no ban on smoking cigarettes.没有不许吸烟的禁令。
There should be a ban on talking and eating loudly in cinemas.电影院里应禁止喧哗和有声地吃食物。
The country government has announced a thirty-day ban on hunting.政府宣布了为期一个月的禁猎令。
We have put a ban on swimming in this lake.我们已下令禁止在此湖中游泳。
The government has lifted the ban on buying and selling gold.政府已经取消了买卖黄金的禁令。
A ban has been placed on picnicking in the area.这个地区禁止野餐。


ban是及物动词,通常接名词或动名词作宾语,表示所禁止的事项,也可以被禁止的人作宾语,而以短语from n./v- ing表示所禁止的事项。





用作动词The government hasbannedthe use of chemical weapons.政府已经禁止使用化学武器。
She wasbannedfrom athletics for two years after failing a drug test.她在药检中被查出服用禁用药物而被禁赛两年。用作名词Abanon the importation of drugs has been issued recently.最近已经发布了禁止进口毒品的法令。
There is abanon smoking in the theatre.这剧院内禁止吸烟。noun.official forbiddance
同义词 boycott,censorship,embargo,injunction,prohibition,refusal,restrictioninterdiction,limitation,proscription,stoppage,suppression,tabooa thou-shalt-not,don't,no-no,off-limits,out of bounds
反义词 approval,sanctionallowance,permissionverb.officially forbid
同义词 bar,exclude,halt,outlaw,prevent,prohibit,proscribe,restrict,suppressbanish,blackball,curse,disallow,enjoin,illegalize,inhibit,interdictclose down,close up,declare illegal,ice out,pass by,pass up,shut out
反义词 admit,allow,include,let go,permit,push,release,welcome
anathemanoun denouncement
banishverb expel from place or situation
ban,cast out,deport,discard,discharge,dislodge,dismiss,dispel,drive away,eject,eliminate,eradicate,evict,exclude,excommunicate,exile,expatriate,expulse,extradict,get rid of,isolate,ostracize,oust,outlaw,proscribe,relegate,remove,rusticate,sequester,shake off,shut out,transport
banishesverb expel from place or situation
bans,casts out,deports,discards,discharges,dislodges,dismisses,dispels,drives away,ejects,eliminates,eradicates,evicts,excludes,excommunicates,exiles,expatriates,expulses,extradicts,get rids of,isolates,ostracizes,ousts,outlaws,proscribes,relegates,removes,rusticates,sequesters,shakes off,shuts out,transports
barverb prohibit
ban,boycott,circumvent,condemn,debar,deny,disallow,discountenance,discourage,eliminate,enjoin,except,exclude,exile,forbid,freeze out,frustrate,hinder,interdict,interfere,keep out,limit,obstruct,ostracize,outlaw,override,preclude,prevent,refuse,reject,restrain,rule out,segregate,shut out,stop,suspend
blackballverb expel from group
censorshipnoun forbiddance;ban
ban,blackout,bowdlerization,control,forbiddance,infringing on rights,iron curtain,restriction,suppression,thought control The European Parliament voted for a ban on food from clones and their descendants last month, but this has yet to become law.
欧洲议会在上个月表决了一项关于克隆或者克隆的后代的食品的禁令,但这还没成为法律。 yeeyan

The ban gets support because people generally think that while they are responsible and good at calibrating what is safe and unsafe, others are not.
禁令得到支持是因为人们通常认为他们才是负责的并且善于衡量什么安全而什么是不安全的,其他人则不行。 yeeyan

Another new law lets the president ban any publication deemed critical of the government.
另一项新法则允许总统禁止任何被视为抨击政府出版物。 ecocn

As for trading, Goldman insists that the pure proprietary sort, which regulators are likely to ban, accounts for less than10% of its revenues.
在贸易方面,高盛坚持纯股权所有,这在其收入中占了不到10%的比例,而这正是监管者们打算禁止的。 ecocn

If democracies decide to ban certain types of speech or to protect their citizens’ data, they must be able to enforce their rules.
如果民主政府决定禁止某些类型的言论,或是保护其公民的数据,那么他们必须有能力执行这些规则。 yeeyan

If you deemed it your right to ban Muslim women from wearing the hijab, then should not it be our right to expel your invading men by striking their necks?
如果你们将禁止穆斯林女人穿戴面纱视为你们的权利的话,那我们岂不是也有通过斩首行动来驱逐你们侵略军的权利? yeeyan

It is not clear whether the ban was issued because they tried to flee.
目前不清楚发布这个禁令是否是因为他们试图逃离埃及。 tingvoa

Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, the announcement of the ban resulted in some protests, not in the streets, but in the harbor.
同时,这一禁令的颁布在香港也引发了一些抗议,主要发生在港口而不是街头。 fortunechina

Moral indignation notwithstanding, it is far from certain that the government will be able to enforce the ban.
虽然面临道德的压力,但是还不能肯定政府到底能不能强制实施这样的禁令。 ecocn

Not going on another shopping ban— I only did it for2010 because I was curious about testing my willpower.
没有再次购物的禁令--我只在2010年做了这个,因为我对考验我的意志力感到好奇。 yeeyan

Still, some others were in support of the ban.
当然,还有些人支持禁止名单的行为。 yeeyan

The film came under the ban of censor.

They do not solve the frailty of entanglement elsewhere in the system— not unless you ban the trading that defines modern finance.
它们并不能消除金融系统内业务交错关联的缺陷--除非你禁止了这种定义了现代金融的交易。 yeeyan

This makes it specious to suggest that we should ban deliberate messages on the grounds that they would be more powerful than our leaked signals.
这就使得这个建议变成似是而非地建议我们应该禁止有意地泄露信息,理由是:它们可能将来会比我们的漏信号更为强大。 yeeyan

Very few people, least of all this newspaper, want to ban direct democracy.
还有一极少的一批人,至少是这一切报纸要禁止直接民主。 ecocn

When you ban something like this, you only dignify it with significance.
在禁止类似的东西时候,只会提升他的重要性。 yeeyan

With his hard line, Mr Sarkozy seems to be behind a ban, although he will now await the outcome of the parliamentary mission.
持强硬路线的萨科奇先生似乎似乎不久后就会签署这一禁令,尽管目前他仍在等候议会的结果。 yeeyan

Ban tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.
禁止烟草广告、促销和赞助; who




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