

单词 Simao
释义 SimaoCOCA¹³¹¹⁹⁶BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Moreover, Simao was Portugal’s leading scorer during the World Cup qualifying campaign with four goals.
世界杯资格赛阶段,他还以4个进球位列对内的最佳射手。 yeeyan

The evolution of the Lanpin- Simao Basin is closely related to deep processes.
兰坪—思茅盆地的演化与深部作用密切相关。 cnki

The historically well-known 8 great tea areas Qianjianzhai, Bangwei, Jingmai, Banshan, Wuliangshang, Yunpanshan and Niuluohe are distributed in the east, west, south and north of Simao.
史上有名的千家寨、帮崴、景迈、板山、无量山、佛殿山、营盘山、牛洛河八大茶区,就分布在思茅的东西南北四方。 a1a

As the place of origin, Simao is lack of competitiveness in terms of Pu- Erh Tea Industry.
但作为普洱茶原产地的思茅市,其普洱茶产业竞争力严重不足。 cnki

Based on the late Paleozoic fold basement, Simao Triassic sedimentary basin formed in the early continental island arc collision stage after the close of Paleo Tethys ocean.
三叠纪沉积盆地建立在晚古生代褶皱基底之上,形成于古特提斯洋闭合后,造山早期的弧陆碰撞阶段。 cnki

Eight minutes after halftime, winger Simao fired a shot through the goalkeeper's legs after being set up by Meireles and Almeida.
在上半场开球八分钟之后,西毛在对方守门员被梅尔斯和阿尔梅达挡住视线之时,将足球从守门员的跨下打入球门。 blog.sina.com.cn

From Simao we drove southward through the mountains towards Jinghong.
我们的车了从思茅往南开,通过丛山,开往景洪。 dictall

In this paper, activity patterns of small earthquakes before strong ones in the Simao-Puer seismic area during1972-1981 have been analysed and discussed.
本文对思茅、普洱地震区1972年——1981年期间,强震前的小震活动图象进行了分析讨论。 cnki

In Mesozoic era, the formation and evolution of the Mesozoic Lanping Simao basin were controlled by the Tethys tectonic zone.
在中生代,该盆地的形成与演化受特提斯构造带的控制。 cnki

Pu'er Tea Institute of China is established on the foundation of the Farm of Well-bred Species Tea& Tree of Simao, Yunnan, executing two names, but the management of a leadership.
中国普洱茶研究院是在云南省思茅茶树良种场基础上成立的,实行两块牌子,一套班子管理。 ynpetea

Representative of that is the salt sequences in the Lanping Simao salt basin in China.
兰坪思茅盆地盐系中普遍发育有泥砾岩,可具一定代表性。 cnki

So in 2005 I Simao joint disability, I Simao national leadership certificate from the Young Pioneers.
于是2005年思茅残疾我联合,思茅国家领导我从红领巾证。 blog.sina.com.cn

The occurrence of Dendrolimus of Simao forest district from 1961 was studied, and the results implied that the occurrence of this pest had periodicity.
对1961年以来思茅林区松毛虫大暴发的过程进行了周期性分析,认为松毛虫的大暴发存在一定的周期性规律。 dictall

The dialect of town and country in Simao City has the same consonants but slightly different in the parts and methods of pronunciation.
在声母方面,城、乡方言数量完全相同,但在发音部位和发音方法上两地有着细微差异。 cnki

There are8 factories in Yunnan who have reached export requirements, most of them are in Simao Prefecture.
云南省有8个松香厂达到出口标准,大部分在思茅地区。 cnki

While this experience could be a decisive factor for Queiroz in choosing Simao for the starting spot, Nani’s performances cannot be ignored.
即使这一系列的宝贵经验可能使奎罗斯将西芒安排到首发,纳尼的表现仍然不能被忽视。 yeeyan

Winger Simao Sabrosa was sold to Atletico Madrid over the summer, while midfielder Manuel Fernandes is close to finalising his move to Everton, where he was on loan last season.
边锋西芒·塞巴罗萨今年夏天被卖到了马德里竞技,上个赛季租借给埃弗顿的中场曼努埃尔·费尔南德斯也即将完成他最终的转会。 doogee.blog2.cnool.net




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