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SilvertonCOCA⁴⁴⁴⁶⁵BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³ 基本例句 n.锡尔弗顿在美国;西经 101º18' 北纬 34º28';银抢夹丝厚呢 They banded together in“ participations”, a kind of multi- bank loan particularly common in Georgia, thanks to Silverton Bank, a prominent broker of syndicated deals. 一些银行通过“合作贷款”共同捆绑在融资合同中,这种由多家银行参与的贷款行为在佐治亚颇为流行。 ecocn “ I told her that's not the kind of company we are,” said Mr. Silverton. “我告诉她,我们不是那些只想着赚钱的公司,”西弗敦说。 yeeyan Known as the “ banker’s bank”, Silverton was founded by a consortium that included about 200 Georgia lenders. 斯维顿银行是由一个近200个出资人组成的财团融资而成,该行是“合作贷款”在该州主力军,被誉为“银行家的银行”。 ecocn Mr. Silverton, who has family wealth and previously ran his own company selling aircraft parts, said Bristol was profitable, but would not discuss specifics. 西弗敦先生拥有可观的家族财产,之前这是生产航空器部件的公司,据他表示,布里斯托尔利润可观,但是他不愿透露更多细节。 yeeyan Mr. Silverton acquired 50 percent of Bristol in 1997, buying the other half four years later. 1997年,西弗敦先生认购了公司50%的股份。4年后,又收购了另外的50%。 yeeyan One mistake of larger manufacturers, Mr. Silverton said, was to staff up to meet rising demand back when the economy was growing, only to be caught with bloated overhead when the downturn came. 西弗敦先生认为,其他的大生产商犯了一个错误,在经济发展时期,为了满足不断上升的需求,他们大量增加员工,经济稍有颓势,就不得不面对臃肿的管理成本。 yeeyan Several other deals are said to be in the works, including the possible sale of Atlanta-based Silverton Bank, seized by regulators in May, to a group that includes Carlyle. 还有几个收购案据说也在进行中,包括亚特兰大的希尔佛顿银行,其在五月被监管机构责令停业,买方包括了凯雷集团。 ecocn When she discovered the car’s celebrity past, she called Mr. Silverton to ask why she was not told because she would have willingly paid more. 当这位客户得知自己爱车的显赫前世之后,他打电话给西弗敦先生说,如果知道是这样的话,当初,她很愿意出更高的价钱。 yeeyan While Bristol may be long past its heyday of the1950s, when it repeatedly won prestigious racing competitions, Mr. Silverton says he is confident that demand for Bristol cars will remain steady. 布里斯托尔在各项拉力赛中屡屡夺魁,也许他真能够延续自己1950年代以来的鼎盛。 西弗敦先生对公司订单的稳定量也是信心满满。 yeeyan Silverton says, prompting the staff to joke that there are more people asking to buy the company than its cars. 西弗敦先生曾经和自己的员工看开玩笑说,想买公司的人远比想买我们汽车的人多。 yeeyan |