

单词 silver fox
释义 silver fox ˈsilvəfɔks 短语⁵⁹⁶²³

red fox in the color phase when its pelt is tipped with white用作名词Fans will also be pleased to see the return of several other well-known characters such as Sabertooth and Silver Fox.而影迷们对于能够看到一些其他著名角色如剑齿虎和银狐的回归,也表现的非常兴奋。 Displaying the American flag and the flag of the National Geographic Society, the Silver Fox drifts above the Gulf of St. Lawrence at the start of Ed Yost's record-breaking transatlantic journey.
埃德.约斯特 Ed Yost横渡大西洋前夕,圣劳伦斯湾 Gulf of St. Lawrence上空,“银狐”号热气球漂浮,美国国旗和国家地理学会旗帜迎风招展。 yeeyan

The supercooling point differs in different kinds of rabbits. The supercooling point of Black Silver Fox Rabbit reproduced in Northeast of China is lower than that of New Zealand Rabbit.
过冷点还与兔品种有关,我国东北地区繁殖的黑银狐兔耳过冷点明显低于新西兰白兔。 cnki

The Silver Fox has been certified as operational by the Naval Air Systems Command, company officials said.
公司官员说,“银狐”系统已经被海军空间系统司令部鉴定为可操作的。 www.etiri.com.cn

The silver fox was chosen for its distinctive ability to run, hunt and live under the harsh living conditions on the prairie.
之所以选择银狐控制鼠害,是看中了它们善跑、捕食能力强且适应草原艰苦环境的特点。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Advanced Ceramics Research, based in Tucson, Ariz., has60 employees and produces three small UAS systems known as the Silver Fox, Manta and Coyote.
先进陶瓷研究公司位于亚利桑那州的图森,有60名雇员,生产三种 UAS系统,名为银狐、 Manta和 Coyote。 www.etiri.com.cn

If I shook your hand, I will buy you a silver fox skin scarf;
要是让我握握你的手,我就给你买一条银狐皮围巾; wangzhuanyuan.blog.china.com

She was wearing a silver fox fur across her shoulders.
她肩上披了一件银狐皮披肩。 ebigear




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