

单词 silverback
释义 sil·ver·back 英ˈsɪlvəbæk美ˈsɪlvəbækAHDsĭlʹvər-băk 高COCA⁷⁹⁵⁴⁶BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb⁴⁰⁵⁷⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

an adult male gorilla with grey hairs across the back
用作名词A youngsilverbackmountain gorilla poses on the rim of a volcanic crater with a lake below in the background.一只尚属幼年的银背大猩猩正站在火山口上,直视镜头,身后是一汪湖水。
There are often skirmishes, with the bachelors attempting to usurp thesilverback's role.有经常的小规模战斗,与单身汉企图篡夺银背大猩猩的作用。 Among gorilla groups, which are dominated by one large male' silverback', both males and females tend to strike out.
在由一个巨大的雄性“银背”猩猩统治的群体里,雌性和雄性都趋向于离开。 yeeyan

Last year, a silverback alpha male gorilla, the leader of his group, and three females were shot and killed in Virunga national park, in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
去年,一只银背阿尔法雄性大猩猩,也是他群落的首领,和三只雌性的大猩猩在刚果民主共和国的维龙加国家公园被射杀。 yeeyan

Male silverback mountain gorillas gain their distinctive silver tinge at about13 years old, when they reach adulthood.
雨中的银背大猩猩雄性银背大猩猩在大约13岁的时候长出一身特有的银色毛发,那时他们就成年了。 fujianese

Needing fuel for his efforts, the silverback soaks in a swamp for hours, methodically stripping and rinsing dirt from herb roots before munching.
银背大猩猩需要为自己补充能量和体力。它在沼泽中浸泡了几个小时,它用草本植物的根部有条不紊的清洗身上的泥垢,然后再细细咀嚼那些植物。 yeeyan

Only the silverback male leader, Ramar,36, stayed away.
只有36岁的雄性首领银背腊玛没有靠近。 academeintegrity

She's dangled from a cliff in Rwanda, holding onto nothing more than a machete blade, while being charged by a450- pound silverback mountain gorilla.
她曾经在卢旺达的悬崖上吊着、只抓住一个弯刀的刀片,同时被一只450磅重的白背山地大猩猩攻击。 kekenet

Silverback gorilla Kibabu chews on a stick at the Taronga Zoo in Sydney.
悉尼塔朗加动物园里,银背大猩猩科巴布嚼起了树枝。 yeeyan




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