

单词 silting up
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动词 silt up:
become chocked with silt Mud is silting up the stream.
泥沙把小河淤塞了。 iciba

One of the most successful diversions, near the river’s mouth, is now in danger of being shut down because the shipping industry has complained that it is silting up a useful anchorage.
最成功的例子就是在河口处是很危险的地带,因为很多船主都抱怨说哪里是一块很好的“抛锚处”——淤泥比较多。 yeeyan

The way of land's use of the Shed people had negative influences on ecological environment: the destruction of forest, soil erosion, river's silting up, and flood disaster, etc.
棚民的土地利用方式对生态环境造成了很大的影响,表现在:森林的破坏、水土流失、江河淤塞、洪涝灾害等方面。 cnki

But only now are some of the dams of the colonial era being restored to use, after years of neglect and silting up.
多年失修和淤积后,人们到现在才开始对殖民时代的一些水坝进行维修。 yeeyan

Debris flow does harm to mountain environment in destroying the earth's surface, wrecking ecosystem and silting up rivers.
泥石流对山地环境的危害,主要为破坏地表、破坏生态系统的淤堵江河; cnki

It's also the largest dam removal in the history of a country with 80,000 of the man-made structures, many of them aging, silting up, and no longer useful or at least necessary.
这也是美国历史以来最大规模的大坝拆除项目,将拆除80,000个人造构件,其中大多数已经老化,淤塞,无用至少是不必要了。 www.ngmchina.com.cn

Storage is essential to provide supplies in winter two-fifths of the Indus's flow comes from the summer melting of glaciers but Pakistan's two big dams are silting up.
蓄水对于冬季供水至关重要五分之二的印度河流量来自夏季冰川融水,可巴基斯坦的两个大水坝已经淤塞。 ecocn.org

Silting up river course, reservoir and channel.
淤塞河道、水库和渠系; cnki




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