

单词 silliness
释义 sil·li·ness 英'silinis美'silinis 高COCA³⁴¹¹⁸BNC⁴¹¹²⁰iWeb²²⁵⁴⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a ludicrous folly;

the crowd laughed at the absurdity of the clown's behavior

an impulsive scatterbrained mannersilly愚蠢的
silli-ness名词后缀⇒n.愚蠢⁷⁵;糊涂²⁵近义词 folly愚蠢footle胡闹idiocy愚蠢rubbish垃圾madness疯狂inanity空虚fatuity愚蠢daftness愚笨stupidity愚笨absurdity荒谬puerility稚气giddiness眼花triviality琐事childishness幼稚mindlessness不注意senselessnesssenseless的名词…fatuousnessfatuous的名词形式…

用作名词We won't listen to anysilliness.我们不要再听到任何愚蠢的事。
It was only in retrospect that thesillinessbecame profound.只是在回顾中才意识到,当时看似愚蠢的言行意义却如此深刻。noun.folly
同义词 absurdity,craziness,foolishness,goofiness,stupidityinanity,ineptitude,puerility,senselessnessinaneness
反义词 sensesensibleness
absurditynoun ridiculous situation or behavior
crazinessnoun foolishness
folliesnoun nonsense, ridiculous idea
absurdities,craziness,daftnesses,dottinesses,dumb thing to dos,dumb tricks,fatuities,foolishness,idiocies,imbecilities,impracticalities,imprudences,inadvisabilities,inanity,indiscretions,irrationalities,lunacies,madnesses,obliquities,preposterousnesses,rashness,recklessness,senselessness,silliness,stupidities,trivialities,unsoundnesses,vices,witlessnesses
follynoun nonsense, ridiculous idea
absurdity,craziness,daftness,dottiness,dumb thing to do,dumb trick,fatuity,foolishness,idiocy,imbecility,impracticality,imprudence,inadvisability,inanity,indiscretion,irrationality,lunacy,madness,obliquity,preposterousness,rashness,recklessness,senselessness,silliness,stupidity,triviality,unsoundness,vice,witlessness
foolishnessnoun idiocy, nonsense
absurdity,absurdness,bunk,carrying-on,claptrap,craziness,dumb trick,folly,fool trick,foolery,horse feathers,impracticality,imprudence,inanity,indiscretion,insanity,insensibility,irrationality,irresponsibility,ludicrousness,lunacy,mistake,poppycock,preposterousness,rubbish,senselessness,silliness,stupidity,tommyrot,twaddle,unreasonableness,unwiseness,weakness,witlessness
hoity-toityadjective pompous
arrogant,dizzy,flighty,giddy,pretentious,silliness,snooty,thoughtless Let me be clear that I don't buy into any of this silliness from some pundits about how winning such a prestigious honor could backfire on Obama.
我并不赞同一些学者认为这一荣誉会给奥巴马带来负面影响的观点。 blog.sina.com.cn

The inexorable progress of the Enlightenment, though it has sent devils packing and committed nymphs and sprites to the realms of silliness, has never managed to stamp out angels.
尽管启蒙运动的不可抵挡的进程已经让恶魔们滚蛋,也让小仙女和精灵们被认为是可笑的幻想,但天使却从未淡出。 ecocn

The principle of charity tells you that your interlocutor silliness is less likely than your bad interpretation.

With inadvertent silliness, North Korea had earlier chaired a UN plenary session on disarmament.
朝鲜早些时候碰巧还可笑地主持了一场关于裁军的联合国全体会议。 ecocn

Your stress-reduction plan may include a little silliness. Maybe taking a salsa dancing class after work a few days a week will help you to unwind better than would quiet meditation.
减压计划可能会包含一点愚蠢的部分,也许一周花上几天时间参加下班后的莎莎舞蹈课,要比安静冥想更有利于放松心情。 yeeyan

“ We do not have time for this silliness, ” Obama said in an easy- going appearance that turned serious when he addressed what he called a distraction from the real issues.
奥巴马表现得很放松,但在谈到这会让人从要事中分心时,转而严肃地说,“我们可没空处理这种蠢事。” putclub

Adding laughter and silliness to your life will be a game changer.
在你生活里加入爆笑点和傻气能改变你的游戏。 yeeyan

Adrian Riley, the boss, says the crunch is“a return to reality after a period of acute silliness” when high costs threatened his project’s viability.
老板 Adrian Riley说,在高花费威胁到其项目生存性时,这是“继一段及其糊涂的阶段后重回现实”的关键时刻。 ecocn

Bundled on to a plane to West Germany in 1974, he turned his fire on other targets, thundering against materialism, shallowness and the silliness of popular Western culture.
在1974年被塞进一架飞往西德的飞机后,他转移了他攻击的目标——他异乎寻常地反对物质主义,肤浅主义以及西方流行文化的愚蠢。 ecocn

Every technology has created new excess and silliness.
每一种技术产品都会带来新的超越和不足之处。 ecocn

Here's a piece of silliness that should definitely put a smile on your face, though we warn you that there are spoilers ahead.
尽管我告诉你下面有剧透, 但这张傻气的图片肯定会让你会心一笑. yeeyan

I hope I can invite him to dinner sometime and we can eat and drink and laugh at our silliness and speak proudly of our children.
我希望有机会邀请他一块聚餐,我们可以边吃边喝,一边笑谈我们的糊涂,也骄傲地谈论到我们的孩子们。 oeeee

It took me longer than it should have to appreciate that my wife and I shared a love of reading, listening to music, walking together, and laughing at silliness.
同样我理应在更年轻的时候就珍惜与妻子相处的点滴,我们一同享受阅读、散步、听音乐的时光,笑天下可笑之事。 yeeyan

It will make everyone laugh but also point out the silliness of the situation.
这不仅让在座的人会心一笑,同时也指出了这情形有多愚蠢。 yeeyan

Mr. Obama practically begged the public to set aside these distractions, expressing hope that his gesture would end the“ silliness” and allow a national debate about budget priorities.
奥巴马先生实际上是在恳求公众不要理会这些干扰,他会结束这种“愚蠢行为”的姿态表示希望并允许民众优先进行预算讨论。 yeeyan

Normally reserved Finns say there is no better way to celebrate the short summer months than with contests that add a jolt of adrenaline and silliness to bright summer nights.
在平日较为保守的芬兰人看来,没有什么方式比举办这些新奇有趣的比赛来欢度他们短暂的极昼夏日时光更为美妙了。 hxen

Organisers say the bizarre spectacle is to promote more silliness in the world and give people something to laugh at.
组织方表示,这样怪异的场景是为了给这个世界增添更多的诙谐荒诞,为大家提供一些笑料。 iciba

The sentence-ending preposition rule is an invented bit of silliness rightly ignored by many excellent publications.
这种介词后置的新规则是一种愚蠢的发明,许多优秀的出版物都忽视了这一点。 ecocn

The concept, the dream, the sheer lovely silliness of it all.
它的观念,它的梦想,它所有单纯可爱的糊涂。 zftrans

What I value most about my marriage is that it is separate and apart from a lot of the silliness of Washington, and Michelle is not part of that silliness.
我觉得我的婚姻中最宝贵的地方就是它和华盛顿许多愚蠢的地方不相干,而且米歇尔也不是这种愚蠢的一部分。 yeeyan

When deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again.
当深深遗憾其间时,他们渴望能在生命中再次地适时大笑和犯糊涂。 yeeyan




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