

单词 silently
释义 si·lent·ly 英'saɪləntli美'saɪləntli 高COCA⁶⁷⁰⁶BNC⁵⁹⁰¹iWeb¹⁰⁸⁹⁴Economist¹⁷⁶⁹⁸

without speaking;

he sat mutely next to her

近义词 mutely无言地quietly安静地noiselessly静静地soundlessly无声地inaudibly听不见似地taciturnly沉默寡言地wordlesslywordless的副词形…

The cat creptsilentlytowards the bird.那只猫一声不响地接近那只鸟。
He didn't shout or swear, but just glaredsilentlyat me.他不喊不骂,只是默默地怒视著我。
Ann froze with terror as the door openedsilently.门一声不响地开了,把安吓呆了。
With the setting of the sun, night comessilently.随着太阳的落下,夜晚悄悄地来到。
The cat was creepingsilentlytowards the mouse.猫悄悄地朝着老鼠爬过去。adv.without noise
同义词 calmly,quietlymutely,wordlesslyas still as a mouse,noiselessly,soundlessly,speechlessly,stilly,without a sound The Focus relies on a lithium ion battery pack to silently convey you up to100 miles.
该款福克斯依靠锂离子电池组,能无声的将你加速到100英里的速度。 yeeyan

The model and fragments will be merged silently in integration stream because the changes are trivial, given that User1 is the first to deliver changes to the stream.
模型和片段将会在集成流程中静静的得到合并,因为变更是平凡的,毕竟用户 1是第一个向流程提交变更的。 ibm

The others walked silently towards a destination.
其他人静静地朝目的地走去。 yeeyan

“ It was my first time, ” he continued, as she sat, silently, feeling tears gather behind her eyes.
“那是我第一次杀人,”他继续说,她静静地坐在那儿,泪水模糊了她的双眼。 yeeyan

At Ground Zero, the president silently took part in a wreath-laying ceremony in memory of those who died at the World Trade Center.
在世贸中心遗址,奥巴马总统静静地参加了一个敬献花圈的仪式,纪念那些在世贸中心遇难的人。 www.voanews.com.cn

For the able-bodied, it could allow workers to dictate documents silently to computers simply by thinking about what they want to say.
对于健康的人而言,它能让工人们静静地将文件输入电脑——只需要这些个人们想想自己想说些什么。 ecocn

He drank, and silently busied himself with the complex rituals of a pipe smoker.
他喝着酒,默默地忙活着抽烟斗的人装烟斗的复杂仪式。 yeeyan

He gathered his papers silently and left the chamber to discover more.
他默默地收拾起文件,离开办公室,去打探更多的消息。 yeeyan

He sat by the river and wept silently, but tears would not return her from the grave. Then, he remembered what she said.
他坐在河边默默地哭泣着,可是泪水无法使她唤醒,此时,他记起她所说过的一句话。 yeeyan

He was sent to the place of execution and force to walk the last fifty meters of his life silently.
他被送到执行死刑的地方,迫使他默默地走完人生的最后五十米。 hxen

He silently pleaded with me, almost as if to ask me why I was so intent on keeping him in the ignorance of childhood.
他在无声地恳求我,像是在问我为什么我那么坚持要把他留在无知的童年。 yeeyan

I pictured the poor woman shivering in the shower stall, silently counting, waiting for her three minutes to be up.
我勾勒出一副画面,一个可怜的女人站在淋浴室里瑟瑟发抖,静静的数着,等待她的三分钟到点。 yeeyan

I then focused on him, silently hoping for good news.
然后我集中注意力听他说话,默默地期待好的消息。 yeeyan

Many nights, I cried silently in my hammock, tears of self-pity streaming down my face.
许多个晚上,我在吊床上静静地哭泣,自伤自怜的泪水顺着脸往下淌。 yeeyan

Rather your customers tell you what’s on their mind than silently disengage, forgetting about you until their credit- card bill arrives.
宁愿你的顾客告诉你他们脑中的想法,而不愿他们默默脱离,忘记你,知道他们的信用卡账单来了。 yeeyan

Scientology preaches that, if you touch the wound to the object that caused the injury and silently concentrate, the pain lessens and a sense of trauma fades.
山达基鼓吹,如果你对着伤到你的对象触摸自己的伤口,并且默默地全神贯注,那么疼痛就会减轻,受伤的感觉就会渐渐消失。 yeeyan

She did not read or sew any more, but used to sit there silently, staring into the distance.
她不再读书,也不再做针线活儿,但常静静地坐在那儿,呆呆地望着远方。 hjenglish

She sat silently in a wheelchair, her93-year-old silhouette stooped in the bathing light.
她静静地坐在轮椅上,在浴灯下成为一个佝偻着的,93岁的剪影。 yeeyan

She sat silently, flinging the odd word into the conversation from time to time.

So, only silently ask myself in mind: Next happiness, when will come?
于是,也只有在心里默默地问:下一班幸福,几点开? hjenglish

So it silently began to heed to your needs and never let itself grow.
所以它默默地开始注重你的需求,停止了它自身的成长。 yeeyan

The light of my country, the sky of my country, had been silently calling me.
我的国家的阳光,我的国家的天空,一直在默默地召唤着我。 yeeyan

Then she sat silently and stared at it.
接着她静静地坐着盯着它看。 yeeyan

This elephant was not particularly closely related to the Virtues, but was standing silently over the corpse running her trunk all over the body.
这头大象与“美德”家族的关系并不是特别密切,但仍然是静静站在尸体旁,象鼻轻轻拂过她的整个身体。 yeeyan

Unfortunately, novice screenwriters are often so protective of their work that they only read it silently to themselves.
不幸的是,菜鸟级的编剧大都很宝贝他们的作品,他们只会默默地自己读给自己听。 yeeyan

We all picked up our books and filed out of the room silently.
我们都收拾起课本,整理好,一个个默默地走出教室。 ebigear

We all stood silently.
我们都静静地站着。 edu.sina.com.cn

When she tells him what she is thinking, he listens silently.
每当她诉说自己的想法时,丈夫总是默默的倾听。 yeeyan




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