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词汇 Sikorski
释义 Sikorski sɪˈkɔːrski Economist¹³⁸⁴³
And Radek Sikorski, the Polish foreign minister, praises the openness of the Kremlin in investigating the Smolensk air crash and says Poland is an ally.
波兰外长西科尔斯基赞扬克里姆林宫在调查斯莫林斯克坠机事件时的公开性,并称波兰是俄罗斯的盟国。 ecocn

Business likes that. Among its prominent members are the finance minister, Jacek Rostowski, an economics professor from Britain; and Radek Sikorski, the foreign minister.
在所有杰出成员中,有财务部长、英国经济学教授雅采克罗斯托夫斯基,还有外交部长雷德克斯考斯基。 ecocn

In1943 General Wladyslaw Sikorski, the leader of the Polish wartime government, died in a plane crash in Gibraltar.
1943年,波兰战时政府领导人弗拉斯迪劳•西科尔斯基将军,在直布罗陀坠机身亡。 ecocn

It has yet to be confirmed whether the embassy was deliberately targeted, Sikorski said, adding that the incident has been reported to Polish President Lech Kaczynski and Prime Minister Donald Tusk.
是否使馆为蓄意攻击的目标仍有待证实,西科尔斯基补充说,这一事件已报告给波兰波兰总统卡钦斯基和总理图斯克。 ourtra

Mr Sikorski is electable. He is Poland’s most popular politician and also something of an outsider he was educated at Oxford; his wife is American; he has worked at a Washington think-tank.
Sikorski是选举热门,他不仅是波兰最受欢迎的政治家,而且具有国外背景他曾在牛津深造;他的妻子是美国人;并且曾就职于华盛顿的智囊团。 ecocn

On August5,2011, visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi held talks with his Polish counterpart Radoslaw Sikorski in Warsaw.

Under Radek Sikorski as foreign minister, Poland has managed to improve relations with all its neighbours and, despite some hiccups, won a favourable security deal from America under Barack Obama.
Radek Sikorski就任外交部长期间,波兰一直试国改善与其邻国的友好关系,尽管有些小障碍,最后与奥巴马政府签订了相对有利的安全条约。 ecocn

Fitness mogul Rick Sikorski can't fathom why anyone would buy bottled water.
健身大师享里克•斯基不明白人们为什么会买桶装水; joyen

In a powerful speech in Berlin this week, Mr Sikorski said Germany was Europe's“ indispensable nation” and had to provide leadership.
本周,在柏林的有力演说中,西科尔斯基先生说道,德国是欧洲“不可或缺的国家”,必须展现出领导力。 ecocn

In a speech in Berlin Radek Sikorski, Poland's foreign minister, urged Germany to take action to save the euro zone.
在柏林的一次演讲中,波兰外交部长拉多斯瓦夫•西科尔斯基敦促德国采取措施以拯救欧元区。 ecocn

Kaczynski is the first serving Polish leader to die since exiled World War II- era leader Gen. Wladyslaw Sikorski in a plane crash off Gibraltar in1943.
自从二战时期波兰领导人瓦迪斯瓦夫-西科尔斯基将军于1943年在流亡时穿越直布罗陀海峡飞机失事遇难后,卡钦斯基是首位在任内死亡的波兰领导人。 yeeyan

Mr Sikorski has had a friendly meeting with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, in which they agreed to revive a commission to look at “ difficult issues”.
斯考斯基先生与俄罗斯的外长谢尔盖•拉夫罗夫 Sergei Lavrov进行了一次友好会谈,双方在会谈中一致同意恢复一个委员会,以处理那些“棘手问题”。 ecocn

Mr Sikorski wants NATO to move military infrastructure east.
西科尔斯基希望北约的军事基础设施能够东移。 ecocn

Poland is ready to give Russian inspectors access to a missile defense site that Washington hopes to build on Polish soil, Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski was quoted June5 as saying.
波兰外交部长 Radoslaw Sikorski6月5日称,波兰已完成相关准备工作,可允许俄罗斯检查员进入美国希望在波兰部署的导弹基地。

Poland’s foreign and ex- defence minister, Radek Sikorski, is an early front- runner.
波兰外交部长扎德克•西科尔斯基波兰前国防部长是最初的秘书长热门人选。 ecocn

Poland's foreign minister, the once- hawkish Radek Sikorski, is being similarly canny.
曾态度强硬的波兰外长西科尔斯基 Radek Sikorski也同样很精明。 ecocn

Radek Sikorski, the Polish foreign minister, questioned whether the promise of mutual defence from armed attack enshrined in Article 5 of NATO's charter was becoming “diluted”.
波兰外交部长西科尔斯基也在质疑,北约宪章第五条款中所承诺的对武装袭击的多边防御是否已经“失效”。 ecocn

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met her Polish counterpart, Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski, for more talks on a possible Polish role in a U. S. regional missile defense system in Europe.
美国国务卿赖斯会见了波兰外长斯考斯基,双方就波兰在美国于欧洲设置地区导弹防御系统中可能发挥的作用进一步商谈。 ebigear

That honour is normally reserved for Poland’s greatest heroes: the most recent to be buried there was Wladyslaw Sikorski, the country’s legendary wartime leader.
那样的荣誉通常是留给波兰最伟大的英雄们的:最近的一次是弗拉斯迪劳•西科尔斯基的葬礼,他是波兰战争时期的传奇英雄。 ecocn

The pilot said he found a smouldering bomb on board the plane taking Sikorski from Scotland to Canada on March21,1942.
这名飞行员曾透露,1942年3月21日,他在希科尔斯基乘坐的从苏格兰飞往加拿大的飞机上发现了一枚正在燃烧的炸弹。 cri

This may explain why Mr Sikorski has been working hard to reassure the Kremlin of late, even suggesting that Russia could one day become a member of NATO.
这或许可以解释为什么斯考斯基最近一直做克里姆林宫的工作以使其放心,他甚至还提出,俄罗斯将来某天也可能成为北约一员。 ecocn

Yet, as Mr Sikorski told Ukrainian officials, “ If you associate yourselves with us, we will hold you accountable to our standards.”
然而,就像西科尔斯基对乌克兰政府官员说的那样;“如果你拥护我们,就有责任遵守我们的标准。” topsage

Sikorski, for his part, congratulated China on its achievements of economic development.

Sikorski's Washington visit, which will also include talks with Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security John Rood.
斯考斯基在这次访问期间也将和负责武器控制及国际安全事务的国务次卿约翰。鲁德会谈。 tingroom

Now even Radek Sikorski, Poland’s foreign minister, advocates a rapprochement with Russia.
甚至波兰外长拉多斯瓦夫•西科尔斯基现在也呼吁同俄罗斯改善关系。 ecocn




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