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词汇 Sikh
释义 Sikh 英siːk美sikAHDsēk ★★☆☆☆高iWeb²⁰⁷³⁸Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

an adherent of Sikhism
of or relating to the Sikhs or their religious beliefs and customs印度宗教之一,教徒主要位于印度旁遮普邦,来自印度语 sikh,学徒,学生。
用作名词But another refugee case, involving a paralysedSikh, is beginning to test their patience.但是有个关于一位瘫痪的印度锡克教徒的难民案例开始考验他们的忍耐度。用作形容词Sikhboys and girls are initiated into the Khalsa at puberty.锡克教的男孩和女孩都在青春期启迪进入卡尔萨。
TheSikhreligion is an amalgam of the Muslim faith and Hinduism, simply and clearly expressed in the Panjabi language.锡克教是穆斯林信仰与印度教混合的宗教,简单和明确地用旁遮普语表达出来。 The Ministry of Defence launched the20 new menus along with18 halal, vegetarian and Sikh and Hindu variations.
国防部公布了20种新食谱,其中包括18种清真、素食以及锡克族和印度食品。 cri

The New York Times, in a New Delhi dateline report, quoted what it called an American official involved in planning as saying a visit to the revered Sikh religious complex had been ruled out.
纽约时报一篇发自新德里的报道引述一位据称是参与安排行程计划的美国官员的话说,奥巴马参观锡克教圣地金庙的计划被取消。 voanews

The upper house is called the Senate which has100 seats equally distributed among the four provinces of Pakistan with reserved seats for Hindu, Sikh, Christian, and other minorities.
上议院被称为参议院,它拥有平等地分配给巴基斯坦的四个州的100个席位,还保留了一些席位给印度教、锡克教、基督教和一些其他人数较少的叫牌。 ebigear

The Sikh challenge in the Punjab has dissipated.
在旁遮普邦挑事的锡克教徒已驱散。 yeeyan

The Sikh insurgency ended in the mid-1990s, but Indian authorities have remained reluctant to let visitors back to the Taj after sunset.
上世纪90年代中期,锡克教叛乱被平定,但是印度当局仍然不愿意让游客在日落之后重返泰姬陵。 ebigear

There is no professional Sikh priesthood: adults of either sex are eligible to carry out religious ceremonies, which consist largely in the reading of the Granth.
锡克教没有专业的祭司:任何性别的成年人都符合条件去履行宗教祭礼,主要是阅读锡克教的《圣典》。 iciba

But another refugee case, involving a paralysed Sikh, is beginning to test their patience.
但是有个关于一位瘫痪的印度锡克教徒的难民案例开始考验他们的忍耐度。 ecocn

By January, passions had spilled onto holy turf, with around a dozen churches, one mosque and a Sikh temple attacked.
到了一月份,这种敌对情绪一度殃及宗教场所,大概有12座教堂,一座清真寺和一座锡克教神殿遭到攻击。 yeeyan

Faced with imminent deportation, he sought sanctuary in July in a Sikh temple near Vancouver, but was arrested when he went to hospital to get treatment.
面对将要被驱除出境的危机,他七月份在温哥华附近的印度锡克教庙找到了庇护,但是当他去医院接受治疗时被逮捕了。 ecocn

His father was a Sikh and his mother was a Hindu.
父亲是锡克教教徒,而母亲则是印度教徒。 fortunechina

I might add that he is an Indian, a Sikh.
或许我应补充一点:他是印度人,是个锡克教教徒。 iciba

Immigrants like these Indians at a Sikh festival in Barcelona are bolstering Europe's stagnant population growth rate.
类似出现在巴塞罗纳锡克教节上这些印度人的移民正在充实欧洲停滞的人口增长率。 yeeyan

In 1967, Indian Nehru Gandhi became india's first female prime minister. She was assassinated in1984 by Sikh extremists.
1967年,印度人尼赫鲁.甘地成为第一位印度女总理。她于1984年被锡克教极端分子暗杀。 ebigear

In 1984 it led to the assassination of Indira Gandhi, India's prime minister, by her Sikh bodyguards.
1984年,印度总理英迪拉.甘地遭到刺杀,而凶手正是她的旁遮普邦的保镖。 ecocn

June23,1985. A bomb planted by a Sikh extremist blows up an Air India747 enroute between Toronto and Bombaywith stops in Montreal and London.
1985年6月23日,一个由极端锡克教徒安放的炸弹炸毁了一架印度航空飞往多伦多和孟买中途经停蒙特利尔和伦敦的747飞机。 yeeyan

On June27th the state government raised the stakes by authorizing the police to arrest Mr Singh for hurting Sikh sentiments.
在6月27 日州政府不顾一切决定,批准警察以损害锡克教徒的情绪为由拘捕辛格先生。 ecocn

One collection- point manager, a tall Sikh in a pink turban, says his family is in Canada but he would not dream of quitting his job to join them.
有一个收集点的管理者,他是锡克人,个子高高的,头上裹着粉红色的头巾。 他说,他的家在加拿大,但他不想为了和家人在一起而辞去这份工作。 ecocn

The kids can get free food at a nearby Sikh temple that feeds the homeless, or steal it from the railway kitchens.
这些孩子不会饿肚子,因为周边的锡克庙会为无家可归的人提供食物。 再不济,他们也能去火车餐车上偷取食物。 yeeyan

Yet when the three Asians died at a time of already charged emotions, the police called him in alongside other black, Muslim, Sikh and white representatives.
尽管三名亚裔人被杀当天社会情绪已甚为激动,警方还是将坎贝尔与黑人、穆斯林与锡克教代表等一同叫来。 ecocn




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