

单词 Sigrid
释义 Sigrid ˈsiɡrid COCA⁶⁶¹³²BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
Both Cerf and his wife, Sigrid, have hearing impairments. Cerf wears two hearing aids that enable him to not rely on lip reading or sign language.
塞佛和他的妻子西格丽德听力都不好,塞佛还戴了两个助听器,使他不必依靠唇读和手语。 deaf.cczu.edu.cn

I dedicate this book to my wife Sigrid and to my ten-year-old son Wolfgang, who helped me to write the computer program producing Fig.7.1.
谨以此书献给我的妻子西格丽德,和我十岁的儿子沃尔夫冈,他帮助我写了描绘插图7.1的计算机程序。 readfree

Sempre Susan: A Memoir of Susan Sontag. By Sigrid Nunez. Atlas& Co;144 pages; $20.
《永远的苏珊——忆苏珊·桑塔格》:西格丽德·努涅斯著,大力神出版社;144页;$20 ecocn

Sigrid Cerf who was deaf from the age of three, two years ago received a cochlear implant which enables her to hear in some cases better than a person without a hearing disability.
西格丽德。塞佛三岁时耳朵就聋了,两年前才被植入电子耳蜗,这使她能够在很多情况下比健听人能听到声音。 deaf.cczu.edu.cn

Sigrid Ivo, an art historian and daughter of the museum's founders, directs the foundation that now owns the collection and runs the museum.
Sigrid Ivo是一位艺术历史家,也是博物馆创始人的女儿。她领导的基金会拥有这些收藏品,并经营该博物馆。 ecocn




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