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词汇 Baltic
释义 Bal·tic 英ˈbɔːltɪk美ˈbɔltɪkAHDbôlʹtĭk 高iWeb¹⁷⁰⁴⁴Economist³⁹⁶⁶

a sea in northern Europe; stronghold of the Russian navya branch of the Indo-European family of languages related to the Slavonic languages; Baltic languages have preserved many archaic features that are believed to have existed in Proto-Indo European
of or pertaining to or characteristic of the Baltic States or their peoples or languagesof or near or on the Baltic Sea;

The Baltic republics

词源不确定,可能同belt, 指波罗的海像一根圆带子围绕着周围的陆地。Baltic States波罗的海诸国…Council of the Baltic Sea States波罗的海国家理事会…
近义词 Baltic sea波罗的海

用作形容词The North Sea and theBalticSea were mostly land.北美和波罗的海的大部分地区是陆地。
The port of London laid an embargo on all ships coming from theBaltic.伦敦港禁止所有来自波罗的海的船只入港。 A more hawkish camp, including Britain, Sweden, Poland and the Baltic states, want a fundamental rethink of relations with Russia.

In the event of a Russian threat, say to the Baltic states or Poland, would NATO act or merely consult?
对波罗的海国家或波兰来说,若受到俄罗斯威胁,北约将做出行动或是仅仅磋商一下? ecocn

Sweden’s role in shepherding Estonia and the other Baltic states back onto the map of the world is big and often overlooked.
在带领爱沙尼亚和波罗的海各国回到世界版图中,瑞典扮演着重要角色,但这点常常被忽略。 ecocn

The single biggest security problem in the region was left untouched by the Bush administration: the near-defencelessness of the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
布什政府未着手处理这个地区最大的安全问题:爱沙尼亚波罗的海诸国,拉脱维亚以及立陶宛几乎毫无防御能力。 ecocn

A French unit, comprised of150 personnel, took over the rotating role of patrolling the Baltic airspace from Germany.

Among Russia’s immediate neighbours, only the Baltic states, which slipped into NATO when Russia was weak, can claim such protection.
在俄国的邻国中,只有那些在俄罗斯疲软时加入北约的波罗地海国家能享受这种保护。 ecocn

And increasingly they affect not only estuaries and inlets, but also continental seas such as the Baltic, the Kattegat, the Black and East China Seas and the Gulf of Mexico.
而且它们不仅越来越多地影响河口和海湾,而且也影响内陆海,象波罗的海、卡特加特海峡、黑海、中国东海和墨西哥湾。 ecocn

Even if that prospect is unlikely, it sets nerves jangling in places such as the Baltic states.
即使这种情况不太可能发生,这也足以让波罗的海的国家神经紧张了。 yeeyan

I similarly condemn the illegal annexation of the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, just as I rejoice in their renewed statehood after 1991.
我同样谴责对波罗的海诸国的非法合并,这些国家包括爱沙尼亚,拉脱维亚和立陶宛,我很高兴1991年后他们重新各自独立。 ecocn

In exercises in2009 the Russians practised the invasion and occupation of the Baltic states.
俄罗斯在2009年的演习中,模拟入侵并占据波罗的海国家。 ecocn

No country between the Baltic, Black and Adriatic seas can boast a strong reformist government, and with a few exceptions the farther east you go, the worse it gets.
在波罗的海、黑海和亚得里亚海之间没有国家敢夸口拥有一个改革政府,而越往东走,情况越糟糕,只有少数地区例外。 ecocn

Now investors are starting to differentiate between the weak and the strong, singling out those countries such as the Baltic nations where the economic imbalances look egregious.
现在投资者开始区别对待经济弱国和强国,剔出那些经济失衡严重的国家比如波罗的海的一些国家。 ecocn

Outside the euro zone— in Britain, and in the Baltic republics, for instance— politicians have implemented reforms and austerity programmes with admirable speed.
欧元区之外——比如在英国和波罗的海共和国——的政客以令人羡慕的速度实行了改革和紧缩计划。 yeeyan

Peter’s second grievance arose from an incident during his visit in 1697 to Riga on the Baltic coast.
而彼得的第二个怨恨,来自于他在1697年对波罗的海滨城里加访问时的一个事件。 yeeyan

Russia pooh- poohs all this. It worries that Kaliningrad may be left an energy island as Lithuania and its Baltic neighbours integrate their power grids with the rest of Europe’s.
俄罗斯对这一切嗤之以鼻,它担心的是,若立陶宛及其波罗的海邻国的电网融入欧洲其他地区的电网,会使加里宁格勒成为能源孤岛。 ecocn

The final leg of my mini odyssey through the Baltic states is the125 miles from Tartu to Tallinn.
我在波罗的海诸国的小小探险旅行,最后一段是从塔尔图到塔林的125英里旅程。 yeeyan

The deal is a fillip for the Baltic countries, which have seen their economies slump.
这个交易对已经显示出经济衰退的波罗的海国家是一个刺激。 ecocn

The Baltic states, Scandinavia and Russia will be cooling down, but it’s nothing a few warm layers can’t handle.
波罗的海诸国、斯堪的那维亚半岛和和俄罗斯即将转凉,不过一些保暖衣物就足够应付了。 yeeyan

They were working with the soldiers of their Cold War adversaries Russia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and the Baltic states.
他们与冷战时代的对手俄罗斯、波兰、捷克共和国、匈牙利和波罗的海诸国的士兵们一起合作。 yeeyan

Unlike Georgia or the Baltic states, which had longer traditions of running their own affairs, Ukraine has had little experience of statehood.
与曾长期管理自己事务的格鲁吉亚和波罗的海诸国不同,乌克兰的主权国家经历寥寥无几。 yeeyan

When I was on my way to Russia, I spent some time on the estate of a Baltic nobleman whose sons had a passion for fencing.
在我去俄罗斯的路上,我花了一段时间去造访一位波罗的海贵族的宅邸,他的儿子们对剑术很有激情。 yeeyan

Yet if a country such as Hungary or one of the Baltic three went under, west Europeans would be among the first to suffersee article.
然而如果例如匈牙利或波罗的海三国中的一个国家没落的话,西欧人将是首当其冲的受害者。 ecocn

You can drive from the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean without even showing your passport.
你可以驱车从波罗的海开到地中海,中途甚至不用出示护照。 ecocn




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