

单词 sifts
释义 sift·s 英sɪft美sɪft COCA⁵⁵¹³⁸BNC⁷²⁷¹⁴Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
vt. 筛,筛滤

separate by putting through a sieve

vt. 细查,详审

make a close and thorough examination of things in a mass or group

move as if through a sieve;

The soldiers sifted through the woods

separate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements;

sift the flour

check and sort carefully;

sift the information

distinguish and separate out;

sift through the job candidates

sift through被筛下sift out筛出ring sift register环槽天线vibrating sift振动传送带式干燥机…sift the wheat from the chaff分清良莠
近义词 sort种类sieve筛子strain拉紧divide划分screen屏幕select选择refine精炼examine检查filter过滤器separate分开的go through经历sort through整理scrutinize仔细检查
S+ ~+n./pron.He was sifting the sand through his fingers on the beach.他正在沙滩上用手筛沙子玩。
The police was sifting the evidence.警察正在查证。
用作动词Sift the flour before making the cake.做蛋糕前先把面粉筛一下。
Snowsiftedthrough the crack in the roof into the room.雪从屋顶上的裂缝飘进屋里。
Sift out the wheat from the chaff.把小麦的壳筛出来。
She had tosiftashes from the cinders.她只好把煤渣中的灰筛出去。
The police willsiftthrough the data for clues.警察将从数据中仔细研究线索。
We have tosiftthrough the application forms very carefully to separate the wheat from the chaff.我们得把申请书仔细筛选一下以甄别优劣。 Here, a woman sifts sand in bombed out Berlin in 1948.
图为1948年一女性在被炸毁的柏林筛沙。 yeeyan

The idea is it sifts through your daily flood of incoming mail and picks out messages you'll like to see as important or valuable.
它能够过滤你每天收到的邮件,从中挑出它可能觉得对你重要或是要价值的信息。 hjenglish

The paradoxical thinking of poetry often spoils or sifts the special value of poetry;
诗之思的悖论性往往损害或过滤掉诗的那些特有价值; cnki

A flood survivor sifts through his mud soaked belongings after flash floods hit Nowshera, Pakistan.
山洪暴发袭击了瑙仕拉后,一名生还者筛选出他沾满泥浆的物件,巴基斯坦。 thehlc.cn

Andy grabs a handful of dirt and sifts it through his hands.
安迪抓起一把土,在手中拔拉。 blog.sina.com.cn

Foreign competition sifts and sorts firms, winnowing out the weakest firms and leaving a greater share of the market to their stronger rivals.
海外竞争将公司进行筛选并分类,扬弃了那些最弱的公司,而把更大的市场份额留给他们更强大的竞争对手。 dingdi

He sifts you to free you from your husks.
他将你们筛选,使你们摆脱麸糠。 readnovel

Results UPI sifts446“ a kind of question” students, confirm52 A students through interview;
结果 UPI筛查出“一类问题”学生446人,经访谈确定 A类学生52人; iciba

This portion of the personality translates inner data and sifts it through the subconscious, which is a barrier and also a threshold to the present personality.
人格的这部分翻译内部数据并通过潜意识进行筛选,对于当前人格来说,潜意识是一个屏障,也是一个门槛。 yytj.12.huyi2.com




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