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词汇 sifted
释义 sift·ed 英sɪft美sɪft 高GCOCA³⁵⁹⁶⁷BNC⁴¹⁵⁶²iWeb⁴³⁹¹⁰Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
vt. 筛,筛滤

separate by putting through a sieve

vt. 细查,详审

make a close and thorough examination of things in a mass or group

move as if through a sieve;

The soldiers sifted through the woods

separate by passing through a sieve or other straining device to separate out coarser elements;

sift the flour

check and sort carefully;

sift the information

distinguish and separate out;

sift through the job candidates

sift through被筛下sift out筛出ring sift register环槽天线vibrating sift振动传送带式干燥机…sift the wheat from the chaff分清良莠
近义词 sort种类sieve筛子strain拉紧divide划分screen屏幕select选择refine精炼examine检查filter过滤器separate分开的go through经历sort through整理scrutinize仔细检查
S+ ~+n./pron.He was sifting the sand through his fingers on the beach.他正在沙滩上用手筛沙子玩。
The police was sifting the evidence.警察正在查证。
用作动词Sift the flour before making the cake.做蛋糕前先把面粉筛一下。
Snowsiftedthrough the crack in the roof into the room.雪从屋顶上的裂缝飘进屋里。
Sift out the wheat from the chaff.把小麦的壳筛出来。
She had tosiftashes from the cinders.她只好把煤渣中的灰筛出去。
The police willsiftthrough the data for clues.警察将从数据中仔细研究线索。
We have tosiftthrough the application forms very carefully to separate the wheat from the chaff.我们得把申请书仔细筛选一下以甄别优劣。 And in a sprawling assortment of military bases, mansions, villas and farms, curious Libyans have sifted through the surprises and the horrors left behind by a42-year- old regime.
卡扎菲铁蹄下的军事基地、官邸、别墅和农场如今已破败不堪、狼藉一片,利比亚人民借此鼓足好奇心见证了卡扎菲42载专制政权所遗留下的惊异和恐怖。 yeeyan

Had the memories of our anthem trips sifted down and left some meaning?
我们国歌巡演的记忆有没有留下什么记忆呢? yeeyan

Having now sifted through a wide range of writings on the topic, it seems to me that improving your memory boils down to five key areas.
对众多的关于记忆的文字进行了筛选,在我看来,提高你的记忆力的关键浓缩到五个方面。 yeeyan

Here a worker returns sifted-out feathers and bones.
图为一名工人在倾倒筛分出的羽毛和骨骸。 yeeyan

Speculation about the fate of Mehsud himself rose steadily as intelligence officials sifted intercepts that indicated disarray in militant circles.
由于情报官员拦截到了显示武装分子内部混乱的信息,马哈苏德丧命的可信程度也稳步上升。 yeeyan

The afternoon went by;little grains of darkness sifted down.
一个下午就这么过去,黑夜的纱幕垂了下来。 yeeyan

The authors of the Nature paper sifted through data on these rocks, looking for the candidates that might be Trojans.
《自然》杂志论文的作者筛选了这些天体的数据,搜寻可能存在的特洛伊小行星。 ufochn

The bodies of dead animals have been removed and cleared away; the ruins have been sifted for human remains.
死去的动物尸体已被清除;废墟也已经为留下的人们清理完毕了。 yeeyan

The spring sunshine sifted through the young green leaves. Gay trills of song were everywhere.
春日的阳光透过嫩绿的树叶洒向人间,到处都是欢歌笑语。 yeeyan

Before serving, fold in2 tablespoons of sifted powdered sugar and a tablespoon or two of brandy, rum, or sweet liqueur, or a teaspoon or two of vanilla extract.
使用前,用2汤匙筛过的糖粉,或是一到两汤匙白兰地,朗姆酒或甜的利口酒,再或者是一到两茶匙的香草精,翻拌到奶油中去。 yeeyan

Concentrate on generating a large stock of ideas so that later on they can be sifted through.
致力于产生大量的想法以便于之后对他们进行筛选. yeeyan

Flour should flow into the air sifter to be sifted and to eliminate obstructions and is conveyed to the hopper of the mixer by the pneumatic conveyor.
面粉流送,进入风筛机,以除去有碍的物质,然后由气力输送系统送入混合机进料斗。 ebigear

He sifted through927 North American and European family trees posted on an online database by both amateur and professional genealogists, and tallied the sex ratios of siblings for each generation.
他细查了由业余和专业系谱学家提交至网上的来自北美和欧洲927个家庭的系谱数据库,并计算了每一代的性别比率。 yeeyan

He sifted through his papers to find the lost letter.
他仔细地在他的文件中查找那封遗失的信。 iciba

In Britain the Royal Shakespeare Company RSC sifted through seven years of sales data for a marketing campaign that increased regular visitors by 70%.
英国皇家莎士比亚公司 RSC为市场推广筛选了7年的销售数据,从而使常客的数量提升了70%。 yeeyan

In other words, I carefully sifted through all my mental baggage, and prioritized.
换言之,我小心筛选了所有心理垃圾并为他们排了序。 yeeyan

In the shop, he sifted through a big bin of brightly packaged condoms.
在商店里,他仔细审视这一大盒包装艳丽的避孕套。 yeeyan

It all starts with a load of finely detailed historical data that needs to be sifted through for gems.
这一切以大量非常详细的、需要经过筛选以找出有用东西的历史数据为开端。 iciba

It sifted the beneficial aspects of heterogeneous even foreign cultures and then converted them to suit the realities of society, which can loosely be called Sinofication.
它筛选出这种大杂烩式甚至是外国的文化中的精髓,然后将之转化,使之适应中国的社会现实。 yeeyan

The monthly Treasury International Capital report is sifted first and foremost for evidence that China might be edging away from its support for our overspending habit.
由于人们担心中国可能不再支持美国人过度消费的恶习,因此美国财政部的月度国际资本报告受到了人们的广泛关注。 yeeyan

There were accusations that some of the debris had not been sifted through.
有人指控说,有些废墟其实并未经过分类。 yeeyan

They tracked down the remaining Sassoon family in the Bahamas and sifted through piles of old party announcements.
而且他们还到巴哈马去追查沙逊家族的后人,并且在一堆堆旧的党的公告中查询所需资料。 yeeyan

To reach that conclusion the authors sifted through government data from1999-2005.
为证明这一结论,作者对1999至2005年的政府数据进行筛选分析。 yeeyan

When parents take the time to be with their baby, the information they receive gets sifted through their own experience.
当父母们和孩子在一起时,他们接收到的信息会经由原有经验过滤一番。 yeeyan

When we rest and dream, memories are sifted through, some discarded, others consolidated and saved.
当我们在睡眠和做梦的时候,头脑里的记忆会通过筛选,一些被丢弃,而另外一些得到了巩固和保存。 yeeyan

Working knee- deep in mud with the Vietnamese, our soldiers cut the mud into large chunks, took it to a nearby shed, and sifted through it.
我们的士兵和越南人一起站在齐膝深的泥里,把泥切成大块搬到附近的棚子里,然后再仔细筛滤。 yeeyan




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