

单词 Siebert
释义 Siebert ˈsiːbərt COCA⁵⁴³⁰³BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
“ If the other franchises are not so happy, they will be the first to tell you where the franchisor fell down on the job, ” Siebert says.
“如果其他特许经营是无法让人满意,他们将是第一个告诉您在哪里特许人倒在工作了,”伯特说。 lwtxw

“ No one is going to hire you because you need a job, ” adds Siebert.
没人会因为你需要一份工作而雇用你。 yeeyan

“The ability to understand how others act, think and live is a high-level skill, ” says Siebert.
“了解别人的行为、思想和生活是很高层次的能力。” Siebert说。 yeeyan

Companies therefore try to recruit for the long haul, which means they seek young blood, says Stan Siebert, a labour economist at Birmingham Business School.
伯明翰商业学校的劳动经济学家 Stan Siebert称,法国公司都想雇用能够长期工作的人,要寻求年青的血液。 ecocn

This month, writer Charles Siebert and photographer Michael Nichols explore Daphne's orphan elephant rehabilitation center, the Nairobi nursery of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.
作家查尔斯.西伯特和摄影师麦克.尼克尔斯本月探索达芙妮的小象孤儿康复中心——大卫.歇尔德瑞克野生动物基金会的内罗比托儿所。 yeeyan

Translating upsetting experiences into language not only diffuses intense emotions, but changes the way you view experiences, Siebert says.
把失意的经历变成文字,不仅会缓解强烈的情绪还会改变你看待经历的角度。 yeeyan

Siebert said the Expedia system failed doubly because the company should have figured out how to find us another hotel property, even if it were many miles away.
思博特称 Expedia的系统一错再错,因为它本应该帮我们找到另一家能入住的酒店,即使距离很远。 fortunechina




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