

单词 sidesteps
释义 side·step·s 英'saɪdstep美'saɪdstep COCA⁵⁹⁸⁷³BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a step to one side as in boxing or dancing
avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing duties, questions, or issues;

He dodged the issue

she skirted the problem

They tend to evade their responsibilities

he evaded the questions skillfully

sidestep for climbing a slope滑雪的侧步上坡…sidestep maneuver侧向机动
近义词 duck鸭肉hedge树篱evade逃避dodge避开skirt裙子avoid避免fudge软糖elude逃避bypass绕开put off不安swerve突然转向circumvent绕行parry挡开武器或打击…

用作动词He cleverlysidesteppedthe tackle.他巧妙地一晃,绕过阻截队员。
Try your best tosidestepfor sensitive issues like this.你应尽可能地回避像这类敏感的问题。
This attempt tosidestepthe question of what intelligence is was very ingenious.这种回避了什么是智能的问题的尝试是非常巧妙的。 Clint Eastwood's movie sidesteps the minefield by focusing on a single battle in the Pacific theater.
东木的电影巧妙地躲过了雷区,仅仅聚焦于太平洋战争中的一场战斗。 blog.sina.com.cn

For example, the“skunk works” structure sidesteps bureaucratic control long enough for a small team to produce results— and then reins in the team.
比方说,那种“科研重地、请勿入内”式的结构,避开了官僚体制的控制,其时间之长,既可以使科研团队出成果,但又对团队产生了约束。 sinaurl.cn

Haier says the new theory sidesteps the sticky question of what intelligence is, something that scientists have yet to agree on.
Haier说新理论绕开了什么是智力这一难缠的问题。在这个问题上,科学家们目前还没有达成共识。 yeeyan

In the interview, he sidesteps the question of whether a fourth military clash is inevitable after clashes in1962,1967 and1987: 'That's of course the100-million question, ' he says.
霍斯拉格在访谈中回避了中印第四次军事冲突双方曾在1962年、1967年以及1987年爆发过冲突是否不可避免的问题。他说,当然,这个问题很不好说。 iciba

Like a french minuet, markets seem to be moving in slow sidesteps until the economy moves forward out of the concentric circle caused by the past two years.
一如法式小步曲,市场正缓慢地从两年前的金融海啸中复苏起来。 tfcfinancialgroup

Making cars in Slovakia also cuts delivery times and sidesteps import taxes.
同时,在斯洛伐克生产汽车也削减了运输成本并规避了进口关税。 ecocn

Most tellingly, it sidesteps making any particular agency responsible for enforcement.
最能说明问题的是,警告中回避了由哪个部门负责执行的问题。 common-talk

Since uniparental ES cells are not derived from viable embryos, their harvesting and use sidesteps many of the ethical concerns that plague traditional ES cell therapies.
既然单系胚胎干细胞不是从可繁育的胚胎中获得,它们的收集和使用可以避开许多困扰着传统胚胎干细胞治疗的伦理学关注。 dxy

Tackling climate change by fostering a global technology' race' sidesteps many of the problems associated with emission-reduction targets, say the authors.
作者认为,培养全球技术竞赛来应对气候变化可以避免很多因为减排目标带来的问题。 knight0530x.vip151.2hezu.org

The FSF sidesteps several trickier issues.
FSF则回避了一些更棘手的问题。 ecocn

The marketing concept sidesteps the potential conflicts among consumer wants, consumer interests, and long-run societal welfare.
市场营销观念有意回避消费者欲望、消费者利益和社会长期福利之间的暗含的冲突。 blog.sina.com.cn

The approach sidesteps problems encountered in transplantation of cells grown ex vivo, such as immunological rejection, pathogen transmission, and potential formation of tumors.
本方法回避了离休生长细胞移植所遇到的问题如免疫排斥、病原体传播以及潜在的肿瘤形成。 medlive

This last solution sidesteps the same domain problem that's vexed these first three solutions, but it raises a whole new set of issues.
最后一种方法避免了上述三者的同一域问题,但是带来了一些新的问题。 ibm

This approach neatly sidesteps the sorts of issues raised by SOAP of how to send an XML document or a binary file inside a SOAP message.
这个方法巧妙地避开了 SOAP所引起的这类问题:如何在 SOAP消息中发送 XML文档或二进制文件。 ibm




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