

单词 sidelines
释义 side·line·s 英'saɪdlaɪn美'saɪdlaɪn COCA¹⁴⁸³⁴BNC¹⁹⁶³⁶Economist¹¹⁸⁶⁹
a line that marks the side boundary of a playing fieldan auxiliary line of merchandisean auxiliary activity
remove from the center of activity or attention; place into an inferior position;

The outspoken cabinet member was sidelined by the President

sideline ball边线球sideline shot直线球sideline occupation副业service sideline发球区边线sideline cut由对手外侧切入…sideline judge边裁side line副业,侧道
近义词 demote降级put off不安exclude排除lay off解雇pastime消遣pursuit追求offshoot分枝avocation娱乐hobby业余爱好put aside储存relegate使降级spin-off副产品downgrade使降低byproduct副产品shelve放在架子上out of bounds越界second job第二职业by-line报刊文章首、尾处的作…spinoff伴随的结果有用的副产品…secondary activity(限制酶的次级活性…put on the back burner问题暂时搁置一旁…

用作名词The ball went beyond thesideline.球出了边线。
He was forced out of thesideline.他被逼出边线。
Teaching English is mysideline.我的兼职是教英语。
Actually I'm a teacher, my writing is just asideline.我其实是个教师,写作只是我的兼职。
He is a fruit farmer; he keeps hens as asideline.他是果农, 外带养鸡。用作动词The player has beensidelinedby a knee injury.这名队员因膝部受伤而下场。
The vice-president is increasingly beingsidelined.副总统被日益排挤到权力中心之外。
Gallo had tried tosidelineMontagnier's contribution.加罗曾经努力排除蒙塔尼埃的贡献。 But if that recovery was ever on track, it was derailed this spring by the surge in energy prices and the earthquake that relegated Japan to the economic sidelines for a few months.
即使他所说的经济复苏的确一度走上正轨,这一趋势在今年春天又再次脱轨,罪魁祸首就是能源价格上涨以及使日本经济边缘化的大地震。 fortunechina

But it also reinforced nervousness about the effect in the opposite direction: the West increasingly needs a strong Asia to buy its goods as consumers elsewhere stay on the sidelines.
但是,它同时也加重了相反方向的紧张心态:当世界上其他地区的消费者保持观望时,西方对强劲的亚洲作为消费者购买西方产品的需求日益增加。 yeeyan

Even so, the Brookings study reckons it will be tough to persuade senior officers to give them up while most other arms of the state have their own sidelines.
即便如此,鲁金斯研究所估计,让政府高级官员放弃军方生意将是很费力的,因为其它各地方的机构也都有自己的副业。 ecocn

I recall fondly sitting on the sidelines of the court after we’d played until exhaustion.
每次回想起我们打完球瘫在边线上的场景都让我不禁莞尔。 yeeyan

I have been cheering them from the sidelines with everything I have.
我曾用我的全力从旁观者的角度鼓励他们。 yeeyan




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