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词汇 side
释义 side 英saɪd美saɪdAHDsīd

C 面; 侧面,边

any of the flat surface of sth; a surface of sth that is not its top, bottom, front, or back

C 方面

a part or quality to be considered, usually in opposition to another

C 一方,一边

a group with holds a position in a quarrel, war, etc.

A 侧面的,边的

at, from, towards, etc., the side

A 枝节的,次要的

beside or in addition to the main or regular thing

vi. 支持,站在…的一边

support sb or group in a quarrel, fight, etc.

a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location;

they always sat on the right side of the church

he never left my side

one of two or more contesting groups;

the Confederate side was prepared to attack

either the left or right half of a body;

he had a pain in his side

a surface forming part of the outside of an object;

he examined all sides of the crystal

dew dripped from the face of the leaf

an extended outer surface of an object;

he turned the box over to examine the bottom side

they painted all four sides of the house

an aspect of something as contrasted with some other implied aspect;

he was on the heavy side

he is on the purchasing side of the business

it brought out his better side

a line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure;

the hypotenuse of a right triangle is always the longest side

a family line of descent;

he gets his brains from his father's side

a lengthwise dressed half of an animal's carcass used for foodan opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute;

there are two sides to every question

an elevated geological formation;

he climbed the steep slope

the house was built on the side of a mountain

sports the spin given to a ball by striking it on one side or releasing it with a sharp twist
located on a side;

side fences

the side porch

take sides for or against;

Who are you widing with?



❌ She is always taking side of winners.

✔️ She is always taking the side of winners.

✔️ She is always on the side of winners.

✔️ She is always on the winners' side.

“站在…一方”可用take the side of, be on the side of, be on sb's side等表示,其中定冠词the不可省略。


❌ Mother always takes side with Tom in the argument.

✔️ Mother always takes sides with Tom in the argument.

take sides with意为“在争执中支持〔袒护〕某一方”,其中side要用复数形式。

on sb's side, on sb's part

这两个短语在用法上有所区别:前者多用作定语; 后者多用作表语。例如:

There is no objection on our part.我们并不反对。
The final victory is on our side.最后的胜利属于我们。side, angle, aspect, phase



下面各组中两个句子意思不同:There was a little white house on the side of the mountain.在山坡上有一栋白色的小房子。
There was a little white house by the side of the mountain.在山旁有一栋白色的小房子。
The baby slept on its left side.那婴儿向左侧身睡。
The baby slept at its mother's side.那婴儿睡在母亲身边。
Don't put on side when you have made progress.有了进步,不要得意忘形。
You are wise to put some water on one side.把水贮藏一点,你真高明。phase,aspect,side,angle






来自古英语 side,边,侧翼,腹部,来自 Proto-Germanic*sido,边,侧,来自 PIE*sei,投掷,发 送,悬垂,垂落。
用作名词 n.
动词+~burst〔hold〕 one's sides with laughter捧腹大笑take sb's side站在某人的一边take sides of〔with〕 sb袒护某人形容词+~all sides各方面blind side弱点both sides双方bright side光明面dark side黑暗面east side东面either side任何一边every side各方面far side远的一面left side左边losing side输方near side近的一面north side北面practical side实际的一面right side右边,对的一方south side南面weak side弱点west side西面wrong side错的一方名词+~lake side湖畔right hand side右侧river side河畔credit side贷方debit side借方介词+~at sb's side在某人身旁side by side肩并肩地,一起walk side by side并肩而行by sb's side在某人身旁by the side of在…的旁边〔附近〕by the side of his wife在他妻子旁边from a side从某一边from side to side左右摇摆from all sides从各方面,从四面八方from its best side从好方面from the other side从另一边on a side在一边,在某一面on the cheap side有点便宜on the dear side有点贵on the heavy side略重on the light side略轻on the other side在另一面on the safe side安全地~+介词sides of a problem问题的多方面side of the house屋子的侧面side of the road路边right side of cloth布的正面wrong side of cloth布的反面right side of the door门内wrong side of the door门外right side of 50不满五十岁wrong side of 50已过五十岁many sides to one's character性格的多方面two sides to every question每个问题的两个方面用作形容词 adj.~+名词side dish一碟小菜side door旁门side effect副作用side entrance侧门side issue枝节问题side remark旁注side view of an object物体的侧面side window边窗用作动词 v.~+介词side against反对…side with支持…
用作名词n.from〔on〕 all sides

从各个方向; 到处 in〔from〕 all directions; everywhere

from〔on〕 every side

从各个方向; 到处 in〔from〕 all directions; everywhere

let the side down

不帮助〔支持〕同事; 使同事感到失望 not give one's colleagues, etc. the help and support they expect, or behave in a way that disappoints them

on the big〔small〕, etc. side

偏大、偏小等 rather or too big, small, etc.

on the right〔wrong〕 side of

近似; 略多 nearly or just more than

on the side

暗地里,秘密地 secretlyShe's married but she has a lover on the side.她虽然已婚,但暗地里还有一个情人。

put on side

摆架子 pretend to be what one is not

side by side

相互支持 supporting each otherWe must stand side by side in this trouble and help each other.在这困难时刻我们必须团结一致,互相帮助。

split one's sides

捧腹大笑,开怀大笑 laugh heartily or violently

take on〔to〕 one side

把某人拉到一边以便私下交谈( talk to sb privately)

take sb on〔to〕 one sideI took her on one side to ask about her odd behaviour.我把她拉到一旁问她为什么有这种奇怪的举动。
I took Imes to one side to tell him the bad news.我把艾姆斯拉到一边,告诉他这个坏消息。take sides with

在争执中支持〔袒护〕某一方 favour or support one party in a dispute

小学英语速记音律记忆:走到side旁边,忽然hide躲藏非常记忆side死的⇒侧面那个人是死的近义词 bankedgefacehandcauseaspectborderfavoursupportboundaryindirectbefriendn. angledirectionincidentalirrelevantpartadj. flankingsecondaryv. agree反义词 top顶部bottom底部
用作名词n.A cube has six sides.立方体有6个面。
Which side of the box do you put the label on?你把标签贴在箱子的哪一面?
There is a garage built onto the side of the house.这栋房子的一侧建有一个车库。
Also alcohol sometimes sticks to the side of the tube.酒精有时会粘在管壁上。
The car must have gone into the side of the house at a tremendous speed.那辆汽车准是以惊人的速度撞上了房子的侧面。
The child ran to the side of the swimming pool and dived in.这位小孩跑到游泳池边,一头扎入水中。
The man called from the other side of the river, and his friend called back.那个男的隔河喊他的朋友,他的朋友也回喊。
The city was defended by mountains on three sides.这座城市三面有山的保护。
Please stand to one side, you're casting your shadow over my work.请你往边上站一站,你挡着我的光线了。
He was wounded in the right side.他的右胁受伤。
She is lying on her side.她侧卧着。
The village sits on the side of the hill.这村庄坐落在山腰上。
Have you considered both sides of the question?你是否把问题的两个方面都考虑到了?
Thank you, your view has helped to bring the historical side of the matter into focus.谢谢你,你的观点使这件事的历史渊源一清二楚了。
He was appointed to score for our side.他被指派为我方记分。
He hasn't declared himself. We don't know which side he will take.他还没有表明自己的立场,我们不知道他会站在哪一边。
The Minister has threatened to cross over to the other side if the government refuses to accept his decision.那位部长威胁说,如果政府拒绝他的决定,他就要改而加入反对派。
She is the debit side of the account.她是账簿中的借方。
I cannot agree with neither side.双方的意见我都不同意。
We should do justice to both sides.我们对双方都应公正。
The teacher stayed judgement till she could hear both sides.老师先不判谁是谁非,直到她听过双方的意见。
The two sides have agreed on the date of negotiations.双方商定了谈判日期。
The two sides solemnly declared,“The region must be made immune from any foreign interference.”双方庄严宣告:“必须使这一地区免受外国干涉。”
He said that both sides were arming themselves.他说双方都在武装着自己。
The enthusiasm of your side and the determination of the other balance each other out.你们劲头十足,对方决心很大,两者不相上下。
He is a cousin on my father's side.他是我的一个堂兄弟。
Mother told me to switch over to the other side.妈妈叫我转到另一面看看。
There's absolutely no side to Joan.琼非常谦虚。
There was a tree at by the side of the house.房子旁边有一棵树。
She walked at by his side.她走在他身边。
A little girl was sitting by his side.一个小姑娘坐在他旁边。
There is a bus by the side of the road.路边有一辆汽车。
On each side stands an attendant.每侧都站着一个服务员。
On either side of the rostrum sat representatives of parents, teachers and Red Scarves.台两边,坐着家长代表,教师代表和红领巾代表。
The lake is surrounded by allsides.该湖四面环山。
The bus station is on the right side of the road.公共汽车站在马路的右边。
The room is on the north side of the house.该房间在这座房子的北侧。
All the rivers on the east side of England drain into the North Sea.英国东部所有的河水都注入北海。
Write on only one side of the paper.请只在纸的一面书写。
This coin has the queen's head on one side and a lion on the other.这块硬币一面是女王的头像,另一面是狮子。
The fault must be your side.一定是你的错。
They are on my side in this issue.在这个问题上,他们跟我们的立场一致。用作形容词adj.
~+ n.There is a side door here.这儿有一个侧门。
Don't divert the subject into a side issue.别把话题转向枝节问题。
The main dish was meat, with various vegetables as side dishes.主菜是肉,加上各种蔬菜作为小菜。
We not only have to understand technology, we must also predict its side effects.我们不仅需要了解技术,而且还必须预见它的副作用。用作动词v.
S+~+AMr. White sided with me in the argument.在辩论中怀特先生站在我一边。
They sided against the plan to go by plane.他们反对坐飞机去的计划。
He sided with his sister against the others in the class.他在班上支持姐姐反对其他同学。
On the initial, preliminary vote, six jurors indicated they sided toward “not guilty”.在最初预审投票时,有五个陪审员表示他们倾向于无罪。Psideband边带Psidehead侧标Psidebands边带Psidecarn.边车Pset-aside取消Ponsiden.不越位Psidebonen.叉骨Psidenoten.旁注Psideseatn.边座Psidespinn.侧旋Psidestream支流Psidetonen.侧音Psidemann.伴奏者Psidepiecen.侧部Ptopsiden.干舷部Pquaysiden.码头区Psideswiper边扫帚Psidewalkn.人行道Pall-sideda.全面的Pbesideprep.在旁边Poffsiden.外侧越位Pside-pressure侧压Pside-step闪开规避Psidearma.侧投球的Psideboardn.餐具柜Phearthsiden.炉边家Phillsiden.山坡山腹Pironsiden.勇敢的人Psidekickn.助手插袋Pantisidetone反侧音Priversiden.河边河畔Pside-effectn.副作用Psideda.有边的有面的Pall-sidedlyad.全面地Ppoolsiden.游泳池池边Psidesaddlen.横鞍女鞍Psidesmann.教会副执事Psidewardsad.向旁边地Pupsiden.上侧上段上部Pwatersidern.码头工人Pall-sidednessn.全面性Pside-glancen.侧视斜视Pside-loader侧向装卸机Pside-view侧视图侧面图Psidelingad.斜着a.斜的Pwaysiden.路旁a.路旁的Pbacksiden.背部背后后方Pmountainsiden.山腹山腰Pside-whiskersn.连鬓胡子Psideburnsn.连鬓胡子鬓脚Psidestroken.侧泳vi.侧泳Psidewayn.小路人行道旁路Pundersiden.下面下侧底面Pside-bara.兼任的非主要的Pside-cut侧馏分侧取馏出物Psilversiden.牛臀肉银汉鱼Pinside-deviation内面偏差Plop-sideda.倾侧的不平衡的Pportsidern.左手投手左撇子Pside-draw侧馏分侧取馏出物Pside-winda.间接的不正当的Pmany-sideda.多边的多方面的Proadsiden.路旁路边a.路边的Pshipsiden.供船舶停靠的地区Psidehilln.山坡山侧a.山坡的Psidesplittern.极滑稽的故事Psidewalln.边墙侧壁轮胎侧壁Pbedsiden.床边a.床边的临床的Psidelightn.侧线侧灯舷灯杂闻Psideslipn.侧滑私生子vi.侧滑Pwatersiden.水边海滨湖滨河滨Pseasidea.海边的海滨的n.海滨Plopsideda.倾向一方的不平衡的Pslab-sideda.侧面扁平的细长的Pcountrysiden.乡下地方乡下居民Poversidead.从船边在唱片的反面Psidesplittinga.令人捧腹大笑的Pupside-downa.颠倒的乱七八糟的Pnearsiden.近的一边左边a.左侧的sideP-by-sidea.并肩的并行的Psideshown.杂耍附属活动枝节问题Pbesidesprep.除…之外ad.而且此外Pportsidea.左边的左派的惯用左手的Pside-wheelern.明轮船惯用左手的人Psideboardsn.络腮胡子鬓脚连鬓胡子Ptwo-sideda.有两面的双边的两重性的Psideswipevt.沿边擦过n.侧击间接的抨击Pinsidern.内部的人权威人士知道内情的人Pasiden.小声说的话旁白ad.在一边离开另外Pdownsiden.负面缺点下降趋势底侧a.底侧的Psidewindern.侧击横击保镖花钱雇用的打手Psidewaysad.向旁边向侧面地a.旁边的向侧面的Psidewisea.向一边的横斜的ad.向一边地横斜地Pstatesidea.大陆美国的美国国内的ad.在大陆美国Palongsidead.在旁边靠拢着prep.在…旁边与…在一起Pfiresiden.炉边家庭家庭生活a.在火炉边的非正式的Pringsidea.紧靠比赛场的n.比赛场的外围比赛场的前缘Psidelongad.横向地向侧面斜着间接地a.横的斜的间接的Psidetrackn.侧线次要地位vt.转入侧轨转变话题拖延处理Psidelinen.副业旁线界线兼职旁观者看法vt.使退出比赛场地Psidewarda.侧面的从旁边的向旁边的ad.侧面地从旁边向旁边Poutsiden.外面外表外界a.外面的外表的外界的ad.外面外表外界Pinsiden.内部内脏内幕a.内部的秘密的户内的ad.在里面prep.在…之内Psidestepn.横跨的一步台阶vt.横跨一步躲避回避vi.回避问题躲避打击Poutsidern.外人局外人非会员外行门外汉比赛中获胜可能性不大的选手Pone-sideda.只有一边的不公正的单方面的片面的一边倒的一边占优势的



side也可指“边缘或边界的地方”,如床边的桌子by the side of one's bed; 还可指平而薄的东西如纸、布、金属片两面之一的“面”。

side还可指垂直或近似垂直物的“内侧或外侧”,如山的坡面the side of the mountain; 用于人指“人体的左侧或右侧”,尤指腋至臀的部分,即“胁”。




表示“在…旁边”时, side前可加介词by或at; 表示“在街、路、河的某一边”时用by the side of; 表示“在街、路、河的每〔两〕边”时用on each〔either,both,all〕 sides of; 表示“在物体的某一面”时用on…side; 表示“在争论中站在某一方”时用on sb's side。






用作名词My house is the ninth on the rightside.我的房子是右边第九幢。
The park is just on the leftsideof this street.公园就在马路的左侧。
We planted tulips along thesideof the lawn.我们沿草坪的边缘种上了郁金香
The town sprawled along thesideof the lake.小镇顺着湖的边缘扩展。
Thesideof the boat had been staved in.那艘船的侧面已过凿穿了。
A square has foursidesbut a circle has nosides.正方形有四条边,而圆形没有边。
A cube has sixsides.立方体有六面。
I am always the winningside.我一直是获胜方。
He took neithersidein the dispute.在争论中他任何一方都不参加。
She argued hersideof the case well.她有理有据地陈述了自己的意见。
The grandfather on his mother'ssideis still living.他外祖父还健在。用作形容词He came in through asidedoor to avoid the crowds.为了避开人群他从旁边的门进来。
The teacher would like to discuss thissideissue later.老师想晚点谈论这个并不重要的问题。用作动词She alwayssidedwith my brother.她总是带在我哥哥那边。
Why do you alwayssideagainst me ?你为什么总站在我的对立面?adj.minor;flanking
同义词 incidental,lateral,oblique,postern,roundabout,secondary,skirting,subordinate,subsidiaryancillary,indirect,lesser,marginal,not the main,off-center,sidelong,sideward,superficial
反义词 chief,direct,important,necessary,straightforward,superior,vitalmajor,seriousnoun.edge, exteriority of object
同义词 border,bottom,face,front,hand,part,rear,sector,surface,top,viewaspect,attitude,boundary,direction,disposition,division,elevation,facet,flank,haunch,hillside,jamb,lee,limit,loin,margin,perimeter,periphery,posture,quarter,rim,stance,stand,verge,wing
反义词 back,inside,interior,middle,rear,whole,centerextremitynoun.point of view
同义词 hand,positionangle,appearance,aspect,belief,direction,facet,light,opinion,outlook,phase,slant,stand,standpoint,viewpointnoun.viewpoint or group
同义词 faction,part,party,teambehalf,belligerent,camp,cause,combatant,competition,contestant,crew,enemy,foe,interest,lineup,rival,sect
advocateverb support idea or cause publicly
advance,advise,argue for,back,be in corner,bless,bolster,boost,brace up,build up,campaign for,champion,countenance,defend,encourage,favor,further,get on bandwagon,give a leg up,give a lift,go for,go to bat for,go with,hold with,justify,plead for,plug,plump for,press for,promote,propose,push,recommend,ride shotgun for,root for,run interference for,say so,speak for,spread around,stump for,support,tout,uphold,urge,vindicate
advocatesverb support idea or cause publicly
advances,advises,argues for,backs,blesses,bolsters,boosts,brace up,builds up,campaign for,champions,countenances,defends,encourages,favors,furthers,gets on bandwagon,gives a leg up,gives a lift,goes for,goes to bats for,goes with,holds with,is in corner,justifies,pleads for,plugs,plumps for,press for,promotes,proposes,pushes,recommends,rides shotguns for,root for,runs interference for,says so,sides,speaks for,spreads around,stump for,supports,touts,upholds,urges,vindicates
advocatingverb support idea or cause publicly
advancing,advising,arguing for,backing,being in corner,blessing,bolstering,boosting,brace up,building up,campaign for,championing,countenancing,defending,encouraging,favoring,furthering,getting on bandwagon,giving a leg up,giving a lift,going for,going to batting for,going with,holding with,justifying,pleading for,plugging,plumping for,press for,promoting,proposing,pushing,recommending,riding shotguning for,root for,running interference for,saying so,siding,speaking for,spreading around,stump for,supporting,touting,upholding,urging,vindicating
anglenoun personal approach, purpose
aim,approach,aspect,direction,hand,intention,outlook,perspective,plan,point of view,position,side,slant,standpoint,viewpoint
anglesnoun personal approach, purpose
aspectnoun element to consider
angle,bearing,direction,facet,feature,gimmick,hand,outlook,perspective,phase,point of view,position,prospect,regard,scene,side,situation,slant,switch,twist,view,vista




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