

单词 sick person
释义 sick person sikˈpə:sən 短语³¹⁶⁸⁰

a person suffering from an illness近义词 sufferer受难者
No self-respecting doctor would refuse to treat asick person.凡是有自尊心的医生都不会对病人置之不顾的。
Asick personis often feeble.病人常常虚弱无力。as in.patient
同义词 case,inmate,subject,sufferer,victimconvalescent,emergency,invalid,outpatient,shut-in
反义词 doctor
patientnoun person being treated for medical problem
case,convalescent,emergency,inmate,invalid,outpatient,shut-in,subject,sufferer,victim A makeshift bed was rigged up for the sick person.
为病人临时搭了一张床。 putclub

The medium of the that year, more than 80 nations and region declare toward the world: Disable and sick person's higher education in China is from here born!
当年,80多个国家和地区的媒体向世界宣布:中国残疾人高等教育由此诞生! iask.sina.com.cn

The sick person's travel must be recommended by a recognized medical authority.
病人的行程必须由一家被认可的医疗机构推荐。 gatefanyi.com

Draw a sick person, then write6 sentences.
画一个病人,对照着这个病人写六个句子。 blog.sina.com.cn

Good care may prolong the sick person's life.
良好的照顾能延长病人的寿命。 cndzq

He is a sick person.
他是个病人。 blog.sina.com.cn

He said that a sick person could press a coin into a tree and their illness would go away.
他还说,病人把硬币敲进树干就可以痊愈。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

However, attending a JanazahFuneral or visiting a sick person or leaving for any emergency is permissible.

However, if each sick person only infected two people a day, after10 days, then only about1,500 people would get sick.
而如果每位病患每天只传染两个人,那么10天后总的患病人数就只有1500人左右。 cnbeta

If any sick person ask you what they are, foretells there will be surprising events in your present and future.
如果梦到一个病人问你它是什么,表明你的生活中会有惊喜事情发生。 blog.sina.com.cn

It two is a disable and sick person to the community live of equal, completely participate, namely the community inclusion.
其二是残疾人对社区生活的平等、全面地参与,即社区融合。 fabiao

Not every sick person likes the answer.
然而并非每一个病人喜欢所给出答案。 ecocn

Objects such as food, clothing, bedding and dishes that have been used by the sick person may have germs on them .
病人用过的物品如食物、衣服、被褥及餐具上都可能有细菌。 iciba

Since a sick person tends to be unhappy, people worldwide have spared no efforts to stay healthy.

The sick person need be taken good care of.
那病人需要很好地照顾。 examw

There always is a last wound like that which will not close, and which prolongs the dressings indefinitely, to the great annoyance of the sick person.
常常会有最后一个不易愈合的伤口,使病人极其厌烦地忍受着长期的包扎。 ebigear

They think that by teaching a sick person various hatha yoga techniques for his different ailments he will get better.
他们认为根据病人的不同症状来教授各种对应的哈他瑜伽技巧,病人就会好起来。 blog.sina.com.cn

When you go to the doctor with a medical problem, you are a“ sick person in need of treatment”.
当你有健康问题去看医生的时候,你是一个“需要治疗的病人”。 blog.sina.com.cn




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