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词汇 sicker
释义 sick·er 英'sɪkə美'sɪkə COCA³³⁷⁹⁹BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺
形容词 sick:
affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental functionfeeling nausea; feeling about to vomitaffected with madness or insanityhaving a strong distaste from surfeitof light lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feebledeeply affected by a strong feelingshockingly repellent; inspiring horroradj.not healthy, not feeling well
同义词 ailing,confined,debilitated,declining,disordered,down,frail,funny,green,hospitalized,ill,impaired,imperfect,incurable,indisposed,infected,invalid,mean,nauseated,peaked,suffering,tottering,wobblybedridden,broken down,defective,delicate,diseased,feeble,feverish,in a bad way,in poor health,infirm,laid-up,lousy,not so hot,poorly,qualmish,queasy,rickety,rocky,rotten,run down,sick as a dog,under medication,under the weather,unhealthy,unwell,weak
反义词 healthy,perfect,sound,strong,wellclean,content,gentle,happy,moral,nice,pleased,satisfiedundiseasedadj.morbid, gross
同义词 blackghoulish,macabre,morose,sadistic,sickly
反义词 undiseasedhappy,nice,gentle,clean,well,satisfied,pleased,content,moral,healthyadj.fed up, displeased
同义词 tired,jaded,weary,disgusted,boredblasésatiated,revoltedup to here with
反义词 undiseasedhappy,nice,gentle,clean,wellfresh,activatedsatisfied,pleased,content,moral,healthy And that lack of openness, Heywood argues, is making us sicker: With data scarce, there's no clear way for physicians to know what treatments are working for other practitioners.
海伍德还认为,缺乏开放正在使我们病情加重:由于资料难得,医生就没有明确的途径了解其他行医者有什么有效的治疗方法。 yeeyan

As they feed antibiotics to animals to keep them healthy, they are making our families sicker by spreading these deadly strains of bacteria.
他们喂养给动物抗生素的同时,也使得那些致命的菌株传播到我们的家里。 yeeyan

Far from improving, the funding profile of the Western banking system has been getting even sicker this year.
西方银行体系的资金投资问题不仅没有好转,并且今年情况恶化。 ecocn

In other words, we can prescribe the application of a given pattern and find, to our chagrin, that the patient in our case, a software development organization becomes sicker, and may even die.
换句话说,我们对一个特定的模式开处方,但是令我们感到懊恼的是,这个病人在我们的例子中是一个软件开发组织的病情变得更加严重,甚至可能死去。 ibm

That may be true for the healthy, say critics; sicker workers will see their health costs soar.
批评人士说,对健康的人来说的确如此,可有病之人就要眼见着他们的医疗费用飞涨了。 ecocn

The causes of death were not available, and part of the explanation for the disparity may be that patients given the defibrillators inappropriately were sicker to begin with.
死亡原因不可预见,存在差距的部分原因可能是不恰当给予除颤器的患者一开始就更为虚弱。 yeeyan

The totalitarian ones are both sicker and harder to dislodge.
极权主义者更加病态,更难让他下台。 yeeyan

All of which raises the question of why middle-aged Americans are so much sicker than their English counterparts.
所有的这一切都引出一个疑问,为什么美国的中年人没有英国的中年人健康呢? ecocn

AS THE developed world grows older and sicker and the developing world gets richer and fatter, demand for health care will only grow.
随着发达国家老弱人群的增长及发展中国家富人和肥胖人口的增多,人们对卫生保健的需求量将继续加大。 ecocn

As the rich world gets older and sicker and the poor world gets wealthier and fatter, the market for medical innovations of all kinds is bound to grow.
随着富裕国家人口变得老龄化,多病化,贫困国家人口变得更富有,更肥胖,各种医药创新的市场必将得到成长。 ecocn

As a nation, we're getting sicker, and many people are less able to pay the expenses that might help them to get better.
作为一个民族,我们的病越来越多,并且很多人越来越不能,负担可以帮助他们治疗的费用。 yeeyan

Because this imposes unfair burdens on firms that attract lots of older or sicker people, reform is likely to include government- funded mechanisms for risk pooling or reinsurance.
由于这会给吸引大量老年人和病人投保的保险公司带来不公正的负担,改革很有可能囊括政府筹资的聚险与再保险机制。 ecocn

But is he that much sicker this week than he was last week? Or last month?
但跟一周前或一个月前相比,他的病情真的出现了明显的恶化吗? fortunechina

But he is a lot sicker than doctors realized when they prescribed it.
但是他比医生认识到并开药医治它更重得多。 yeeyan

But the boy grew sicker. Respiratory arrest set in, and he died.
但是小男孩的病情恶化,呼吸停止死亡。 yeeyan

Despite the most advanced medical technology in the world, we are sicker than ever by nearly every measure.
尽管有世界上最先进的医学技术,几乎用每个尺度来衡量我们比以往有更多疾病。 yeeyan

He had gone to Gujarat in mid- July in search of migrant work but then quickly returned after Jogdiya and Nani became sicker.
本来七月中旬的时候,胡依在古吉拉特邦准备打点零工,但乔格迪亚和纳妮相继病重,他只能返回家乡。 yeeyan

Hospitals can be dangerous places. We go there to get well, but sometimes people get sicker or even die because of infections they contract in the hospital.
医院也可能是个危险的地方。我们去医院是为了治病,但是有时会因为在医院遭受感染而病情加重,甚至死亡。 tingvoa

In ancient times, doctors often made people sicker with quack cures like bleeding.
古代时,医生常常乱给病人治疗如放血,而使病情加重。 yeeyan

Many people thought this bail-out and a smaller one involving Chrysler, an even sicker firm unwise.
众人皆认为这一援助连同另一金额较小的救助计划,救助对象为情况更糟的克莱斯勒并非明智之举。 ecocn

One factor in the high number of errors is that hospital patients tend to be sicker than they were years ago, Classen noted.
高医疗差错率的一个原因是,近期住院病人的病情比从前的严重。 yeeyan

Particularly insidious, counterfeit medicines dupe sick people into believing they are taking something which will make them well, when it may instead make them sicker or even kill them.
特别阴险的是,假冒药物欺骗患者,使他们相信他们正在服用的东西将使他们康复,而实际上却可使他们病得更重甚至造成他们死亡。 who

So what you need to know is that weakening environmental regulations would do little to create jobs and would make us both poorer and sicker.
大家必要明白的是,削弱环境保护的规定对创造就业几乎没有什么作用,但会使我们更加贫穷,健康水平进一步下降。 yeeyan

So those demanding spending cuts now are like medieval doctors who treated the sick by bleeding them, and thereby made them even sicker.
所以,要求削减开支的人士就好比中世纪的医生,他们通过放血来医治病人,结果只能让病情加重。 yeeyan

Whether rich or poor, many patients trustingly taking medicines may end up sicker or die.
无论富人还是穷人,许多患者因相信而服用药物,最终可能不是病情加重就是死亡。 who

Yet a similar story emerged from a study in 2006 that used direct measures to compare the health of middle-aged people: the Americans were sicker than the English.
不过,2006年的一项研究直接比较了英美两国中年人口的健康程度,其结论是英国人比美国人健康。 ecocn




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