

单词 sickest
释义 sick·est 英sɪk美sɪk COCA⁴⁹⁰⁹⁰BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

physically or mentally unwell; ill

P 恶心的,想吐的

likely to vomit; nauseous


bored with sb/sth

P 心烦意乱的,恼火的

distressed or disgusted

U 呕吐物


people who are sick;

they devote their lives to caring for the sick

affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function;

ill from the monotony of his suffering

feeling nausea; feeling about to vomitaffected with madness or insanity;

a man who had gone mad

having a strong distaste from surfeit;

grew more and more disgusted

fed up with their complaints

sick of it all

sick to death of flattery

gossip that makes one sick

tired of the noise and smoke

of light lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble;

the pale light of a half moon

a pale sun

the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street

a pallid sky

the pale or wan stars

the wan light of dawn

deeply affected by a strong feeling;

sat completely still, sick with envy

she was sick with longing

shockingly repellent; inspiring horror;

ghastly wounds

the grim aftermath of the bombing

the grim task of burying the victims

a grisly murder

gruesome evidence of human sacrifice

macabre tales of war and plague in the Middle ages

macabre tortures conceived by madmen

eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth;

After drinking too much, the students vomited

He purged continuously

The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night


❌ She is sick in heart.

✔️ She is sick at heart.

表示“心里烦闷”通常用固定短语be sick at heart表示,其中的介词at不能改为in。


❌ I'm sick at winter; why doesn't spring come?

✔️ I'm sick of winter; why doesn't spring come?

表示“讨厌或厌烦…”须用be sick of sb/sth 结构,其中的介词of不能改为at。

sick at, sick for, sick of, sick with

这四个短语意思不同:sick at表示“对某事感到懊丧或不高兴”,相当于sick about 。sick for表示“渴望,盼望”,相当于eager for。sick of表示“对某人或某人做某事感到厌恶或不耐烦”,相当于tired of。sick with意思有三:一是“因…呕吐”,相当于sick from; 二是“患…病”,相当于sick of; 三是“对…懊丧或不高兴”,相当于sick about。

sick, ill



She's visiting her sick uncle in hospital.她到医院去看望生病的叔叔。
The man looks pretty sick.这人看上去病得很重。
We began to feel sick as soon as the ship started to move.轮船刚刚开动,我们就觉得恶心。sick, sickly


sick主要用于人,而sickly既可用于人,也可用于其他生物或非生物。用于人时, sick通常指“小恙”,含有“暂时”的意味; 而sickly往往指“痼疾”,含有“慢性”或“经常性”的意味。例如:

The sick boy is a friend of my son's.这个生病的男孩是我儿子的一位朋友。
The mother was lulling her sickly baby to sleep.母亲在哄她多病的孩子入睡。

sickly用于其他生物时,也具有“不健康的”意义; 修饰非生物时,含有“令人厌恶的、不好的”意味。例如:

These plants look rather sickly.这些植物看起来有些不健康。
There is a sickly smell.有一股令人作呕的气味。下面两句意思相同:

I feel sick in the stomach.

I am sick at the stomach.我感到反胃。ill,sick




用作形容词 adj.
~+名词sick look病容sick mother生病的母亲sick smell令人作呕的气味sick benefit病假津贴sick leave病假动词+~fall sick生病get sick不舒服feel sick感到不舒服look sick脸色不好~+介词sick about对…很不愉快sick at对…不愉快sick at failing the examination为考试未能及格而不快sick at heart忧心忡忡sick for渴望,想望sick for one's home想家sick in the car晕车sick of得…病,厌恶…的sick of a fever发烧sick of lies厌恶说谎sick of waiting等得不耐烦sick to one's stomach恶心的,作呕sick with患…病,对感到不快〔懊丧〕sick with flu患流行性感冒sick with sb for being so late怪某人来得太迟用作名词 n.动词+~heal the sick治愈病人nurse the sick护理病人visit the sick探望病人介词+~full of sick充满呕吐物
用作形容词adj.as sick as a parrot

非常失望、妒忌等 very disappointed, envious, etc.

近义词 illweakinfirmsicklyunwellindisposedadj. ailing反义词 halewellstronghealthyadj. fine
~+ n.He is a very sick man.他病得很严重。
The sick boy bathed himself in sunlight.这个生病的男孩在晒太阳。
He visits his sick uncle in hospital every day.他每天去医院看望生病的叔叔。
He is in search of a doctor for his sick girl.他正在为自己生病的女儿寻找医生。
We must divide the sick men from the others.我们必须把病人隔离。
With a sick husband, she was chained to the house all day.由于丈夫生病,她整天被拴在家里。
The doctor dedicated his life to the sick people in the tropical country.这名医生把他的一生献给了这个热带国家的救死扶伤事业。
She has a sick stomach.她有胃病。
The boss called the foreman on the carpet for granting sick leave to a worker without first asking for permission.老板训斥那个工头未经事先请示就擅自批准一个工人的病假。
S+be+~Your little sister is sick, try to bear with her when she cries.你小妹病了,她哭时你忍耐一下。
She has been sick for one month.她已病了一个月了。
She attended to all his needs while he was sick.当他生病时,她为他料理一切。
He must be either sick or detained by business, otherwise he would surely have been here on time.他不是生病就是给事情耽搁了,否则他一定会准时到这儿的。
Grandmother became very sick and death was staring her in the face.祖母病得很重,已离死期不远了。
He began to feel sick as soon as the ship started to move.船一启动他就开始呕吐。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseI feel sick at my work.我讨厌我的工作。
He was rather sick at missing the last train.他为没赶上最后一班车而懊丧。
He was awfully sick at being beaten.因被击败他非常不愉快。
He is sick for it.他思念着它。
The boy was obviously homesick.这男孩显然非常想家。
He was always sick for old happy times.他老是怀念昔日的快乐时光。
He is sick from overeating.他因暴食而呕吐。
I am heartily sick of them.我深觉他们讨厌。
He acted the fool so often everyone got sick and tired of him.他常常装疯卖傻,弄得人人都讨厌他。
They are sick of the food given by cooks in their school.他们吃厌了学校厨师做的饭。
Thank goodness the days are drawing out again,I'm so sick of the winter.谢天谢地,白天又越来越长了,我太讨厌冬天了。
We are sick of your complaining.我们讨厌你抱怨。
He fell sick with flu.他得了流感。
She fell sick with fever.她发烧。
She is sick with me for being so late.她对我来得这样迟感到不高兴。
S+V+O+~He smoked himself sick.他抽烟抽得生病了。
The smell made her sick.这气味使她感到恶心。
It makes me sick to see her being treated so badly.我看到她受到这样的虐待感到非常愤怒。用作名词n.The basin was full of sick.盆里全是吐的东西。
The sick need special care.病人需要特别护理。
He said his work is to heal the sick.他说他的工作是治愈病人。
We'll go to visit the sick in hospital tomorrow.明天我们要去探望住院病人。

sick的基本意思是“有病的”,在英式英语中只用作表语,而在美式英语中则既可用作表语,也可用作定语,常用于修饰人,偶尔也用于修饰事物如sick leave病假。







sick和ill的比较:两者意思相近,前者常指遭受某种身体上的不适,后者表示不舒服的。英国人习惯将sick用作定语,修饰名词,如sick child。而ill则常被用作定语,去修饰动词。George didn't come in last week because he was ill.

be sick作“呕吐的”解。 fall sick作“患病”解;

I was sick three times in the night.我一晚上呕吐了三次。

在美式英语里,通常将sick用在身体某部分的名称前面,如sick kidneys,sick nerves和sick hair;

sick可表示“渴望……的”,而sick of则表示“对……感到厌倦的”。Allen has got sick of city life,and is now sick for his home in the country.

在现代英语里,sick与with连用,后面加病名,而不用介词of,如:sick with fever sick;

a sick child指“一个有病的孩子”,但只是暂时或经常有病的,如a little sick child是“经常有病的”,而a sick little child是“暂时有病的”。不同的是,a sickly child指“一个多病的孩子”,表示很容易生病。

用作形容词He fellsickwith malaria on a trip to Africa.他在去非洲时患了疟疾。
He put a maid in to look after hissickwife.他雇了1名女仆来照顾她的病妻。
You'll besickif you eat any more of that candy.如果你再吃那种糖果,就会感到恶心的。
I'msickof waiting around like this.我讨厌透了像这样在一旁等著。
I wassickin the car yesterday.昨天我晕车了。用作名词Thesickneed special care.病人需要特别护理。
The basin was full ofsick.盆里全是吐的东西.用作及物动词If you need something done, I'llsickhim on it.如果你需要办什么事,我叫他去干。adj.not healthy, not feeling well
同义词 ailing,confined,debilitated,declining,disordered,down,frail,funny,green,hospitalized,ill,impaired,imperfect,incurable,indisposed,infected,invalid,mean,nauseated,peaked,suffering,tottering,wobblybedridden,broken down,defective,delicate,diseased,feeble,feverish,in a bad way,in poor health,infirm,laid-up,lousy,not so hot,poorly,qualmish,queasy,rickety,rocky,rotten,run down,sick as a dog,under medication,under the weather,unhealthy,unwell,weak
反义词 healthy,perfect,sound,strong,wellclean,content,gentle,happy,moral,nice,pleased,satisfiedundiseasedadj.morbid, gross
同义词 blackghoulish,macabre,morose,sadistic,sickly
反义词 undiseasedhappy,nice,gentle,clean,well,satisfied,pleased,content,moral,healthyadj.fed up, displeased
同义词 tired,jaded,weary,disgusted,boredblasésatiated,revoltedup to here with
反义词 undiseasedhappy,nice,gentle,clean,wellfresh,activatedsatisfied,pleased,content,moral,healthy Avram is witty, talkative, consoling. Ilan seems the sickest of the three.
依兰看起来是这三个人里病得最严重的。 ecocn

The Mass General program assigned nurses to the hospital's2,600 sickest— and costliest— Medicare patients.
“麻省总医院计划”把护士分配到医院的2,600个病情最重的和花费最高的医保病人。 yeeyan

The sickest people tried to go home. I don't know if they made it.
一些危重病人试图回家,但我不知道他们最后有没有回去。 yeeyan

Carpenter works with the sickest of the sick at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center.
卡本特在马里兰精神病学研究中心从事重症患者的研究与治疗工作。 yeeyan

Firms are today allowed to pick the safest patients and reject the sickest.
如今,保险公司可以挑最健康的人售保,而回绝病重的人。 topsage

It might be the illness that requires the surgery— although the researchers took the sickest children out of the study.
麻醉可能会引起需要手术的疾病,尽管研究人员把病情最严重的孩子远离这个研究。 db120

It is not going to turn around the sickest areas of the nation’s economy.
这项协议不会使美国经济中最糟糕的领域出现好转。 forbeschina

Mortgage lending remains the sickest part of the credit market.
抵押贷款仍旧是信贷市场最糟糕的。 ecocn

The men you see roamed around, allegedly looking for stuff to steal from the sickest patients.

The treatment has been proven to work for the sickest patients using a room- sized external model developed by a team member in Michigan.
一名来自密歇根州的研究小组成员曾开发房间大小的外置式模型,经病情最严重的病人应用后证实该疗法有效。 dxy

They throw the sickest parties. I met my boyfriend at their casino night.
他们举行病态的聚会。我在他们的赌场之夜遇到了我男朋友。 engxue.com

This might seem obvious— of course the costs come at the end, when patients are the sickest.
这看似明显——当然费用来自最后,也就是当病人病情最严重的时候。 yeeyan

Those headaches include Downtown Eastside, a ghetto of crime, poverty and drug addiction that is the country’s sickest urban area.
这些难题包括东区中心,那里是犯罪、贫困和毒品的集中营,是该国最病入膏肓的区域。 ecocn

Those researchers gave it to their sickest patients, not a random sample, and it still worked astonishingly well.
那些研究人员将青霉素给病情最重的患者使用,而不是随机采样,但仍然疗效惊人。 yeeyan

Thought i'd share that so the sickest among us can feel better by comparison.
想把这图分享出来,这样最难受的人在比较之下也会觉得好过一点儿了。 mtime

Yet thanks to the avarice of local politicians, most was siphoned off before reaching the people, who remain some of Africa's poorest and sickest.
然而,由于本地政客的贪婪,大部分的拨款在到达人民手中之前就囊入腰包,人民也只能过着最贫穷与最多疾病的生活。 ecocn




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