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词汇 sickening
释义 sick·en·ing 英ˈsɪkənɪŋ美ˈsɪkənɪŋAHDsĭkʹə-nĭng ★☆☆☆☆高八COCA²³¹⁷⁶BNC¹⁷¹⁹⁸iWeb²⁰³³⁴Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
causing or able to cause nausea;

a nauseating smell

nauseous offal

a sickening stench

蒋争熟词记忆sicken使生病-ing…的⇒引起疾病的sicken使生病-ing…的⇒引起疾病的近义词 rank等级vile恶劣的nasty下流的trying难受的queasy反胃的hateful可恨的annoying恼人的repellent驱虫剂galling使烦恼的loathsome讨厌的shocking使人震惊的irritating使愤怒的nauseous令人作呕的offensive令人不快的abhorrent令人憎恶的appalling令人震惊的revolting令人厌恶的repulsive令人厌恶的maddening使人恼火的disgusting令人厌恶的nauseating使人恶心的infuriating令人发怒的antipathetic生来嫌恶的disappointing令人失望的stomach-churning令人翻胃的noisome〈正式或文〉令人不快的…

用作形容词Don't say suchsickeningthings.不要说那么肉麻的话。
The car hit the tree with asickeningcrash.那辆汽车撞在树上发出让人难受的撞击声。
This uncertainty sometimes took asickeningform.这种悬而不定的感觉有时真叫人难以忍受。adj.disgusting, awful
同义词 nasty,putridfoul,gross,nauseating,revolting,stinking,tainteddiseased,distasteful,icky,loathsome,nauseous,noisome,offensive,repugnant,repulsive,rotten,stomach-turning
反义词 clean,good,moral,pleasing,puredelightful,mild,nice
atrociousadjective offensive
deplorableadjective unfortunate, shameful
ghastlyadjective horrifying, dreadful;pale
grislyadjective horrifying
hideousadjective grotesque, horrible
ickyadjective not pleasant
disgusting,horrible,loathsome,nasty,noisome,offensive,repellent,revolting,sickening,vile It was sickening for us to lose so late, but for me personally it was an experience which I learnt from and which gave me the confidence to believe I could play against the best.
这么晚的丢球导致的失败让我们很不爽,但这对我个人也是一种经验,让我有信心与最好的球员对抗。 yeeyan

The idea that all this can be reduced to money— that doctors are just“providers” selling services to health care“ consumers” — is, well, sickening.
将所有这些统统降低为金钱,视医生仅为向医疗保健“消费者”销售服务的人,这种说法真有点让人寒心。 yeeyan

After I became vegan,the idea of getting well based on the deaths of others gives me a sickening feeling… of unwellness.
而当我变成一个严格的素食主义者后,想到自己的康复是建立在别人的死亡上,总有一种不舒服的恶心的感觉在。 yeeyan

After last year's violent, fraud-ridden presidential and provincial polls, another round of voting in just five months is a sickening prospect for foreign diplomats and election workers.
经历了去年充满暴力诈骗总统选举和各省的投票之后,五个月内为新一轮选举使得外交官和选举工作者们疲惫不堪。 ecocn

But if the terrible scenes in Port-au-Prince are any guide, the suffering has been on a sickening scale.
但是如果发生在太子港的可怕场景具有可参考的意义时,那么这次地震所带来的灾难是惨绝人寰的。 ecocn

Consumer spending did rise, but much of this was offset by a sickening plunge in business investment, which fell at a 38% annual rate, the steepest on record.
消费支出确有增长,但大部分被急剧下降的商业投资所抵消,商业投资以年均38%的幅度下降,创历史记录。 ecocn

He looked away until a sickening sound told him it was over.
直到令人作呕的一声传来,他才把目光移开。一切都结束了。 yeeyan

I heard the sickening snap before I felt it.
在我感觉到以前,我听到了那恶心的断裂声了。 putclub

I slammed on my brakes. But before the truck stopped, the bumper hit something with a sickening sound.
我猛踩刹车,但是车还没刹住保险杠就撞到了什么东西,那声音真是恐怖。 yeeyan

I would never do it in public, because people usually find it fairly sickening.
我决不会在公共场合这样做,因为人们通常觉得这十分令人厌恶。 yeeyan

I'd get a sickening sense of dread for the fortnight leading up to them, knowing that I would become a sleep-deprived grumpy, spotty hermit.
想想自己将会变成一个睡眠不足的,性情乖戾情绪不稳的隐士,我对十四天的夜班感到胆战心惊。 yeeyan

I'd no natural resistance to the latter two, and I'd opted against taking the sickening drugs for the former.
我对后两种传染病没有天然抵抗力,至于疟疾,我也不想吞服那种令人作呕的预防药物,一切听天由命吧。 yeeyan

In sickening parallel to the quality problems plaguing other consumer products, examples like these are flagrant abuses of the trust of the Chinese media consumer.
其他有质量问题的消费品企业还在重演着类似的丑恶。这类恶行极大侮辱了信任那些媒体的中国媒体消费者。 yeeyan

Like other civil wars, the American revolution was marked by brutality on a sickening scale.
象其它内战一样,美国革命也是以令人作呕的残暴行为为标志的。 ecocn

My sister rooted out corruption in the Wizarding Schools, cured the blight that was sickening the elves.

Some dashed to the headland, only to watch helplessly as a wooden boat carrying as many as100 asylum-seekers smashed against rocks, with what one local called a “ sickening crack”.
有些人冲到岬上却只能眼睁睁看着载着100多个寻求庇护者的木船随着一声“令人作呕得噼啪声“有一个当地人形容道撞上了暗礁而爱莫能助。 ecocn

The new study says that by sickening or killing working- age adults, TB imposes a heavy cost on people’s incomes as well as national economies.
据这项新的研究说,通过造成就业年龄组成人患病或死亡,结核对人民的收入及国家经济产生巨大费用。 who

The scenes of torture, all conducted by willing collaborators, are truly sickening, as in another way are the pro- Nazi propaganda broadcasts that figure regularly on the soundtrack.
酷刑的场景非常可怖,全部由协作者们自愿拍摄完成,从另一方面来看正是那些电影原声带上经常描绘的鼓吹纳粹的宣传画。 yeeyan

The sickening spectacle of those responsible walking off with millions of pounds of other people's money in bonuses has rightly put bankers akin to mafia racketeers in public esteem.
最令人作呕的一幕是那些人把别人银行里的红利大把大把地拿出来,在公众面前送给那些黑社会小混混。 yeeyan

Their ideas of fun could be sickening: stoning horses or shooting arrows at a live hen buried up to the neck.
他们的娱乐也让人难以接受:用石头投掷马匹或向被掩埋到剩下头部的母鸡射箭。 ecocn

There is no folklore of a Chinese burden comparable to Gulf War syndrome or Agent Orange, sickening waves of foreigners long after their in- country exposure.
没有任何一个中国人会为比较海湾战争综合症或橙剂而烦恼,外国人患病潮在国内曝光很久之后才被了解。 yeeyan

This is not only sickening and a disgrace to our Nation and the good men and women who serve with honor while in uniform, but to humanity itself.
这件事情不只是我们国家的耻辱使得穿制服的美国公务员蒙羞,而且是对人类人权的践踏。 yeeyan

Too much insulin is also sickening and your body will develop insulin resistance as a result.
太多的胰岛素会引起疾病,你的身体因此也会对胰岛素产生抗性。 yeeyan




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