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词汇 Sicilian
释义 Si·cil·ian si'siljәn;-liәn ★☆☆☆☆高iWeb¹⁹⁷⁴⁰Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

a resident of Sicily
of or relating to or characteristic of Sicily or the people of Sicily;

the Sicilian Mafia

用作名词Food is one of the great pleasures ofSicilianpeople.西西里岛人的最大乐趣之一就是吃。用作形容词I hate to say this, since just a few weeks ago we did stop to give a delightful oldSicilianman a ride to the market on a blisteringly hot day.我并不想说这样的话题,因为就在不久前在一个酷热的夏日里,我就在路上停下来把一个友好的西西里岛的老人送到了市场上去。
Food is one of the great pleasures ofSicilianpeople.西西里岛人的最大乐趣之一就是吃。 A dive in a swimming pool overlooking the bay of Palermo, surrounded by luxuriant gardens, cherished by the warmth of the Sicilian sun, delighted by a pleasant cocktail in our exclusive pool bar.
于游泳池中潜水,俯瞰巴勒莫海湾,环抱于花团锦簇的花园,享受着西西里岛阳光温暖的爱抚,在独特的池畔吧欢享一杯美味的鸡尾酒。 yeeyan

Agathocles the Sicilian, who became King of Syracuse, was not only an ordinary citizen but also of the lowest and most abject condition.
成为锡拉库萨国王的,西西里的阿加索克利斯,不仅仅只是一个普通公民而是来自于最低下和最赤贫的阶级。 yeeyan

For all the facts given in the news— the plane’s Sicilian base, the missile’s weight and length and breadth and cost— one simple detail is left out: Who is in charge of the bombing?
新闻给出了所有的事实——飞机的西西里基地,导弹的重量、长宽和成本——唯独略去了一个简单的细节:谁在负责轰炸? yeeyan

Lava from normally harmless Mount Etna sears a street and edges blisteringly close to a restaurant near the Sicilian city of Nicolosi in July2001.
2001年7月,一般而言无害的埃特纳火山流淌下来的岩浆烧干了一条道路,逼近了尼克罗西市附近的一家餐馆。 yeeyan

ONE of the great studies of decline is a novel about a fictional Sicilian prince, living more than a century ago.
在关于衰落的著作中,有一伟大的小说《豹》,虚构地描写了生活在一百多年前的西西莉亚的萨利纳亲王。 ecocn

The locals call it a Muff- a- lotta, but however you pronounce it this sandwich it is an awesome collection of olive salad, genoa salami, ham, mortadella and a great sicilian style round bread loaf.
地方叫 Muff- a- lotta,你宣称这种三文治和橄榄沙拉、热那亚式萨拉米香肠、火腿、摩太台拉香肠,还有非常好的西西里岛式圆形面包条,它们混合在一起是非常棒的。 yeeyan

The door was opened by a swarthy foreign-looking maid, with a prominent bosom under a gay neckerchief, whom he vaguely fancied to be Sicilian.
一位黑黝黝的异国面孔的女佣开了门。她胸部高高隆起,戴着花哨的围巾,他隐隐约约觉得她是个西西里人。 kekenet

The leaning tower was reportedly one of the targets of a string of bombings carried out by the Sicilian Mafia in1993 though it was not hit.

Then she ran her fingers daintily along the smooth marble top of the many- coloured Sicilian table.
后来,她又用手指轻轻地在色彩斑斓的大理石桌面上滑动着。 jukuu

At a house near Palermo, police seized Salvatore Lo Piccolo, the most senior Sicilian Mafia boss still at large.

Because they know that by tradition no Sicilian can refuse a request on his daughter's wedding day.

Despite its nearly constant activity, the Sicilian volcano rarely causes harm, since its eruptions occur so high up and its lava moves relatively slowly.
尽管这是个活火山,可是它很少造成损害,那是因为它喷发的部位高,而且岩浆流淌的速度相应较慢。 yeeyan

I hate to say this, since just a few weeks ago we did stop to give a delightful old Sicilian man a ride to the market on a blisteringly hot day.
我并不想说这样的话题,因为就在不久前在一个酷热的夏日里,我就在路上停下来把一个友好的西西里岛的老人送到了市场上去。 yeeyan

Khalifman is fed up with tortures in the French Defense and the Caro-Kann against Leko. In this game he opted for the sharp Sicilian Defense.
哈里夫曼受够了同列科下法兰西防御和卡罗·康防御。在这局棋中他选择了尖锐的西西里防御。 iciba

Results for the630- member lower house suggest a majority of nearly100 for the People of Freedom and its allies, the Northern League and a small Sicilian regional party.
具有630名成员的下议院选举表明自由人民党以及其盟友北方联盟和小西西里地方政党将会占有100个左右的大多数优势。 ecocn

She has used a rich palette of earth tones and bright printed fabrics to reflect the character of Sicily, with a design motif inspired by a classic Sicilian tile.
她使用了丰富的色彩,色调明亮的印花织物反映人物的西西里岛,与图案设计灵感来自西西里岛的瓦。 mt-bbs

Tell me, Godfather, is it possible for a Sicilian to be as dumb as the Bocchicchios pretend to be?
请问,教父,任何一个西西里人能像卜启丘家族的人那么守口如瓶吗? jukuu

The groom, Carlo Rizzi, was a half- breed, born of a Sicilian father and the North Italian mother from whom he had inherited his blond hair and blue eyes.

The Nero manages to retain a refreshing level of acidity too so that it avoids over- ripeness, a valuable characteristic considering the warmth of the Sicilian sun.
此外 Nero还保有一定的酸度水平,因而得以防止葡萄过度成熟,考虑到西西里那温暖的阳光,这可是相当难得的品质。 yeeyan

The period of Arab rule lasted until1090, when the islands were taken by the Sicilian Normans, restoring Christianity again.
其统治一直持续到1090年,马耳他被西西里岛的诺曼底人接管,基督教也随之开始复兴。 ebigear

There, it was just possible to enjoy a surly Sicilian feast without the loss of arm or leg.
这里可以吃到西西里盛宴而不用害怕丢了手脚。 yeeyan

This is what a Sicilian fish seller in New York once told me, describing a scene that occurs not only in Gloucester but also in ports throughout the world.
这是有一次在纽约,一个西西里的鱼贩子告诉我的,他所描述的情景在格洛斯特城,以及世界各地的港口都很常见。 yeeyan

We, we heard about this wonderful little Sicilian restaurant.
我们,我们听到了这个美好的小西西里餐厅。 ebigear

Yesterday evening the40-year-old Sicilian steered through the trickiest phase of its parliamentary journey a bill that should get Italy’s prime minister out of his most pressing legal fix.
昨晚这位40岁的西西里岛人引领一项法案闯过其议会历程中最艰难的阶段,该法案将使意大利总理摆脱其最为紧迫的法律困境。 ecocn




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