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词汇 SIA
释义 SIA AHDˈsēə Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
abbr.美国工业考古学学会=Society for Industrial Archaeologyabbr.加拿大工业会计师学会=Society of Industrial Accountants
Although he has flown HB- SIA in a simulator, Mr Borschberg says he will not really know how it performs until the first test flight later this year.
Borschberg先生曾经在模拟器中试飞过 HB- SIA,但是他表示在今年下半年的第一次试飞之前他也不知道这架飞机运行的怎么样。 yeeyan

In the 1980s his rumoured ties to the criminal underworld, which he denied in a newspaper interview, inspired the gangster nickname of“ Sia O”.
上世纪80年代,风传王储与犯罪分子有染,纵容了绰号为“ Sia O”的黑帮分子。他在接受报纸采访时对此予以否认。 ecocn

The around-the- world flight is scheduled to take place in 2012 with an updated version of HB- SIA.
环绕世界的飞行定于2012年,届时将起用HB- SIA更新版本。 yeeyan

The complex skeleton of HB- SIA is constructed from carbon-fibre composites formed into honeycomb and sandwich structures. This is covered in plastic film.
HB- SIA复杂的框架是由碳纤维混合形成的蜂窝夹层结构构成,上面覆盖着塑料层。 ecocn

The HB- SIA aircraft was due to attempt a24- hour trip from Payerne airfield in Switzerland yesterday, but the trial was halted after the aircraft’s data transmitter failed.
昨天,太阳能飞机 HB- SIA离开瑞士 Payerne机场后本打算尝试24小时飞行,但在飞机数据传输失败后,这一试飞宣告失败。 yeeyan

There is no doubt that the public is outraged by the administrative incompetence of the SIA, and the numbers of accounts involved mean that the pain is widely spread—and deeply felt.
显然,在 SIA问题上,公众被当局的无能激怒了。大量帐户涉案其中,这意味着伤痛正在大面积蔓延,监督不善带来的恶果犹如给民众的伤口上撒了把盐,嗷嗷叫的人还会少吗? ecocn

With all four engines at full power, HB- SIA is only as powerful as a motor scooter.
即使这四台电机同时开足马力, HB- SIA的动力也仅相当于一辆踏板摩托车。 ecocn

But nothing like HB- SIA, as the Swiss aircraft is known, has ever taken to the air.
但是从来没有像这架叫做 HB- SIA的瑞士飞机那样子飞行过。 yeeyan

HB- SIA completed its first test flight in April this year, flying for87 minutes at a height of1,200m.
太阳能飞机 HB- SIA今年4月已经完成了首次试飞,当时在1200米的高空持续飞行87分钟。 yeeyan

The firm also agreed to take a 50% stake in SIA International, a Russian drugs- distribution firm, for $800m, the biggest- ever private- equity investment in Russia.
这家基金公司决定以8亿美元,持股俄罗斯药品批发企业 SIA International50%,这是投资于俄罗斯的迄今最大宗的私募股权交易。 ecocn

The aircraft, known as HB- SIA, has the wingspan of a jumbo jet but just a tiny single-person cockpit.
这架名为 HB- SIA的飞机虽然翼展堪比一架大型喷气客机,但却只有一个微型的单人座舱。 ecocn

The aircraft, known by its identifier HB- SIA, has a wingspan of a jumbo jet yet weighs the same as an average sedan.
这架名为 HB- SIA的飞机拥有喷气式客机的翼展,但重量仅相当于一辆普通轿车。 yeeyan

This time, however, the team decided to cheat a bit and topped up HB- SIA’s batteries before take- off by plugging it into the mains.
因而这次,他们决定小小作弊一下,在起飞前通过插电,将 HB- SIA的电池充满。 ecocn




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