

单词 shyest
释义 shy·est 英ʃaɪ美ʃaɪ COCA¹⁴¹³⁶⁷BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

timid and nervous in the presence of others; reserved


of animals, birds, etc. unwilling to be seen or be near to humans; easily frightened


wary or afraid of a person or an action


lacking; short

vi. 惊退,畏缩

usually of a horse turn aside or hold back in fear or alarm

a quick throw;

he gave the ball a shy to the first baseman

lacking self-confidence;

stood in the doorway diffident and abashed

problems that call for bold not timid responses

a very unsure young man


eleven is one shy of a dozen

wary and distrustful; disposed to avoid persons or things;

shy of strangers

start suddenly, as from frightthrow quickly

❌ He was not shy about offering suggestions.

✔️ He was not shy of offering suggestions.

be shy of是固定短语,表示“不好意思做某事”或“对…存有戒心”其中的介词不可用about代替。


❌ This animal is not often seen by man, as it is an extremely nervous creature.

✔️ This animal is not often seen by man, as it is an extremely shy creature.


用作形容词 adj.
~+名词shy bird易受惊的鸟shy girl害羞的小女孩shy smile羞怯的微笑~+介词shy about不敢做…的,对…害羞的shy about singing不好意思唱歌shy of对…迟疑,畏缩,缺乏shy of funds资金不足shy of girls在女孩子面前很害羞shy of light怕光shy of speaking不敢多讲话shy of trying again不敢再试shy with woman和女人在一起怕羞用作动词 v.~+副词shy bashfully害羞地退缩~+副词+介词shy away from由于羞怯或恐惧等躲开或避开shy away from close friendships避免与人深交shy away from looking at sb不敢正视某人
用作形容词adj.fight shy of

避开… avoid sb/sth; be unwilling to undertake (a task or confront sb)

once bitten, twice shy

一次被咬,下次胆小; 一次上当,下次小心,一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 after an unpleasant experience one is careful to avoid sth similar

shy away from v.+adv.+prep.

由于羞怯或恐惧等躲开或避开 avoid or move away from sth/doing sth (usually because of shyness, fear, etc.)

shy away from sth/v-ingShe's always shied away from close friendships.她总是避免与人深交。
The girl shied away from looking the strange man in the eye.这女孩很害羞,不敢正视那个陌生人。近义词 balkbuckshrinkv. back away反义词 brashbrazenfearlessobtrusiveadj. bold
~+ n.Mary is a shy girl.玛丽是一个害羞的女孩。
She gave him a shy smile.她对他羞答答地笑了笑。
His low voice and shy look soon made him a favourite among his colleagues.他低低的嗓音和羞怯的表情很快使他成为受同事喜欢的人。
This young scholar is of a shy modesty and excessive fear of offence which often obscured his real worth.这位年轻的学者有着一种近乎羞怯的谦逊和过分害怕冒犯人的本性,这些都掩盖了他的真正价值。
Just before the night fell, there was a shy knock on the door.就在夜幕降临之前,传来一声轻轻的敲门声。
S+be+~The little girl blazed shy.这个小女孩满脸的羞涩。
Many of the 18 contestants were looking a little shy.那18位竞争者大多数看上去有点害羞。
We're still two tickets shy.我们还差两张票。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseJack is shy with strangers and bold with people he knows well.杰克在陌生人面前怕羞,但和熟人在一起时则无拘无束。
The dog is shy of strangers.这狗怕陌生人。
She's shy of buying shares.她不敢买股票。
The child was shy of telling the truth.那孩子怯于说真话。
Don't be shy of telling us the truth.告诉我们真相,不要不好意思。
He's always very shy of approaching his chief.他总是怯于接近他的长官。
We have a lot of pens, but we're shy on ink.我们有许多钢笔,但墨水不够。
We're still ten men shy of a full class.我们还少十个人才能凑成一个班。S+be+too ~+to- vHe was too shy to speak to her.他很怕羞,连话都不敢跟她说。S+be+~+that-clauseThe Australian lyre-bird is so shy that even bushmen rarely see one.澳大利亚琴鸟很怯生,即使垦荒者亦难得一见。
Why is the moon so shy that it never shows us the other side of its face?月亮为什么那么害羞,总不给我们看它的那半边脸?用作动词v.
S+~+AThe little colt shied at the fence and refused to jump over it.这匹小马驹到障碍物前会害怕,不敢跳过去。
The horse shied at the loud noise and threw its rider.那匹马听到那响声惊得向后倒退,把骑马的人摔了下来。
Ade bashfully shied.艾德羞得退缩了。



shy作“缺乏的,不足的”解时主要用于美式英语,在句中一般用作表语,无比较级和最高级。用于其他词义时,则有比较级和最高级,分别为shyer, shyest。



shy常用于shy away from短语中,此时通常以人作主语,意为由于羞怯或恐惧等而“躲开”或“避开”。

用作形容词He was tooshyto talk to anyone at the party.在晚会上他很腼腆,没有和任何人讲话。
He only saw her sweet,shyface.他只注意到她的甜甜的、腼腆的脸。
We must not fightshyof hard work.我们不应回避艰苦的工作。
Theshygirl was afraid to contradict.这个害羞的女孩不敢提出反驳意见。 According to the survey, the Chinese are among the “ shyest lovers in the world” because44 percent do not tell their partners how they feel and what they like in bed.
调查表明,中国人堪称“世界上最羞涩的情人”,因为44%的人在性生活过程中不向伴侣表达自己的感受和需要。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Even the shyest person opens up when they are talking about something they enjoy.
哪怕是再羞涩的人碰到自己感兴趣的话题时也会有得谈。 yeeyan

He is the shyest student in our class.
他是我们班最害羞的学生。 hjenglish

I have a friend who must be the sweetest, shyest person in the world.
我有一个一定是世界上最温和、最害羞的朋友。 yeeyan

It is run by Mukesh pictured, Dhirubhai’s eldest son and India’s shyest, richest and most powerful businessman.
公司现在的掌门人是 Mukesh如图, Dhirubhai的大儿子,也是全印度最腼腆,最有钱有势的商人。 ecocn

So evenly the shyest person can become a chat—room star.
所以,即使一位最害羞的人也可以成为聊天室里的热门人物。 blog.sina.com.cn

So even the shyest person can become a chat-room star.
所以即使一位最害羞的人也可以成为聊天室里的热门人物。 edu.sina.com.cn




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