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Shuttleworth ˈʃətəˌlwərθ 高 基本例句 n.沙特尔沃思¹⁰⁰ During his2002 space trip, Shuttleworth drained the sewage. 沙特尔沃思2002年的飞行中负责排放污水。 yeeyan The Ubuntu project, founded by Mark Shuttleworth, appeals to me for many reasons, not least the project team's devotion to making the software easy to use. Ubuntu是由马克·沙特尔沃思发起的一个项目,它吸引我是因为很多的原因,并不仅仅是因为这个项目团队致力于开发易于使用的软件。 yeeyan This involved a gruelling eight-month training regime in Russia's Star City, so that Mr Shuttleworth could accompany cosmonauts on a Soyuz mission to the International Space Station. 在俄罗斯星城 基地进行了一次极其紧张为期8个月的全面培训后, Shuttleworth先生才能够陪同宇航员在一次联盟号飞船发射任务中登上国际空间站。 ecocn “ My hope is not just that we can achieve parity with the proprietary world, but that we can leapfrog it, ” says Mr Shuttleworth. “我的希望不仅要和私有软件势均力敌,而且要超越它,” Shuttleworth先生说。 ecocn “ There are some350 languages in the world with more than a million speakers, ” says Mr Shuttleworth. “全球,使用者超过1百万的语言有350种,” Shuttleworth先生说。 ecocn “It's very easy to declare victory, ” says Mr Shuttleworth, describing the smug attitude of some open-source supporters. “ There are big chunks of the software world that depend on free software.” Shuttleworth先生在讲到一些开源软件支持们沾沾自喜的态度时说“胜利说起来很容易, 不过软件界有为数不少的人信赖自由软件。” ecocn Although it may be ahead of proprietary software on some fronts, open- source software lags behind in many areas too, Mr Shuttleworth admits. Shuttleworth先生承认,虽然在某些研究领域开源软件可能领先于私有软件,但是也在许多方面都落后于私有软件。 ecocn As he lays out his vision for the future of open- source software, Mark Shuttleworth is enthusiastic, but he looks tired. 当展望开源软件的未来时,马克·沙特尔沃思热情十足,但是他看起来却非常疲惫。 neworiental But, over the past year the interface has matured significantly and Mark Shuttleworth is adamant that Unity will remain the default desktop. 但是,经过过去的一年,这个界面已经显著的成熟起来,马克·沙特尔沃斯也坚持将 Unify作为默认的桌面环境。 yeeyan But Mr Shuttleworth is most excited about free software's potential to open up the third dimension in the display and navigation of information. 但是 Shuttleworth先生对自由软件在第三个领域即信息的展现和导航方面的开发最为振奋。 ecocn Founded by South African millionaire Mark Shuttleworth, Canonical-- the company behind Ubuntu-- for many years shipped Ubuntu CDs to interested users for free, thus speeding its market penetration. 由南非百万富翁 Mark Shuttleworth创立的公司 Canonical-站在 Ubuntu背后-这么多年来一直在给感兴趣的用户免费邮寄 Ubuntu 安装 CD,也因此加速了它的市场渗透。 yeeyan I admire Shuttleworth’s stated goals for Ubuntu, but Canonical faces the same design and usability challenges inherent in all Linux distributions. 我很钦佩沙特尔沃思关于 Ubuntu的目标的阐述。但 Canonical公司正面临着 Linux发行所固有的设计和易用性方面的挑战。 yeeyan In 2001 he set up the Shuttleworth Foundation, a non- profit organisation dedicated to educational and open- source projects in South Africa. 2001年他创建了 Shuttleworth Foundation,这是个位于南非致力于教育和开源项目的非营利性组织. ecocn In 2008, Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Ubuntu and the company behind it, Canonical, said he wanted the Linux desktop to go past the Mac desktop in ease of use. 2008年, Ubuntu及其支持者 Canonical公司的创始人马克-沙特尔沃思 Mark Shuttleworth说他希望 Linux桌面系统在易用性上超过 Mac系统。 yeeyan In his home country Mr Shuttleworth is most famous for what he did next: he became the first African in space, and the world's second space tourist, in 2002. 在 Shuttleworth先生家乡,他因为接下来所做的事情而闻名遐迩:2002年他成为太空中非洲第一人,世界第二个太空旅游者。 ecocn In his blog post Shuttleworth insisted multitouch can be as useful on a desktop as well as on a phone or tablet. 在沙特尔沃思 Shuttleworth的博文中,他坚称多点触控在台式机上也会如同它在手机和平板电脑上一样的有用。 yeeyan It is particularly good for readers who want to share books with family or friends who read in different formats, said Tod Shuttleworth, senior vice president and group publisher at Thomas Nelson. 它的高级副总裁 Tod Shuttleworth介绍说,这可以很方便地让一些读者和不同阅读习惯的家人朋友分享书籍。 yeeyan Like a President having to talk about anchor babies or mosques when he would rather talk about education and the economy, Mark Shuttleworth had his launch of Ubuntu10.10 hijacked by the Oracle suit. 就像总统虽然更爱谈论教育和经济却仍需说说非法移民的小孩和清真寺问题,马克·沙特尔沃思 Mark Shuttleworth10.10版 Ubuntu的发布遭到了甲骨文软件套件的敲诈。 yeeyan Mark Shuttleworth's juggernaut has, over the past few years, blasted through the Linux community like he blasted into space, drawing in all like some kind of monstrous black hole. 在过去的几年里面,马克·沙特尔沃思不可抗拒的力量像他飞进太空一样传遍了整个 Linux社区,像是一个黑洞似的吸引人们的目光。 yeeyan Mr Shuttleworth points to an open- source platform called Croquet, an immersive environment that is similar in many ways to Second Life, a popular online virtual world. Shuttleworth先生指着一款名叫 Croquet的开源平台,其感同身受的环境在许多方面和流行的在线虚拟世界 Second Life相似。 ecocn Mr Shuttleworth says most people simply want to read their e- mail, browse the web and so on. Shuttleworth先生表示,大多数人只是为了看看电子邮件,浏览网页等等诸如此类的事情。 ecocn Mr Shuttleworth believes that open- source software can bring about a similar change in the way people think about computers. Shuttleworth先生相信开源软件同样能改变人们对计算机的思维方式。 ecocn Mr Shuttleworth says most people simply want to read their email, browse the web and so on. 沙特尔沃思说大部分人在电脑上想做的事情只不过是收发电子邮件、浏览网页等等。 neworiental On his blog Shuttleworth wrote: “The nail-biting transitions to Unity and Gnome3 are behind us, so this cycle is an opportunity to put perfection front and centre.” 在博客中,沙特尔沃斯写到:“过渡到 Unify和 Gnome3的背后,是将Ubuntu推向完美前沿和中心的机会。” yeeyan South African businessman Mark Shuttleworth became the second space tourist when he purchased a ride on a Soyuz- replacement mission launched in April2002. 南非商人 Mark Shuttleworth是第二位太空游客,他乘坐2002年4月执行更换任务的联盟号进入太空。 yeeyan The second wave, Mr Shuttleworth hopes, will turn the software world on its head. 他希望,第二波潮流将给软件业带来翻天覆地的变化。 ecocn Ubuntu is a complete bundle of software, from operating system to applications and programming tools, that is updated every six months and, says Mr Shuttleworth, will always be free. Shuttleworth先生表示, Ubuntu是完整的软件集,从操作系统到应用程序和编程工具,每六个月更新一次,全部免费。 ecocn Ultimately, though, Mr Shuttleworth's ambitions stretch far beyond just providing the world with a cheap and friendly operating system. 最终 Shuttleworth先生将向世界提供一款既廉价又易用的操作系统,虽然他的雄心远不止如此。 ecocn |