

单词 shuttles
释义 shut·tle·s 英'ʃʌtl美'ʃʌtl COCA²⁵³⁷³BNC⁴⁵³⁰⁶Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
C 航天飞机

spacecraft or space shuttle

C 短程穿梭运行的飞机或火车,汽车

an aircraft train,bus,etc. used for traveling back and forth

C 织机的梭子

sth that weaves or holds thread

vt. & vi. 穿梭般来回移动

move or travel backwards and forwards like a shuttle

badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of featherspublic transport that consists of a bus or train or airplane that plies back and forth between two pointsbobbin that passes the weft thread between the warp threads
travel back and forth between two pointsshuttle diplomacy穿梭外交shuttle bus穿梭巴士space shuttle航天飞机shuttle service短程运输shuttle cock羽毛球shuttle bombing穿梭轰炸shuttle train短程穿梭行驶的火车…shuttle mechanism穿梭机制shuttle system交替运输制shuttle armature梭形电枢shuttle kiln梭式窑,台车窑…shuttle car穿梭式机动矿车,穿梭…shuttle belt振动带shuttle valve梭形滑阀,往复阀…shuttle conveyer自走式输送机…shuttle saw滑座锯,滑座式锯…shuttle race体往返穿梭接力赛…shuttle feeder梭式送料装置,梭式给…shuttle diplomatshuttle di…air shuttle民用飞机航线…
近义词 go去run跑and和take拿to对于bird鸟pass通过back后面ferry渡船carry携带plane飞机train列车forth向前travel旅行flight飞行vehicle车辆bus公共汽车commute通勤on在 … 之上transfer转移aircraft飞机transport运输alternate交替one's任何人的between在 … 之间shuttlecock羽毛球birdie非正式小鸟…space shuttle航天飞机fro来回现仅用于to an…
用作名词n.The shuttle can carry several satellites into space at the same time.这种航天飞机可以同时携带几颗卫星上太空。
We can go there by shutter.我们可以乘短途列车去那里。
The shuttle moves backwards and forwards through the warp.布梭在经线间来回移动。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe train shuttled everyday.火车每天往返。
S+ ~+n./pron.We were shuttled everyday by the subway.我们每天乘地铁往来。
用作名词Theshuttleflies back and forth on the loom.织布机上梭子来回飞动。
He refined the whole art ofshuttlediplomacy.他把穿梭外交艺术提高到炉火纯青的地步。
There is ashuttleservice between the city center and the air station.在市中心和飞机场之间有往返的穿梭运行班车。
The U.S. made the first spaceshuttlein the world.美国制造了世界上第一架航天飞机。用作动词Weshuttledthe passengers to the city center by helicopter.我们来来回回地用直升机把旅客运送到市中心。 In the past, they have used the technique to create foldable solar panels, for use in space, that can be quickly and easily packed into a small volume for transport in shuttles.
过去,他们曾使用这项技术建造太阳能电池板用于太空领域,这样的方式可以让电池板被轻易的包装进一个小的空间内以便于航天飞机运输。 yeeyan

The cancellation of Apollo three years later started the slide, and the space shuttles that were supposed to fill the gap failed to become the workaday vehicles that had been promised.
三年后,阿波罗项目的取消开始了这一下滑,这些非常有前景和用于填补空缺的航天飞机变成了平凡的交通工具。 yeeyan

The customized747s that piggyback Shuttles to Florida after California landings will be retrofitted for less exotic cargo.
将航天飞机运到佛罗里达的定制的波音747,在加州多次着陆后将被改造以运输不那么奇特的货物。 yeeyan

The grossly overpriced International Space Station would be completed by2010, allowing the outdated space shuttles to be retired.
非常奢华的国际空间站将会在2010年完成,那时陈旧的航天飞机就可以退休了。 yeeyan

The mighty Crawler, which ferried Shuttles to the launchpad, will be reduced to hauling more terrestrial freight around the Space Center.
把航天飞机运到发射台的巨大的“爬行者”,将重新做航天中心附近更多的陆上牵引。 yeeyan

The shuttles consigned American astronauts to low orbits, going round and round, unable to strike out to distant destinations.
航天飞机把美国宇航员送入低轨道,绕了一圈又一圈,无法摆脱其遥不可测的归宿。 yeeyan

The shuttles can carry a far greater load into orbit than any other rockets now in use, and can also bring heavy items back to the ground.
航天飞机能把远高于现在使用的火箭的载荷送上轨道,并且可以把重物件运返地面。 yeeyan

As such, launch vehicles that are reusable like the space shuttles are key to keeping costs under control.
像这样,能够反复利用的运载火箭(正如航天飞机就成为控制成本的关键。 yeeyan

Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier right here and the first space shuttles were built and landed here.
查克·耶格尔就是在这里突破音障的,第一艘航天飞机也是在这里建造和降落的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Computers have been an integral part of NASA's space shuttles since its conception.
计算机一直是它的概念以来美国宇航局的航天飞机的组成部分。 yeeyan

Five shuttles have flown into space since the programme began in 1981.
1981年至今,总共有五架航天飞机在太空留下身影。 yeeyan

He distracts himself from the coming bad news by focusing on safely launching the final Shuttles.
他通过专心于航天飞机最后安全发射来转移对坏消息的注意力。 yeeyan

In134 missions, the five space shuttles have ferried355 astronauts half a billion miles in space, turning heroic feats into the routine.
在过去的134次任务中,五架航天飞机载着355个宇航员在太空中遨游了5亿英里,把英雄壮举常规化了。 yeeyan

It is part of the American space agency’s programme to replace its ageing shuttles and create a vehicle that could take people to the moon.
这是美国太空机构替换其日渐陈旧的航天飞机、并创造出能将人类送上月球的航天器计划的一部分。 ecocn.org

Like the Ares I- X and NASA shuttles, the towering Saturn V launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
就像战神 I- X和 NASA的航天飞机一样,土星五号的发射在佛罗里达的肯尼迪航天中心进行。 yeeyan

More than80 flights of U.S. space shuttles and Russian rockets will be necessary to complete the International Space Station.
要完成建设国际空间站的工作,需要美国航天飞机和俄罗斯火箭进行超过80次太空飞行。 yeeyan

Only two of the shuttles are likely to be sold, with the third expected to remain in government hands, possibly on display in Washington.
总数为三架的航天飞机中只有两架会被出售,剩下的那架将由政府保管,放置在华盛顿用于公共展览。 yeeyan

Only US citizens will be eligible to purchase and display the shuttles, which will be sold with all space-worthy fittings and fixtures except the main engines.
待售的航天飞机除了拆除主发动机外将保留其它所有设备,但是只有美国公民才能有资格购买并展览:首先必须保证其在合适的展览地进行展览。 yeeyan

Similar modifications are planned for the fuel tanks of the two other shuttles in the fleet.
按计划,类似的修复工作还将在其他两架航天飞机上进行。 yeeyan

The US space agency is scheduled to retire its space shuttles next year, and has begun the development of a new human space launch“architecture” called Constellation.
美国航天局计划在明年让航天飞机退役,现在他们已经开始开发一种新的被称作星座的载人太空发射装置。 yeeyan

The facility's main mission, launching Space Shuttles, is about to end.
这个设施的主要任务,发射航天飞机,将要结束。 yeeyan

The shuttles are due to retire next year, and there is already consternation about the gap between that retirement and the arrival of their successor.
这些航天飞机明年就要退役,而其与继任者们到达前所形成的空白已经引起了当局的惊慌失措。 yeeyan

The shuttles are for sale once they quit flying, supposedly this fall.
这些航天飞机或在今年秋天集体退役,随即将被出售。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Then, instead of operating its own systems, like the space shuttles, NASA would buy rides for its astronauts on these commercial space taxis.
一旦成功, NASA就将摒弃现有的运输系统如航天飞机等,改为搭乘这些商业太空飞船将宇航员送入太空。 yeeyan

They're big and fast and fly in space, but NASA's space shuttles are far from being shiny white spaceships straight off the factory floor.
虽然外形很大而且飞得很快,但美国宇航局 NASA的航天飞机与其在工厂里洁白的形象相去甚远。 yeeyan

Two shuttles did not survive the programme.
两架航天飞机不在这次赠送活动中。 yeeyan

Shuttles arrive on time or they don't arrive at all.
航天飞机要么按时抵达要么根本没有抵达。 blog.sina.com.cn




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