

单词 shuttled
释义 shut·tle·d 英'ʃʌtl美'ʃʌtl COCA⁵⁰⁴¹¹BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
C 航天飞机

spacecraft or space shuttle

C 短程穿梭运行的飞机或火车,汽车

an aircraft train,bus,etc. used for traveling back and forth

C 织机的梭子

sth that weaves or holds thread

vt. & vi. 穿梭般来回移动

move or travel backwards and forwards like a shuttle

badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of featherspublic transport that consists of a bus or train or airplane that plies back and forth between two pointsbobbin that passes the weft thread between the warp threads
travel back and forth between two pointsshuttle diplomacy穿梭外交shuttle bus穿梭巴士space shuttle航天飞机shuttle service短程运输shuttle cock羽毛球shuttle bombing穿梭轰炸shuttle train短程穿梭行驶的火车…shuttle mechanism穿梭机制shuttle system交替运输制shuttle armature梭形电枢shuttle kiln梭式窑,台车窑…shuttle car穿梭式机动矿车,穿梭…shuttle belt振动带shuttle valve梭形滑阀,往复阀…shuttle conveyer自走式输送机…shuttle saw滑座锯,滑座式锯…shuttle race体往返穿梭接力赛…shuttle feeder梭式送料装置,梭式给…shuttle diplomatshuttle di…air shuttle民用飞机航线…
近义词 go去run跑and和take拿to对于bird鸟pass通过back后面ferry渡船carry携带plane飞机train列车forth向前travel旅行flight飞行vehicle车辆bus公共汽车commute通勤on在 … 之上transfer转移aircraft飞机transport运输alternate交替one's任何人的between在 … 之间shuttlecock羽毛球birdie非正式小鸟…space shuttle航天飞机fro来回(现仅用于to an…
用作名词n.The shuttle can carry several satellites into space at the same time.这种航天飞机可以同时携带几颗卫星上太空。
We can go there by shutter.我们可以乘短途列车去那里。
The shuttle moves backwards and forwards through the warp.布梭在经线间来回移动。用作动词v.
S+~+AThe train shuttled everyday.火车每天往返。
S+ ~+n./pron.We were shuttled everyday by the subway.我们每天乘地铁往来。
用作名词Theshuttleflies back and forth on the loom.织布机上梭子来回飞动。
He refined the whole art ofshuttlediplomacy.他把穿梭外交艺术提高到炉火纯青的地步。
There is ashuttleservice between the city center and the air station.在市中心和飞机场之间有往返的穿梭运行班车。
The U.S. made the first spaceshuttlein the world.美国制造了世界上第一架航天飞机。用作动词Weshuttledthe passengers to the city center by helicopter.我们来来回回地用直升机把旅客运送到市中心。 And huge debts can be shuttled to new financial institutions where they linger for decades until they simply fall from memory.
巨额负债会传递给新的金融机构,在那里呆个几十年,直到把它忘记。 yeeyan

Hartley,45, escaped Czechoslovakia in the 1980s and fled to Canada, where she met and married a shoe distributor whose business shuttled the couple between Canada and Europe for most of the1990s.
达格玛今年45岁,她在上个世纪80年代从捷克斯洛伐克逃到加拿大,她在加拿大和一个鞋子的分销商认识并结婚,她丈夫的生意让他们在90年代的大部分时间都穿梭于加拿大和欧洲之间。 yeeyan

Over the past decade, Reed has shuttled from one job to another, leaving behind a string of charges that he absconded with company funds.
过去的十年间,里德换了一个又一个的工作,也留下了一长串针对其携款潜逃的指控。 yeeyan

The beginning of a business always proved extremely hard. During those tough days, Mr. Shen shuttled between Hongkong and Shanghai.
事业刚起步时总是异常艰辛,那时,沈钦华经常往返于上海和香港。 bbs.translators.com.cn

Ahead of them, young men huddled in the back of a delivery truck, under floral blankets. A minivan shuttled a group of traumatized neighbors toward the Egyptian border.
在他们前面,一群年轻男子挤在一辆运货卡车的花毛毯下,一辆迷你面包车将受伤的邻居送往埃及边境。 yeeyan

American mediators from Henry Kissinger onwards have shuttled to and from Jerusalem, while the Europeans have become the biggest paymasters of the Palestinian Authority.
自基辛格起的美国调解员往来穿梭耶路撒冷,而欧洲人业已成为巴勒斯坦权力机构最大的出纳员。 ecocn

And that's exactly why Allawi shuttled to Damascus for the meeting: He needs Sadr if he hopes to become prime minister.
而这正是阿拉维来到大马革士与之会晤的原因:如果他希望成为总理,那就需要萨德尔。 yeeyan

As a child, I was constantly being shuttled to some better place.
还是个孩子的时候,我家就一直往更好的地方搬家。 yeeyan

At one point, after being shuttled among different prisons, Mr. Day had found himself as the most senior officer at the Hanoi Hilton.
在转狱好几次之后,曾有一度,黛发现自己在“河内希尔顿”战俘营是军衔最高的。 ecocn

At a time when U. S. Vice president Dick Cheney was still being shuttled around to undisclosed locations, skyscrapers suddenly seemed like the most disclosed locations.
曾经有一度,当美国副总统迪克。切尼仍旧被不停地周转护送到隐蔽地点时,摩天大楼似乎突然间成了最暴露的地点。 examw

At a time when U.S. Vice president Dick Cheney was still being shuttled around to undisclosed locations, skyscrapers suddenly seemed like the most disclosed locations.
曾经有一度,当美国副总统迪克.切尼仍旧被不停地周转护送到各个隐蔽地点时,摩天大楼似乎突然间成了最暴露的地点。 hjenglish

Diseases travel rapidly through such immunologically stressed populations, and travel with the animals as they are shuttled throughout the United States between birth and slaughter.
疾病与在出生和屠宰期间穿梭在美国各地的牲畜作伴旅行,在有如此免疫性压力的牲畜群中迅速传播。 yeeyan

For now, theorists don't even know exactly how matter is shuttled inward and consumed.
对于现在来说,理论家们甚至不清楚这些物质是如何飞来飞去的。 yeeyan

I used to watch her from my kitchen window, she seemed so small as she shuttled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground.
我以前常常从厨房的窗户看到她穿梭于操场上的一群男孩子中间,她显得那么矮小。 ebigear

If necessary, digital images of cell samples provided by camera-equipped lab microscopes are shuttled through the internet to experts at other healthcare centres for further analysis.
必要时,用带照相功能的实验室显微镜拍摄细胞样本的数字图像,然后用网络传输给保健中心的专家做进一步研究。 yeeyan

In Dubai, workers from South Asia are shuttled in from desert labour camps in the same yellow buses that ferry American children to school.
在迪拜,南亚的工人们住在沙漠旁黄色大巴的劳工营里,同样的黄色巴士,在美国是孩子的校车。 ecocn

In the final days of the Clone Wars, the501st were constantly on the move, shuttled from battlefront to battlefront.
在克隆人战争的最后日子里,501兵团一直被频繁调动,在各个战场之间往来穿梭。 starwarsfans

Over the next year, Rihanna and her mom shuttled back and forth to Rogers' home in Connecticut.
于是,接下来,蕾哈娜便与母亲往返于罗杰斯在美国的家。 kekenet

She has also faced financial troubles; since losing her home to foreclosure in 2006, she has shuttled with her children from apartments to hotels.
她还面临着财政困扰,自从06年她丧失了对房屋抵押的赎回权,她和她的孩子们只能在旅馆搬来搬去。 yeeyan

Students shuttled between different stalls and tasted different foods from different countries. Many stalls were crowed with waiting people.
国际食品节让学生们在品尝美食的同时体验了不同国家文化之间的碰撞,谈笑间也收获了友谊。 news.xmu.edu.cn

The company's DRN- SM01, is the only sat radio receiver that can be shuttled from front seat to favorite seat, ensuring you don't spend your evenings in the garage.
该公司的 drn- sm01是惟一能够在汽车前座和您喜欢的座位间来回携带的卫星广播接收器。它确保了您不会把晚上的时间花费在车库里。 hotdic

The path from the station to the balloon was awesome, like Hollywood piece. We shuttled in the wheat fields and jungle, enjoyed the sounds running over the weeds.
小巴开往气球的那段路仿佛拍好莱坞大片,在麦田和丛林里穿梭,碾过杂草发出的喀拉声很带劲。 blogbus

When the body has plenty of oxygen, pyruvate is shuttled to anaerobic pathway to be further broken down for more energy.
但氧气不足的时候,身体会暂时将丙酮酸转换成为乳酸,使得葡萄糖能够继续分解,以便产生能量。 taisha

Workers are now shuttled from Timika to the mine by helicopter.
员工们现在是通过直升机往返于提米卡和矿井之间。 ecocn




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