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词汇 shuts
释义 shut·s 英ʃʌt美ʃʌt COCA¹⁴⁷⁴¹BNC²³⁷¹³Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
vt. & vi. 关,关上

close; close sth

not open;

the door slammed shut

used especially of mouth or eyes;

he sat quietly with closed eyes

his eyes were shut against the sunlight

move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut;

Close the door

shut the window

become closed;

The windows closed with a loud bang

prevent from entering; shut out;

The trees were shutting out all sunlight

This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country


❌ Please shut off the radio.The child has gone to sleep.

✔️ Please turn off the radio.The child has gone to sleep.

shut的意思是“把敞开着的东西合或关起来”,当表示“把…的开关关掉”时,不可用shut off,而用turn off。


❌ The water was shut for several hours while the pipes were being repaired.

✔️ The water was shut off for several hours while the pipes were being repaired.

shut作“关掉”解时,宾语通常是门、窗等可以打开的东西; 当表示“关上”“堵住”水、气等时,应该用shut off。


❌ The window is shut easily.

✔️ The window shuts easily.


❌ The shop will not be shut until 9 p.m.

✔️ The shop will not shut until 9 p.m.


shut, close


1.close指把门等关到让人不能出入的程度,只表示关上; 而shut指关严并紧紧闩住,强调与外界隔绝。例如:

He did not close the door when he left the room.他离开房间时没有关门。
Shut the door so that the cat won't get out.把门关严,别让猫跑出去。
The store closes at 9 p.m. every day.这家商店晚9点关门。
The police shut the murderer up in a cell.警方把杀人犯关进牢房。


The swimming pool has closed for the winter.游泳场冬天不开放。
The hotel is shut.这家旅馆不再开业了。close,shut,slam





用作动词 v.
~+名词shut a cottage关闭乡村别墅shut one's ears to充耳不闻shut one's eyes to视而不见shut one's mind to死不答应shut sb's clothes把衣服夹在门中shut the box关盒子shut the door〔gate〕关门shut the shop关店shut the windows关窗子~+副词shut abruptly突然地关上shut cautiously小心地关上shut clamorously砰砰响地关上shut easily轻易地合上shut heavily重重地关上shut impatiently不耐烦地关上shut lightly轻轻地关上shut mysteriously神秘地合上shut obligingly乐于助人地关上shut slowly缓慢地关上shut stealthily悄悄地合上shut suddenly突然关上shut away把…关起来,隔离shut him away from them把他和他们隔开shut down降临,关起来,关上,使停止shut down a factory关闭工厂shut off from关掉,截断,停止…的活动,使隔绝shut off the road from ordinary traffic禁止一般车辆沿此路通行shut oneself off from the world与世隔绝shut out把…关在外面,挡住,遮住,排斥shut out the dog别让狗进来shut out the light遮住光线shut up关上,关闭,保藏,监禁,闭口不语shut sb up in prison把某人送进监牢shut up shop关店,打烊shut up the valuables in a safe把贵重物品藏在保险箱中~+介词shut the door against sb不准某人进门,给某人吃闭门羹shut behind顺手关上shut the door behind you随手把门关上shut sb from circle把…排斥在圈子之外shut in关闭,禁闭,封闭,夹住shut oneself in one's room to think关在屋里思考问题shut on对…关上shut the door on sb把某人拒于门外,给某人吃闭门羹shut to关上某物,闭上眼shut one's ears to all advice不听任何劝告shut ears to all appeals for help对于一切求助的呼声都充耳不闻shut one's eyes to the facts闭眼不看事实shut with用…方式关上shut sb within the walls把某人关在屋内
shut down v.+adv.

完全关闭 close completely

shut downThe shop has shut down because of lack of trade.那商店因生意萧条而停业。shut sth ⇔ downShe shut the lid down.她扣上了盖儿。
They have shut the shop down.他们关闭了这家商店。
A strike has shut down several car factories.罢工使好几家汽车厂停产。
The factory was shut down for two months as a result of the strike.那工厂因为罢工而停工了两个月。
shut in¹ v.+adv.

锁或封在里边 seal or lock in; enclose

shut sb/sth ⇔ inIf you close that door you can shut the noise in.你要是关上那扇门,就听不到吵闹声了。
She feels rather shut in.她觉得简直是被关禁闭。
shut in² v.+prep.

关在里边 enclose

shut sb/sth in sthShe shut her finger in the door.她把手夹在门里了。
Be careful not to shut your fingers in the door.当心,别让门把你的手指夹住。
She shut her clothes in the door.她把衣服夹在门缝里了。
He was shut in a room.他被禁闭在一间屋里。
shut off v.+adv.

隔绝,使不得进入 separate; isolate; prevent from coming in

shut sth ⇔ offWould you shut the electricity off, please?劳驾,请切断电路好吗?
They have shut off the water supply.他们已经切断了水源。
We shut off the motor before we left the workshop.我们离开车间以前把马达关掉了。
The current has been shut off.电流切断了。
After the storm the electricity was shut off for several hours.暴风雨过后停了几个小时的电。shut oneself ⇔ offThe girl tried to shut herself off from the world.那女孩企图与世隔绝。
We are really shut off here.我们这里确实是闭塞。
They feel shut off from all human contact on this island.他们觉得在这个小岛上与人世隔绝。
shut out v.+adv.

排除,关在外边 exclude; lock out; prevent from coming in

shut sb/sth ⇔ outYou really can't shut him out so easily.你确实不能那样轻易地把他拒之门外。
He shut the cat out.他把猫关在外边。
She has tried to shut the memories out.她尽力排除对往事的回忆。
Close the door and shut out that draught!关上门把那股穿堂风挡住!
It's impossible to shut out all news from the outside world.封锁外界的消息是不可能的。
I can't shut out the picture of the accident.我不能忘却那次事故的景象。
shut to v.+prep.

不对…开放 not open to sth

shut sb/sth to sb/sthCanada shut its fishing waters to the United States.加拿大的捕鱼水域不对美国开放。
shut up v.+adv.

关严 close completely, but not necessarily forever

shut upI wish she would shut up!她要是安静下来该多好!
Shut up,I'm trying to think.别说了,我在想问题。
Shut up and let me alone!住嘴,别管我!
I asked them to shut up and let us listen to the radio.我让他们别说话,好让我们听听收音机。shut sb ⇔ upThe boy talked too much and I had to shut him up.这孩子话太多了,我不得不禁止他开口。shut sb/sth ⇔ upI shut my office up and went for lunch.我把办公室的门窗关好了就去吃午饭。
It's time to shut up shop and go home.该打烊回家了。
They have shut up their town house and have gone to the country for the summer.他们锁好城里的房子到乡下去过夏天了。
The shop has been shut up temporarily.这家商店临时停业了。
The thief was shut up in prison.那小偷被监禁在狱中。近义词 close反义词 open
S+~+AThe box shuts hard.这盒子很难关上。
The door shuts easily.这门很容易关。
The post office will shut at six pm.邮局在下午六点关门。
The flowers shut quietly at night.花在夜晚悄悄地合上。
S+~+ n./pron.Shut the windows before you leave.走之前把窗户关上。
He shut the book and put it away.他把书合起来,放到一边。
She shut the umbrella and entered the house.她收起雨伞进入屋里。
He shut his mouth and refused to say anything more.他闭上了嘴,什么也不说了。
He was angry, shut his mouth and said nothing.他生气了,闭上嘴巴什么也没说。
They shut their eyes to crime in which they did not participate.他们假装没有看见自己没有参与过的罪行。
Her eyes were shut.她的眼睛闭着。
It was so late that all the shops were shut.太晚了,所有店门都关上了。
The door is closed but not shut.门关着,但没上锁。
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.She would shut her eyes tight.她把眼睛闭得很严。




用作动词Pleaseshutthe door behind you.请关上你身后的门。
The office willshutdown for christmas.圣诞节办公室将关闭。
He decided toshutdown the shop.他决定关闭这家商店。
Heshuthimself away for a month to catch up on his academic work.他与世隔绝一个月,力图把功课赶上去。
Her mouth opened andshut, but no sound came out.她的嘴张开又闭上了,没有发出声音。
Heshuthis eyes to her faults.他对她的缺点视而不见。
Some coal-mines had toshutdown.有些煤矿不得不关闭。
Business is not good. He'll have toshutthe shop.生意不好,他只得打算停业。用作形容词She heard the bedroom window blowshut.她听见卧室的窗户被风刮关了。
With the doorshut, rhe room was hot and humid.门是关闭的,所以房间里又热又潮。
Keep your mouthshut.闭上你的嘴。
Are all the barsshutin this town?这个城镇里所有的酒吧都停止营业了吗?用作名词The jaws snapshutto take a sample.铁爪急速关闭以抓取样品。
Some coal-mines had toshutdown.有些煤矿不得不关闭。 For example, the bank's employees’ new climate awareness drove them to create a program that automatically shuts down computers at night.
银行员工的新的气候意识使他们自行开发了一个程序,这个程序会在晚上自动关闭电脑。 yeeyan

With three seconds left, Michael spins the wheel and shuts off the flow of water, which stops only inches below the grating.
还剩3秒钟时, Michael转动阀门轮,关掉了水流。 最后的水位停留在栅栏以下几英寸的位置。 yeeyan

And when he comes home, it is always such a disappointment that he shuts his study door to read, write or chat with his Dutch friend, Desiderius Erasmus.
而回到家中的父亲也总是给人种种失望——托马斯会关上学习间的门去阅读、写作或与他的荷兰朋友德西德里乌斯•伊拉斯谟 ③畅谈。 ecocn

At the end of adolescence, however, the brain shuts down half of that capacity, preserving only those modes of thought that have seemed most valuable during the first decade or so of life.
但是在青春期结束,大脑关闭一半的能力,仅仅保留了那些大约在生命最开始的十几年时间里似乎是最为宝贵的思维方式。 fjzsksw

By employing the method that shuts each subcircuit, the paper analyzes and compares the hydraulic stability of direct return systemDRS and reverse return system RRS.
采用依次关闭各支路,然后计算未关闭支路流量的方法,分析和对比异程系统与同程系统的稳定性。 dictall

Close all open connections and shuts down the network interface.
关闭所有开放的连接并关闭网络接口。 ceeger

God not shuts first gate but he opens the other.
上帝在关上一扇门的同时,却打开了另一扇。 ffenglish

He shuts the Judge up rudely.
他毫不客气地将法官驳得哑口无言。 jukuu

He shuts his locker door and stands near the other P. I. guys.
他关上储物柜的门,和其他 PI工作组员站到一起。 yeeyan

If a woman shuts off, there's trouble brewing and it's time for deep discussion.
如果女人闭了嘴,那是在酝酿麻烦,你该和她深谈了。 yeeyan

If your extension function throws an exception, Xalan shuts down.
如果您的扩展函数抛出了一个异常, Xalan将关闭。 ibm

It will then be sent off to the Smithsonian for retirement as NASA shuts down the shuttle program.
美国国家航空航天局决定停止发射航天飞机,发现号退役后将被送到史密森尼博物馆保存。 yeeyan

Just before someone shuts the door, I hear something inside the van where the remaining girls were herded.
就在某人即将把车门关上的时候,我听到那辆集中了剩余女孩们的卡车里发出了一阵声音。 douban

One aspect of the system is that as soon as the transfer deadline is passed, it shuts down and prevents any more transfer activity.

Photosynthesis shuts down, halting the production of chlorophyll in leaves.
它们关闭了光合作用,减少了树叶中叶绿素的产量。 yeeyan

She is a chatterbox who never shuts up.
她一打开话匣子就停不了。 chinafanyi

The brain actually shuts down a bit in the face of expert advice.
面对专家意见时,人的大脑实际处于相对关闭状态。 yeeyan

The internal combustion engine shuts down whenever the accumulator charge is sufficient to drive the motor.
每当蓄压器的电足够开动发动机时,这个内燃发动机就会关闭。 yeeyan

When the trap door shuts, the plant excretes mucilage next to a special cuticle around the door, creating a watertight seal.
当陷阱阀门关闭的时候,植物在阀门周围的特殊角质层上分泌粘液,形成不透水密封垫。 yeeyan

When Linux shuts down, it carefully flushes all cached data to disk and ensures that the filesystem is cleanly unmounted, so that it's ready for use when the system starts up again.
当 Linux关闭时,它仔细地把所有的缓冲区数据转送到磁盘,并确保文件系统被彻底卸载,以保证系统再次启动时能够使用。 ibm




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