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词汇 shuriken
释义 shuriken
Weapon-wise, the monk will be proficient with kama, quarterstaff andshuriken.武器精通,武僧将擅长单镰,棍,和十字剑。
The Shinobi IFV is a Spy IFV with a much cooler weapon and look: it launchesshurikenat its enemies with a decent RoF.火忍IFV相当于装备了超酷武器的间谍IFV,它可以以很高的射速向敌人发射手里剑。
However you can put them to some more constructive uses also, like create a spectroscope or ashurikenthrowing star or a mobile phone holder.首先我们来剖析一下刮痕对光盘的损害程度,一般来说垂直的刮痕从中心向外映射比螺旋型的刮痕伤害要低得多。
Over the years, through training, practice and dedication, I've become a ninja in avoiding responsibility, evading decisions the way Bruce Lee sidestepped Shuriken throwing stars.这么年来,通过不断的训练、实践和奉献,我已经成了回避责任的“忍者”,听之任之就像李小龙躲避手里剑飞镖。
Although they are thrown weapons,shurikenare treated as ammunition for the purposes of drawing them, crafting masterwork or otherwise special versions of them and what happens to them after they are thrown.虽然手里剑属于投掷武器,但在以下情况时被视为弹药:在拿取它时;制作精制品或其它特殊版本时见精制武器部分;判断当被投掷之后的情况时。




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