释义 |
Shuowen 基本例句 说文解字¹⁰⁰ Theancient dictionaryShuowensaid, ‘the tree with red core belongs to coniferae’.而这些颜色染料的来源,最多的是植物,红色的草,比如茜; According to the research, most of Huo Ti inShuowenJiezi are dialect characters, which is maybe the reason why there is little study on it.经考察分析,《说文》或体中大部分是方言字,上述情况可能与《说文》或体多方言字有关。 Huo Ti is one kind of Chong Wen with large quantity inShuowenJiezi, however there is not so much research on it as on Ancient character and Zhou Wen.摘要《说文》或体是《说文》重文中数量最多的一种,但历来对它的研究远远不如对《说文》中的古文和籀文那么重视。 ShuowenJiezi Section Mu of Tang Version唐写文说文木部 |