释义 |
Shultz ʃults 基本例句 舒尔茨¹⁰⁰ He sent Secretary of StateShultzto Capitol Hill in an effort to shore up wavering Republicans.他派国务卿舒尔兹到国会山庄去给意志动摇的共和党议员打气。 US Secretary of state GeorgeShultzvisited Dalian in 1987.美国国务卿舒尔茨于1987年来大连访问。 He sent Secretary of StateShultzto Capitol Hill in an effort to shore up wavering Republicans.他里根派国务卿舒尔兹到国会山庄去给意志动摇的共和党议员打气。 He sent Secretary of StateShultzto Capitol Hill in an effort to shore up waveringRepublicans.他派国务卿舒尔兹到国会山庄去给意志动摇的共和党议员打气。 SecretaryShultz, along with General Powell, the national security adviser, argues for cutting a deal in which General Noriega retires from his military command.国务卿舒尔茨,偕同国家安全顾问鲍威尔将军,均主张达成协议,让;诺列加将军让出军队指挥权。 Secretary of StateShultzand Defense Secretary Weinberger have rarely seen eye to eye on major issues.国务卿舒兹与国防部长温柏格在重大的问题上意见总是相异。 |