

单词 ball rolling
释义 ball rolling bɔ:lˈrəʊlɪŋ 短语⁴⁵⁰⁶³
And while it wouldn't be difficult to get the ball rolling on this, it would be difficult to convince other content providers to abandon Apple and to switch to Sony's content platform instead.
索尼从苹果公司撤出自己的内容不难,要想说服其他内容提供商放弃苹果而转投索尼旗下的内容平台,非常困难。 ttpet

As another bonus, catalytic funding is now available to get the ball rolling and attract more funds.
另一个有利之处是,现已具备催化资金可以行动起来并吸引更多的资金。 who

The New York Times had started the ball rolling in early March with the first of its Whitewater stories.
《纽约时报》首先开火,3月初便刊登了“白水门事件”的首篇报道。 yeeyan

When Kevin Rudd led the Labor Party to power in2007, he promised, as a“ fiscal conservative” to keep this ball rolling.
2007年,陆克文领导工党当权后,他保证将充当“财政保守派”继续保持这样的状态。 ecocn

“ Based on my experience with Mr Netanyahu, he did what he thought he had to do to keep the ball rolling, ” said Bill Clinton.
“以我对内塔尼亚胡的了解,他会为了达到目的而不择手段。”比尔•克林顿如是说。 ecocn

“ This is a signal that they are getting the ball rolling with meaningful policy changes in rebalancing, ” said Orlik.
“这个迹象表明,在再平衡这个问题上,他们正开始做出意味深长的政策变化”,奥林克表示。 yeeyan

Despite what got the ball rolling in the first place, you can choose to be part of a move in the opposite direction.
不管谁是让消极蔓延的源头,你可以选择成为它对立面的一员。 yeeyan

During manufacturing, we reduce the content of caffeine, but we do not completely remove it because our metabolism needs a little boost to get the ball rolling.
于生产过程中,我们把咖啡因含量降至最低,但没有完全将它清除,因为我们的身体需要少量的咖啡因以促进新陈代谢。 kuenglish

I can guarantee that a big smile and a simple“ my name’s blank, what’s yours” will be all you’ll need to get the ball rolling.
我能保证,一个大大的微笑和一句简单的“我的名字是某某,你叫什么”是你让谈话开始起来的所需的一切。 yeeyan

If momentum matters to financial reform, this month’s meetings keep the ball rolling, not much more.
如果金融改革保持这个势头,那么这个月的会议只是走走形式,不会取得太大成果。 yeeyan

They accept the offer just to start the ball rolling, disregard profit.
他们接受这个报盘仅仅是为了做一个开端,并不计较利益。 http://dj.iciba.com

To put this in perspective, you experienced a helpful new moon in your professional sector a few weeks ago on March23. At that time, you may have started the ball rolling.
在这方面,3月23日你的职业方面也经历过这样一个有利的新月,那时你也许就有了一个好的开始。 hjenglish

To get the ball rolling, the receiving component first gives the source component a pointer to its event handler, a process called registration.
为此,事件接收部分首先得给事件源提供一个事件处理器的指针,这个过程叫注册。 cnblogs

To start the ball rolling, we will provide you with price list, catalogue and some sample.
为了开展业务,我们会向贵方提供价格单、目录本和一些样品。 iciba

We have a great idea to invest in Western China, we just need someone to get the ball rolling.
我们有一项在中国西部投资的好计划,我们正需要人来实施这个项目。 kekenet

Weinberg says that Europe must consider stimulus for its economies, and Obama may be able to get the ball rolling.
威恩博格说,欧洲必须考虑对其经济采取刺激措施,而且奥巴马或许能够推动这些措施的出台。 shinewrite

Well, to start the ball rolling, how about lunch?
那么,作为开始,我们先一起吃午饭怎样? iciba




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