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词汇 shrivelled
释义 shrivelled ˈʃrɪvld 高COCA¹⁵⁸⁶⁸⁰BNC³⁸²⁸⁴iWeb⁵⁶⁷⁵²Economist¹⁵⁸⁹⁶
v. 皱缩使…束手无策原型shrivel的过去式和过去分词
used especially of vegetation having lost all moisture;

dried-up grass

the desert was edged with sere vegetation

shriveled leaves on the unwatered seedlings

withered vines

lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness;

the old woman's shriveled skin

he looked shriveled and ill

a shrunken old man

a lanky scarecrow of a man with withered face and lantern jaws

he did well despite his withered arm

a wizened little man with frizzy grey hair

reduced in efficacy or vitality or intensity;

our shriveled receipts during the storm

as the project wore on she found her enthusiasm shriveled

the dollar's shrunken buying power

近义词 wizen干涸sere干枯的wizened皱缩的sear使 … 干枯shrunken缩小的withered枯萎的dried-up干缩的shriveled皱缩的contracted收缩了的
verb.dehydrate, dry up
同义词 dwindle,shrink,wilt,witherburn,contract,desiccate,fossilize,mummify,parch,scorch,sear,stale,welter,wrinklemummy,wizen
反义词 bloom,develop,enlarge,expand,grow,freeze,moisten,wetunwrinkle As flows to eastern Europe and Africa have shrivelled, Asia’s share of the total flow of capital to the emerging world has gone from61.3% in 2007 to78.6% in the first half of2010.
流向东欧和非洲的资金减少了,在所有流向新兴国家的资金中,亚洲所占的份额从2007年的61.3%上升到2010年上半年的78.6%。 ecocn

The city got walloped by the tech crash in 2001. Venture-capital funding has shrivelled to about a quarter of what it was in2000 and took longer to recover than in other parts of America.
2001年高科技行业的低迷曾使其遭受重创,创业投资额一度缩减到2000年的四分之一,而且恢复的时间要比美国其它地区都长。 ecocn

The financial crisis and recession have put a brake on most deals, other than mergers between crumbling banks, as credit has dried up and confidence has shrivelled.
由于信贷市场已经干涸,人们的信心严重受挫,除了溃败的银行之间还可以合并之外,此次金融危机及随之而来的经济衰退已经阻止了许多交易的顺利开展。 ecocn

The fries shrivelled slightly as did the burger patty, but the overall appearance of the food did not change as the weeks turned to months.
薯条像汉堡肉饼一样有点轻微皱缩,但是从几周到几个月的时间内,这快餐总体外观并没有改变。 yeeyan

The Iranian economy was buffeted by international sanctions and lower energy prices even before political unrest shrivelled investment nearly to zero.
伊朗经济受到国际制裁和能源价格下跌的打击,甚至在政治动荡之前,投资就几乎萎缩为零。 ecocn

The words of the vulgar tongue appear therein wrinkled and shrivelled, as it were, beneath the hot iron of the executioner.
通常语言的词汇在这里出现时也仿佛已被刽子手的烙铁烙得缩蹙枯焦。 ebigear

“ Public interest in horse- racing in New York state has simply shrivelled up, ” says Bennett Liebman, who heads a racing think-tank at Albany Law School.
“在纽约州,公众对赛马的兴趣已然不再”奥尔巴尼法律学校的赛马智库领导贝内特利伯曼如是说到。 ecocn

Amid the smell of cooked books, foreign investors' confidence has shrivelled.
由于风闻账册数据遭到窜改捏造,外国投资者的信心大减。 ecocn

As consumer spending has slumped, the external imbalances have shrivelled.
随着消费者支出下降,外部失衡已经消褪。 ecocn

Banks from Austria, Italy and Sweden, which have invested and lent heavily in eastern Europe, would see catastrophic losses if the value of their assets shrivelled.
奥地利,意大利和瑞典的银行在东欧投资和贷款巨大,倘若他们的固定资产价值萎缩,就会出现灾难性的损失. ecocn

Christianity has shrivelled in Christendom's European heart.
在基督教世界的欧洲中心,基督教已经萎缩。 ecocn

Elsewhere in the Arab world most Jewish communities have shrivelled.
在阿拉伯世界的其他地方,犹太社区都已经不复存在了。 ecocn

Household wealth has shrivelled.
家庭财富已经缩水。 yeeyan

In America soaring GDP growth is likely to be a one-quarter wonder, driven by a rebuilding of firms’ shrivelled inventories.
美国急速的 GDP增长率有可能是单一季度的奇迹,受到来自于企业重建萎缩的存货的驱动。 yeeyan

NO SOONER had philanthropy become fashionable than the credit crunch shrivelled fortunes and the donations they sustain.
慈善活动刚刚成为一种时尚,信贷危机缩减了他们的财富和他们所给予的捐赠。 ecocn

Other lines of income have also shrivelled, most importantly DVD sales, which have plummeted by up to 25% in some studios, partly as a result of piracy.
其他收入来源也都枯竭,在最重要的 DVD销售中,一些制片商的销售额骤跌,幅度高达25%,部分损失是由盗版造成的。 yeeyan

Over the past century and a half capitalism has proved its worth for billions of people. The parts of the world where it has flourished have prospered; the parts where it has shrivelled have suffered.
在过去的一个半世纪里,资本主义向数十亿的人证明了它的价值:资本主义盛行的地区变得繁荣,资本主义枯竭的地区饱受苦难。 ecocn

The hippocampus also shrivelled faster in smokers.
海马体也会因吸烟而更快的“瘪”掉。 ebigear

The moon is not exactly the shrivelled prune of a satellite we once thought.
月球并非如我们想象的一般褶皱干燥。 yeeyan

The custom of the British upper classes, civilian and military, has tailed away as that class has shrivelled.
随着英国上层阶级,平民和军人阶层规模的缩小,他们的一些传统也渐渐淡化。 ecocn

The grapes hang shrivelled from the vine; the juice sucked out by the beasts.
干瘪的葡萄挂在葡萄藤上,葡萄的汁被那可恶的臭虫吸干了。 ecocn

The risk premium that investors usually demand for holding bonds over a longer period has shrivelled.
投资者在持有较长期债券时,通常要求获得风险溢价,而在这种情况下,长期国债的风险溢价已经大大降低。 citiv

The womb shrivelled within a few months.
那个子宫几个月以后枯萎了。 yeeyan




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