

单词 shrines
释义 shrine·s 英ʃraɪn美ʃraɪn COCA²⁰⁴⁷⁶BNC²²⁷⁵²Economist¹⁵⁸⁹⁵
n. 圣地⁴⁵; 神龛²⁶; 庙²⁷v. 将…置于神龛内¹; 把…奉为神圣¹原型shrine的三单过去分词shrined现在分词shrining三单shrines
C 圣地,圣坛,神圣场所

building or place associated with sth or sb especially respected;the Holy Land

a place of worship hallowed by association with some sacred thing or person
enclose in a shrine;

the saint's bones were enshrined in the cathedral

Yasukuni Shrine靖国神社worship at the shrine of Mammon崇拜财神
近义词 tomb坟墓tope佛塔grave坟墓alter改变place地方burial埋葬temple神殿holy神圣的stupa翠堵波sanctuary圣所mausoleum陵墓sepulchre坟墓monument纪念碑memorial纪念碑cenotaph纪念碑chapel小礼拜堂receptacle容器repository容器church礼拜仪式reliquary圣骨匣tabernacle礼拜堂enshrine奉为神圣aedicule小型建筑物
用作名词n.Islam's most sacred shrine is at Mecca in Saudi Arabia.伊斯兰教最神圣的圣地在沙特阿拉伯的麦加。
用作名词Many pilgrims worship at theshrine.许多朝圣者参拜圣地。
Mark Twain's birth place is visited as ashrine.马克吐温的诞生地被参观者视作圣地。
They bowed down before theshrine.他们在神龛前鞠躬示敬。
He put the promise in theshrinebeside the tablet of O-Tei.他将这句誓言放在神龛内阿真的牌位旁。
The Greeks dedicated ashrineto the god.希腊人把一座庙奉献给神。
The Matsu Temple, Penghu, is the oldestshrineto Matsu in Taiwan and exhibits carved woodwork of a very high standard.澎湖天后宫为台澎地区最早的妈祖庙,木雕水准极高。 And those little shrines all over the place?

It paid, also, for the lavish gifts he gave to Iran’s most holy Shia shrines, the foundation on which a unified Iran was built.
同样,他给伊朗最神圣的什叶派圣地的豪礼也是丝绸。 丝绸俨然成为统一伊朗的基础了。 ecocn

It's not surprising, with the huge popularity of the first movie, that many of these locations have now become shrines to Hogwarts.
随着第一部电影一炮打响,许多外景地都成了霍格沃茨魔法学校的圣地,这一点都不奇怪。 xinhuanet

One of the holiest Shiite shrines in all of Iraq has been hit by a car bombing.
伊拉克什叶派最神圣的神庙之一遭到一次汽车炸弹的袭击。 putclub

The articles cover the spectrum of all that a Western reader might associate with Japan, from rice and kimonos to sake and shrines.
里面的内容包括了一名西方读者所可能接触到的日本的方方面面,从大米和服到清酒神社。 yeeyan

The kids' shrines are filled with Disney characters, coke bottles, toys and poems.
孩子们的神龛填满了迪斯尼人物,可口可乐,玩具和诗歌。 yeeyan

There are provisions that are made for the Levites, who are not going to be able to earn their income anymore at these local shrines.

A city of east-central India southwest of Calcutta. It is known for its Hindu and Buddhist shrines. Population, 219, 211.
布巴内斯瓦尔印度中东部一城市,位于加尔各答西南。以其印度教和佛教的神殿而闻名。人口219,211。 hotdic

As caravans made their way westward, Buddhist travelers would stop at the holy shrines carved into a mountainside.
由于大篷车队是西行,佛教徒旅行者们将在雕刻在山腰的圣坛驻足。 dotting

However, the pagoda became an overnight steel debris rack, tower shrines of Buddha destroyed by fire torches.
但一夜之间宝塔成为一幅钢筋瓦砾架,塔内佛龛佛像被大火毁之一炬。 iaskquestion

I am the ever virgin your forefathers worshipped, and to my honor they erected shrines and temples at Baalbek and Jbeil.
我就是你的祖先崇拜的那位神女,他们在巴勒贝克、艾弗加和朱拜勒曾为我建筑过祭坛和庙宇。 danganj

Lightly armed melee unit capable of detonating themselves to harm nearby enemies. Can also construct Shrines and use Worship to bolster nearby Chaos units.
轻装近战单位,能够自爆伤害周围敌军。也可建造浑沌圣殿并使用膜拜来强化周围的浑沌部队。 blog.sina.com.cn

Local Hindus share picnics in parks and turn shrines into buffets of offerings for the monkeys.
当地的印度教徒会在公园里和猴子们分享野餐,在神殿里用自助餐的形式提供食物给猴子们。 yeeyan

People can visit shrines at their convenience— some devotees may pay their respects to the shrine every morning.
人们可以在他们方便的时候去拜访神社——有一些信徒可能每天早上都会去参拜。 ngpod

Small prayer halls or shrines are virtually universal in the homes of believers, and pilgrims coming to Lhasa number well over one million each year.
信教者家中几乎都设有小经堂或佛龛,每年到拉萨朝佛敬香的信教群众达百万人以上。 hotdic

So it becomes a real watershed for us in dating texts: texts that are happy with the existence of shrines throughout the land of Israel are probably pre- Josiah, pre-622, pre- exilic.

The Chinese keep shrines to the dead in their homes.
中国将神龛保存在逝者的房间里。 ecocn

These were the shrines I visited both summer and winter.
在夏天和冬天,我便访问这些神庙。 for68

This sounds like a much cooler idea then shrines that only one player can get.
这样看起来,似乎强化球体比只能一个人获取的神殿效果更酷。 cndiii

When I was about18, I started to visit temples, shrines and tea houses in Kyoto and nara; There's a lot of great traditional architecture in the area.
在我大概18岁的时候,我开始拜访京都和奈良的庙宇,神龛和茶室,那里有很多伟大的传统建筑。 yeeyan

Shrines will be able to cloak nearby friendly units and fire bolts that damage units in an area over time.
浑沌圣殿可使邻近的友军单位隐形,并能发射可对区域内单位造成持续伤害的闪电。 blog.sina.com.cn




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