

单词 ballplayer
释义 ball·play·er 英ˈbɔːlˌpleɪə美ˈbɔlˌpleɚAHDbôlʹplā'ər ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²³⁰⁰⁵iWeb³³³¹¹

an athlete who plays baseball近义词 player比赛者athlete运动员baseball player棒球运动员
Behind Sampras sat a friend of Bonds, who wanted to sit with the ballplayer.
一个朋友坐在邦兹的后面,他想和邦兹坐一起。 ecocn

He's a technical ballplayer at7-foot- tall and plays with a defensive ferocity few in the league can match. Or overcome.
身高7英尺的加内特是名技术球星,联盟内少有人匹敌其在防御上强势,别提超越他了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Like the ballplayer who can“read” pitches early, or the chess master who “ sees” the best move, they’ve developed a great eye.
像棒球手能早先预计到投球位置一样,或者像国际象棋大师一样,能预见到最好的棋步。他们都培养了一双伟大的眼睛。 yeeyan

Surmounting hostility from opponents and even some Dodger teammates, he weathered the immense pressure with dignity and restraint, and he proved to be a superb ballplayer.
为了克服来自对手甚至道奇队队友的敌意,他用尊严和忍耐挨过了巨大压力,并向世人证明了自己是一个棒球高手。 yeeyan

Though a good ballplayer, the team was loaded with talent, and Obama contributed only two points in the state championship game.
虽然他打球及不错,但当时球队人才济济,可怜的奥巴马在当年夏威夷州的决赛上仅有2分入账。 yeeyan

To call him a “walker” would be like calling Luciano Pavoratti a crooner or Michael Jordan a mere ballplayer. Williamson is a walker extraordinaire.
把他叫做“徒步者”就好像把帕瓦罗蒂称之为低声歌手,或把迈克尔乔丹为一个仅仅是打棒球的人。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

When Stephen lost a baseball game, there was a letter telling him she thought he was the best ballplayer in the whole world.
史蒂芬输了棒球赛时,便有一封信告诉他,她认为他是全世界最好的棒球手。 www.ecp.com.cn




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