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词汇 shrewd
释义 shrewd 英ʃruːd美ʃrudAHDshr›d ★☆☆☆☆高四六研GIMST宝6八COCA¹⁷⁰¹⁵BNC¹¹⁰²¹iWeb¹⁹⁶²⁴Economist⁹⁹²¹


having or showing good judgement and common sense

marked by practical hardheaded intelligence;

a smart businessman

an astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease

he was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow

used of persons;

the most calculating and selfish men in the community

shrewd, bright, clever, intelligent, smart, wise


1.bright一般指年轻人,尤指小孩的聪明、机警; wise指“有智慧的”“英明的”“有头脑的”; smart指“头脑敏捷的”“精明老练的”,常指思维能力很强,办事巧妙,能圆滑地处理人际关系等,有时也带有表面的或肤浅的色彩; clever指“聪明的”“伶俐的”“能干的”,尤指很有理解或学习能力的; shrewd指“机灵的”“敏锐的”“精明的”,表示谙于世故,对事物浅尝辄止,遇事老谋深算,从不忽略个人私利; intelligent指某人是“聪明的”“智力好的”,善于作出正确的判断。例如:

In some schools, the bright pupils tutor the dull ones.在一些学校里,一些聪明的学生辅导迟钝的学生。
She was wise to their scheme.她了解他们的诡计。
He is so smart that he will jump at the chance.他这个人很有头脑,不会错过这个机会的。
Jack is a clever student.杰克是个聪明伶俐的学生。
I think you've made a shrewd investment there.我认为你在那方面的投资极为聪明。
Elephants are intelligent animals.象是聪明的动物。

2.bright强调反应快; wise强调有判断力的、能明辨是非的; intelligent强调思维清楚、理解力强。例如:

Tom is a bright scholar in the class.汤姆在班上是个聪明的学生。
It is wise to keep out of debt.不借债是明智的。
He was intelligent enough to understand my question from the gestures I made.他很聪明,从我的手势就明白了我的问题。bright,clever,wise,brilliant,intelligent,ingenious,smart,shrewd
















我们常常以shrew 一词辱骂一个女人,却以另一词shrewd恭维一个男人。shrew意指“泼妇”或“悍妇”,而shrewd则表示“精明的”、“机灵的”。这两者的词形仅一个字母之差,但其词义却一贬一褒。其实在语源上它们之间存在着密切的亲缘关系。shrew原指一种形似鼠的小动物,汉语叫“鼩鼱”。该动物生性凶狠好斗,常为一点食物自相残杀,而且胜者还将败者吃掉,所以shrew也被用来喻指“恶人”,尤指“悍妇”,如莎士比亚的喜剧The Taming ofthe Shrew《驯悍记》。后来,shrew也被用作动词,作“辱骂”或“咒骂”等义解,其过去分词形式shrewed则作形容词用,含“坏心眼的”、“凶狠的”等义,是个地地道道的贬义词。但最后其词形演变为shrewd,词义也经历了由贬而褒的变化过程。如今我们尚可从保留下来的以下几个固定搭配中看到shrewd早先的贬义特征:a shrewd blow狠狠的一击,a shrewd wind凛冽的寒风,a shrewd pain剧痛。可见,shrewd是从shrew衍化出来的。shrew在古英语原作screawa,在中世纪英语作schrewe。
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词shrewd argument高明的论点shrewd dealer精明的商人shrewd financier精明的金融家shrewd investment高明的投资shrewd measure高明的措施shrewd plan高明的计划shrewd politician精明的政治家
源自shrew 地鼠,悍妇;音:鼠的,象老鼠一样狡猾,敏捷的;音:数的,识数的,数数很精明的
非常记忆sh上海+re热+wd网店⇒精明的上海人收购了热门的网店GRE难词记忆shrewd→shrew n.泼妇+d→泼妇似的→厉害的→尖锐的→精明的发音记忆“熟的”→对某事很熟,因此反应灵敏→机灵的GRE难词记忆shrewd 音“she rude”→她又粗鲁又精明shrewn.泼妇+d→泼妇似的→厉害的→尖锐的⇒精明的联想记忆shrew泼妇一般都是相当精明的。发音记忆“熟的”→对某事很熟,因此反应敏锐近义词 keenquicksharpclever反义词 dullfairopensincere
~+ n.He is a shrewd businessman.他是一个精明的商人。
His answer to the journalist is a shrewd one.他回答记者的问题是很机敏的。
S+be+~+ prep .-phraseThough still in his teens,Tom is shrewd at a bargain.虽然汤姆才十多岁,可是讨价还价却很在行。S+be+~+to- vHe's too shrewd to be trusted in business matters.他太狡猾,生意上不宜信任。Pshrewd-braineda.头脑精明的Pshrewd-lookinga.看上去精明的Pshrewd-headeda.头脑机灵的头脑精明的

用作形容词Her brother is ashrewdbusinessman.她兄弟是个精明的生意人。
It was ashrewdassessment and probably pretty close to the truth.这个评估很有道理,可能相当正确。
He's an artist, a scientist and ashrewdbusinessman rolled into one.他既是艺术家,又是科学家,同时还是个精明的生意人。
His skill in negotiating earned him a reputation as ashrewdtactician.他的谈判技巧使他赢得了精明战略家的名声。
Hisshrewdeyes looked across at his wife.他那敏锐的目光射向他的妻子。
The question was a quick,shrewdparry.这句问话是一种穷急智生的狡猾的遁辞词。adj.clever, intelligent
同义词 astute,cagey,canny,crafty,farsighted,ingenious,judicious,keen,penetrating,perceptive,probing,prudent,sensible,sharp,slick,sly,smart,wily,wiseacute,argute,artful,astucious,brainy,calculating,cunning,cutting,deep,discerning,discriminating,foxy,heady,in the know,inside,knowing,on the inside,on top of,perspicacious,piercing,profound,quick-witted,sagacious,savvy,shark,slippery,smooth,streetwise,tricky,underhand,up on,wised up
反义词 blunt,dull,foolish,honest,idiotic,ignorant,inept,obtuse,senseless,slow,stupid,unclever,unintelligent,unreasonable,unstylish,unwisefrivolous,naive,unthinking
Machiavellianadjective scheming
artfuladjective skillful;cunning
astuteadjective perceptive
adroit,brainy,bright,calculating,canny,clever,crafty,discerning,foxy,insightful,intelligent,keen,knowing,not born yesterday,on the ball,perspicacious,quick on the uptake,sagacious,savvy,sharp,sharp as a tack,shrewd,sly
cageyadjective tricky
calculatingadjective scheming to manipulate
cannyadjective clever, artful
able,acute,adroit,astute,cagey,careful,cautious,circumspect,cunning,dexterous,discreet,foxy,frugal,having fancy footwork,hep,ingenious,intelligent,judicious,knowing,nimble-witted,perspicacious,prudent,quick,quick-witted,sagacious,shrewd,skillful,slick,slippery,sly,smart,smooth,street smart,streetwise,subtle,wary,watchful,wise,with it,worldly-wise On the contrary, they found a shrewd formula to accommodate one another.
相反,他们找到了一个精明的方式来适应对方。 ecocn

That last part—“ according to his ability or achievement”— is the tempering phrase, a shrewd bit of expectations management.
文章的最后部分,“根据他的能力和成就”——是一个比较有弹性的词,意味需要一点管理的精明。 yeeyan

The shrewd scholar always waits until the parade is passing his door and then steps bravely out in front of the band.
精明的学者总是待游行队伍经过自己门前时,才勇敢地冲了出来,走到队伍的前列。 hjenglish

“ No shrewd user” of a biological weapon“is going to give you that opportunity,” he warned.
“没有一个精明的生物武器使用者会给你那个机会,”他警告说。 yeeyan

A minority of shrewd billionaires have succeeded in prospering despite the tumultuous conditions.
有少数精明的亿万富翁得以在动荡的环境中获取成功。 yeeyan

Allowing them to tap the credit line may be a shrewd precautionary measure.
允许它们突破信贷额度或许是一个精明的防范措施。 ecocn

And like any shrewd borrower, Milton promises that the credit extended will prove an excellent investment.

But the truth is that Reagan was more adaptable, politically shrewd and open to compromise than either his champions or his critics prefer to admit.
但事实是,里根比其拥护者和批评者所愿意承认的更加具有灵活性,在政治上更精明,更愿意妥协。 yeeyan

He is probably shrewd enough to realize this; most opinion polls indicate he should go.
他也许足够精明,能够认识到这一点;大多数民意调查表明他应该下台。 ecocn

His skill in negotiating earned him a reputation as a shrewd tactician.
他的谈判技巧使他赢得了精明战略家的名声。 ebigear

How did as shrewd a politician as Mr Obama find himself stalemated, if not checkmated, so early in his presidency?
像欧巴马这么精明的政治家怎么会在他到任不久就被人将军了,甚至是击败了呢? ecocn

I became very rich by making some shrewd investments.
我变得十分富有,由于我做了一些精明的投资。 hjenglish

In economics one should never be right too soon. The shrewd scholar always waits until the parade is passing his door and then steps bravely out in front of the band.
在经济学方面,人们应该耐心等待时机再宣布自己正确的主张。精明的学者总是待游行队伍经过自己门前时,才勇敢地冲了出来,走到队伍的前列。 putclub

Many economists agree that shrewd state management can be better than market forces in getting a developing nation on its feet.
许多经济学家同意,在让发展中国家复苏方面,精明的政府管理可以比市场力量表现更佳。 yeeyan

People who can afford to hire shrewd lawyers often find legal loopholes enabling them to escape most taxes.
那些雇得起精明律师的人往往能找到法律上的漏洞,从而使他们逃避大部分税款。 calm-sea

President Ahmadinejad may not be much of an economist, but he is a shrewd politician.
内贾德总统可能不是经济学家,但他是个精明的政客。 ecocn

Rand, on the other hand, was rhetorically shrewd.
兰德,在另一方面,则措辞相当精明。 yeeyan

She was shrewd and diligent, so business kept coming in, and pretty soon she realized that she needed an in- house counsel.
因为精明和勤奋,她的生意很快就越来越红火了。 于是不久,她就意识到她得请一个专门的法律顾问。 eol

She is also a shrewd business tycoon, a modern woman of all-around talent.
她同样也是一个精明的商业大亨,拥有全面智慧的现代女性。 yeeyan

Such a speech made sense politically, too: it was shrewd to emphasise just how dreadful a mess he is inheriting from his predecessor.
这样的演说在政治上也是有意义的:只强调他从前任总统继承下来的混乱局面是多么严重——这很精明。 ecocn

That is probably a shrewd legal strategy, but it is unlikely to help Mr Murdoch much in the court of British public opinion.
这也许是一个精明合法的策略,但它不太可能在英国舆论的法庭上给默多克太大帮助。 yeeyan

That would be welcome in itself—as a shrewd lawyer would no doubt be as quick to point out as a sharp economist.
这件事本身就值得欢迎,精明的律师毫无疑问可以像犀利的经济学家那样立刻意识到这一点。 ecocn




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