

单词 showroom
释义 showroom 英'ʃəʊruːm美'ʃorʊm ★☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁶⁵⁹²BNC¹⁶²⁷²iWeb⁹³³³Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

an area where merchandise such as cars can be displayed;

in Britain a showroom is called a salesroom

蒋争熟词记忆show展出;陈列room室⇒陈列室;展览室show展出;陈列room室⇒陈列室;展览室近义词 shop商店store商店outlet出路saleroom销售额salesroom门市部

用作名词Police restored the stolen jewels to theshowroom.警方将被盗的珠宝交还给了陈列室。
Would you like to see ourshowroom?您想看看我们的展览室吗?as in.gallery
同义词 exhibit,hall,museum,salon,studiowingexhibition roomas in.market/mart
同义词 bazaar,bodega,booth,business,chain store,co-op,corner store,deli,delicatessen,department store,dimestore,drugstore,emporium,exchange,fair,general store,grocery store,mall,outlet,shop,shopping mall,souk,square,stall,stock exchange,store,supermarket,trading post,truck,variety store,warehouseas in.outlet
同义词 market,shopfactory store,mill store,seconds storeas in.salon
同义词 gallery,hall,parlor,room,shopassemblage,gathering,group,receptionas in.shop
同义词 boutique,chain,deli,department store,emporium,market,mill,outlet,stand,store,supermarketfive-and-dimeas in.store
同义词 boutique,chain store,convenience store,deli,department store,discount store,drugstore,emporium,grocery store,market,outlet,shop,shopping center,supermarketmart,repository,stand,storehouse,superdiscount house,five-and-dime,five-and-ten,specialty shop,superette
gallerynoun showplace for wares
exhibit,exhibition room,hall,museum,salon,studio,wing
market/martnoun place, venue for selling goods
bazaar,bodega,booth,business,chain store,co-op,corner store,deli,delicatessen,department store,dimestore,drugstore,emporium,exchange,fair,general store,grocery store,mall,outlet,shop,shopping mall,showroom,souk,square,stall,stock exchange,store,supermarket,trading post,truck,variety store,warehouse
marketsnoun place, venue for selling goods
bazaars,bodegas,booths,businesses,chain stores,co-ops,corner stores,delicatessens,delis,department stores,dimestores,drugstores,emporiums,exchanges,fairs,general stores,grocery stores,malls,marts,outlets,shopping malls,shops,showrooms,souks,squares,stalls,stock exchanges,stores,supermarkets,trading posts,trucks,variety stores,warehouses
martsnoun place, venue for selling goods
bazaars,bodegas,booths,businesses,chain stores,co-ops,corner stores,delicatessens,delis,department stores,dimestores,drugstores,emporiums,exchanges,fairs,general stores,grocery stores,malls,marts,outlets,shopping malls,shops,showrooms,souks,squares,stalls,stock exchanges,stores,supermarkets,trading posts,trucks,variety stores,warehouses
outletnoun store that sells discounted items
factory store,market,mill store,seconds store,shop,showroom
salonnoun gathering room
assemblage,gallery,gathering,group,hall,parlor,reception,room,shop,showroom A showroom exhibits the latest models and you quickly see that this company has a new customer in mind.
陈列室中展示着公司的最新款式。 从中你可以很快发现他们已经开始考虑一个新的买家了。 yeeyan

Across town, rival Kohler Co. of Wisconsin displays its elegantly designed bowls in a recently renovated showroom.
在另一家店里,竞争对手 Wisconsin的 Kohler Co.在最近的一个装修陈列室中展示了他优美的设置。 yeeyan

Kitchens by Poggenpohl, another smart German brand, are selling well in Dubai, Shanghai and Istanbul; it recently opened a showroom in Nairobi, Kenya.
另一家德国时髦品牌“博德宝 Poggenpohl”在迪拜、上海和伊斯坦布尔也销售旺盛;它最近在肯尼亚首都内罗毕开设了一家展厅。 ecocn

LORIAN LEONHARD, a London violin dealer, keeps a large fossilised ammonite in his showroom.
伦敦小提琴商人洛里安•里昂哈德在陈列室放了一大块菊石化石。 ecocn

On a steamy saturday afternoon just outside Shanghai, Zhang Yi is in a blessedly cool General Motors showroom, kicking the tires of the company's newer models. He's not there to beat the heat.
上海,周六的下午,外面的天气潮湿闷热,而张仪却舒服地呆在凉爽的通用汽车的展厅里,踢踢轮胎,查看着通用公司的新款车型。 yeeyan

Winds of near hurricane strength shattered windows throughout the metropolitan region including this automobile showroom, Aug.28,1971, Queens, New York.
1971年8月28日,皇后区,强大的飓风把整个都市中心区的窗户吹得粉碎,其中也包括这间汽车陈列室。 yeeyan

I believe you have seen our exhibits in the showroom. What is it that particularly interests you?
我相信你已经在展示室里看过我们的展品了,你最感兴趣的是哪款产品呢? ebigear

I remember walking into that showroom and seeing the vehicle that was the object of my quest.
我还清楚地记得,我走进展厅看到这辆车,一眼便认出它正是我需要的。 fortunechina

' I'll look at it in the showroom and can answer this better after that,' he said.
他说,我会去陈列室仔细考察,然后才能更好地回答哪些款式能大卖的问题。 ebigear

Lincoln sold an average of5.8 cars per showroom a month in 2009, compared with Lexus’s more than78, according to company data and research firm Grant Thornton.
根据福特公司以及研究咨询公司均富国际 Grant Thornton的数据显示,2009年时每个展厅每月平均售出5.8辆林肯车,而其竞争对手雷克萨斯 Lexus的每月销量在78辆以上。 yeeyan

On display in a showroom in Tokyo are versions of the famous feline in everything from tiny earrings to melon- sized figurines.
在东京一个陈列室里展出了这个著名的猫的各种东西,从小耳环到瓜型的小雕像都有。 hxen

One U.S. dealer who is sold out of new cars told the New York Times he had resorted to displaying used models at his showroom.
一位美国经销商手上的普锐斯新车已经全部卖光了,他对《纽约时报》表示,他甚至只得把用过的普锐斯轿车放在展厅里当样车。 putclub

Scott Fink, chairman of Hyundai's national dealer council, said he has more showroom traffic today than two years ago.
国家经销商委员会主席斯科特-芬克说今天他比两年前有更多的交易展厅。 yeeyan

She will spend10am to6pm in beds in the company's showroom in Edgbaston, and then will blog about her experiences.
她上午10时至下午6时将待在埃德巴斯顿公司陈列室的睡床上,然后在博客上发布自己的感受。 yeeyan

The company showroom, Feel It Hall, captures a few contradictions.
该公司的展厅“体验馆”存在一些矛盾。 yeeyan

The dealership has stored all its past sales information and information about each person who purchased a BMW, looked at a BMW, and browsed the BMW showroom floor.
这个经销店已经保存了所有其过去的销售信息及有关购买过 BMW、留意过 BMW或是来过 BMW展厅的每个客户的信息。 ibm

This means when you walk onto the showroom floor you're not bombarded with what I refer to as “ beyond eager” sales people.
这就是说,当你踏上展示厅的地板,你不会受到“过于热心”我更愿用这个词的销售人员的狂轰乱炸。 yeeyan

Today she has her showroom: a dusty corner near the rear of the factory.
今天,萨拉终于有了一间陈列室:建在工厂的后部一个尘土飞扬的角落里。 yeeyan

We have a technology showroom in every research lab.

Whether creating buzz and consideration leads to showroom traffic and eventual sales will be another question.
菲亚特面对的另一个问题是,引起关注和提高考虑购买度是否会推动汽车展厅人流增加并最终增加销售。 fortunechina

Yiwu,200 miles south of Shanghai, is the wholesale showroom for the factory to the world that China has become.
位于上海以南两百公里外的义乌现在已成为中国工厂面向世界的陈列室。 yeeyan




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