

单词 showings
释义 showings ˈʃoʊɪŋz COCA⁴³³⁹⁷BNC⁵⁰²⁷⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
油气运移;油花原型showing的复数 Objective Control study CT showings of sacroiliac joint in the different age of AS patients and the same age of healthy volunteers.
目的:对照研究不同年龄 AS患者和同龄健康志愿者骶髂关节 CT表现。 fabiao

The move to sharply curtail showings of the movie highlights China's efforts to limit foreign films. But it also comes amid a rebirth of the Chinese film industry.

Despite these good showings, however, Mr Rudd faces a big battle to persuade voters to buy his picture of themselves.
然而,尽管有这些好兆头,陆克文也面临一场大战,去说服选民相信他对他们的描绘。 ecocn

Events include readings, discussions and movie showings.
庆祝活动包括阅读,讨论以及电影展映等。 hjenglish

He has some way to go before making to the top ten all-time Premier League table, Andy Cole currently holds the 10th spot for414 showings.
他还要做些努力使他能够进入联赛出场的TOP10,安迪科尔现在以414场身居第十位。 qieerxi

In addition to the usual displays, the museums also offer film showings and dance programs.
这些博物馆,除了展出通常的展品外,也放映电影和举办舞会。 blog.sina.com.cn

Ms. Chien’s company now distributes38 independent Chinese films abroad, mostly to film societies and universities and for showings at festivals.
陈女士的公司目前在境外发行了38部中国独立电影,大多数都面向电影社团,大学和电影节。 yeeyan

Reduction in the purchase process repeated showings of your hard work!
在购买过程中减少您多次看房的辛苦! ershoufang.bj.haozhai.com

Since1983 he has been exhibiting independently and has taken part in more than 70 group showings.
自1983年以来,他一直独立参展,并采取了70多个组放映的一部分。 artintern

Some theaters arranged showings as late as 3:15 a. m.
一些剧场安排首映迟至上午3:15. yeeyan

The showings started at 9am on a Monday and did not finish till the Friday.
该影片从周一早上9点一直放到周五。 ecocn

This one, though, also includes showings of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Beauty and the Beast.
尽管如此,这门课上也会放映《白雪公主和七个小矮人》和《美女与野兽》。 ryedu.net

Wenger would have thought the young Brazilian could be tested following his suspect showings against Manchester City in the Carling Cup.
巴西小将在联赛杯曼城德比中表现并不牢靠,温格也想着重考验他这一边。 yeeyan

Yao attributed the poor showings to China's focus on the2008 Beijing Olympics and neglect of development teams and the country's professional league.
姚明认为忽视对后备力量和国内职业联赛的发展,而仅关注08奥运的成绩导致了这场悲剧的发生。 yeeyan




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