

单词 showed
释义 show·ed 英ʃəʊ美ʃoʊ COCA¹¹⁶⁴BNC⁷⁹⁵Economist¹⁰⁵¹
vt. & vi. 给…看,显示

let sb see sth

vt. 为…带路

direct; guide

vt. & vi. 上演,展出

offer or be offered as a performance, especially at a cinema

vt. & vi. 表现出,显露出

appear; be seen

vt. 说明,表明

prove; make clear

C 表演,演出

a performance, especially in a theatre or on radio or television

C 展览,展览物,展览会

a public showing; collection of things for the public to look at; exhibition

S 显示,展示

a showing of some quality; display

the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining;

a remarkable show of skill

something intended to communicate a particular impression;

made a display of strength

a show of impatience

a good show of looking interested

a social event involving a public performance or entertainment;

they wanted to see some of the shows on Broadway

pretending that something is the case in order to make a good impression;

they try to keep up appearances

that ceremony is just for show

give an exhibition of to an interested audience;

She shows her dogs frequently

We will demo the new software in Washington

establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment;

The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound

The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture

provide evidence for;

The blood test showed that he was the father

Her behavior testified to her incompetence

make visible or noticeable;

She showed her talent for cooking

Show me your etchings, please

show in, or as in, a picture;

This scene depicts country life

the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting

give expression to;

She showed her disappointment

indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively;

I showed the customer the glove section

He pointed to the empty parking space

he indicated his opponents

be or become visible or noticeable;

His good upbringing really shows

The dirty side will show

indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments;

The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero

The gauge read `empty'

give evidence of, as of records;

The diary shows his distress that evening

take someone to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums;

The usher showed us to our seats

finish third or better in a horse or dog race;

he bet $2 on number six to show


❌ I want to show to do it.

✔️ I want to show you how to do it.

show后不可直接接动词不定式作宾语,但可接以wh- to- v 充当宾语补足语的复合宾语。


❌ They showed me the library to have a look.

✔️ They showed me the library.


❌ Will you please show us to see all the famous sights of this city?

✔️ Will you please show us all the famous sights of this city?

show本身已含有“看”的含义,因此,无须加have a look或to see。


❌ What is being shown at the theatre?

✔️ What is showing at the theatre?

表示“表演节目”, show是不及物动词,不可用被动结构。


❌ He showed to be innocent.

✔️ He showed himself to be innocent.

表示“表明自己是…的”,须用show+oneself+to be adj. 结构,不可省略oneself。

show one's face, show oneself, show itself

这三个短语的意思不同。show one's face的意思是“露面”。例如:

Miss Walsh is ashamed to show her face before the public.华尔希小姐不好意思在大庭广众面前露面。

show oneself的意思是“出席、到场”。例如:

Ought we to show ourselves at the meeting tomorrow?明天我们应不应该出席会议?show itself的意思是“显而易见”。例如:

His annoyance showed itself in his looks.一看他的脸色便知他不愉快。show, exhibit


exhibit常带有“展览”的意思,其宾语多为有价值的东西,如古物等; 而show则多表示“出示”某物,宾语多为小型物品,如证件等。例如:

She has exhibited her paintings in Paris.她的画在巴黎展出过。show, display


1.display指表现出来的东西能使人看到或体会到; show指将事物展示给别人看,或领旁人到某地去观看。show有时还可以表示用语言、符号、行动等表达思想感情。例如:

The shop displays a new kind of car.在商店里展示着一款新车。
She showed her favor.她表示给予支持。

2.show是有意识地展示; display则是费力地明显表现。例如:

She never shows her feelings.她的感情从不外露。
Department stores display their goods in the windows.百货商店把商品陈列在橱窗里。

3.show较真实; display有时带有较大的夸耀性。例如:

Does the mark of the wound still show?伤痕还看得出吗?show, indicate, point out


1.point out更强调“指出”。例如:

She pointed out that the closing date for making applications had passed.她指出申请的截止日期已经过了。


Does the mark of the wound still show?伤痕还看得出吗?
Tickets, please. Show your tickets.票,请把票拿出来。


A signpost indicated the right road for us to follow.一个路标给我们指示应走的路。
The state of his clothes indicates clearly that he has been playing football.他的衣服表明他一直在踢足球。show, evidence, evince, manifest


show仅指让别人看见,其内容却需通过言行或神色来推敲; evidence尤指用言语或行动来证明尚未完全证明或仍有疑问的东西; evince侧重表露出兴趣、感情、能力等; manifest强调比show更充分、更清楚和更明确地显示。例如:

His answer evidenced a guilty conscience.他的回答证明他良心有愧。
He is a child who evinces great intelligence.他是一个表现出有极高智力的儿童。
The symptoms manifested themselves ten days later.十天后出现了症状。show, expose, flaunt, parade


show最常用,指采取行动以达到让别人能看见的目的; expose指移去某物的覆盖物或把某物从隐藏处拿出来以使其公开暴露,也指陈列商品等,暗示暴露令人不快、应该藏匿的事物; parade指夸耀或炫耀,有时侧重怀有欺骗的念头; flaunt指比parade更无耻地挑衅式地卖弄或夸示。例如:

Keep indoors and don't expose your skin to the sun.留在屋里,不要让皮肤在太阳下暴晒。
She was flaunting her new fur coat.她正在夸耀她那件新皮衣。
She paraded the corridors in her new dress.她穿着新衣服炫耀地在走廊里走来走去。下面三个句子意思不同:She showed him the door.她把他赶走。
She showed him to the door.她陪他到门口。
She showed him out.她把他赶走。


下面两个句子意思不同:He showed me the room.他领我看这房间。
He showed me into the room.他领我进入这房间。下面两个句子意思有细微差别:Show me your passport, please.请给我看看你的护照。
Show your passport to me, please.请把你的护照出示给我看看。
for show, in show, on show

这三个短语的意思不同:in show的意思是“表面上,有名无实”; on show的意思是“被展示”; for show的意思是“为了炫耀”。

show, exhibition


There is a flower show in the park.公园里正在举行花卉展览。appear,emerge,show,loom













用作动词 v.
~+名词show a new film上演新电影show a visitor into把客人引进…show bravery显出勇气show dirt显得脏show elegance显出高雅show emotion流露出感情show face出现,露脸show happiness表示幸福show leniency表现出仁厚show little mercy不表示同情show oneself露脸,出面,出现show oneself at the reception出席招待会show oneself in one's true colour显露出原形show oneself in public公开露面show one's works展示作品show patience体现出耐心show pleasure显出愉快show sb stamp collection给…看收集的邮票show sb the way给某人指路show sign of intelligence显出有智力的迹象show sign of wear有磨损的迹象show teeth发怒show the painting展览绘画show the prizes展示奖品show the way给…指路~+副词show accurately准确地说明show clearly清楚地展示show conclusively令人信服地说明show definitely明确地说明show dimly显得昏暗show easily容易地展示show formidably可怕地露出show fully充分地说明show graphically生动地展示show minutely细致地说明show photographically照片上显示show plainly清楚地说明show spectacularly壮观地展示show vaguely模糊地说明show in领…进来show a guest in领客人进来show off夸耀,表现〔显示〕出优点show off well against衬着…很好看show out领…离开,送出show a guest out领客人出去show the gentleman out把这位先生送出去show the woman out of the study把那女人送出书房show up揭发,暴露,出现show up at the meeting出席会议~+介词show around带领…参观…show a friend around带朋友参观…show sb around the campus带…参观校园show as用…表示show by用…表示show into领进show sb into the drawing room把…引进客厅show over带领参观show sb over a factory带某人参观工厂show sb over the old castle领某人看古堡的全貌show through带领参观show sb through the museum领…参观博物馆show to把…拿给…看,把…领〔送〕到show new ring to sb把新戒指给某人看show sb to the door把某人送到门口show sb to the seat引某人入座用作名词 n.动词+~acclaim show为表演喝彩applaud show为表演鼓掌attend a show看演出back show支持表演catch a show看演出censor show审查演出conclude show结束演出direct a show导演剧目do a show去看戏〔电影〕等finance show出钱支持展览give a show上演give sb a fair show给某人一个好机会give the show away露出马脚,泄露内幕give the whole show away泄漏整个事情give two shows everyday每天演出两场go to a show去看展览〔演出,电影〕hail show欢呼演出have no show of winning没有获胜的机会hold a show举办展览make a show展示make a show of oneself出洋相make a false show of strength虚张声势offer show提供展览produce a show制作剧目put on a show上演剧目,假装put up a show表现render show表现,使…演出review show评论演出revise show修正演出run the show主持演出〔展览〕,主持,操纵see a show看演出set up for show摆样子sponsor a show赞助演出stage a show上演节目stand a show有一个机会steal the show抢着出风头stop the show观众的热烈掌声中断演出take in a show看演出形容词+~bad show表演得不好beautiful show美丽的景象excellent show精彩的表演〔演出〕good show好的演出greatest show最精彩的表演hit show十分成功的表演light show光影闪烁的表演musical show音乐表演open-air show露天表演outward show外观public show公开表演sorry show难过的样子名词+~air show航空展览会chat show电台或电视台的现场谈话节目circus show马戏表演dance show舞蹈表演film show电影展floor show夜总会等中的歌舞表演flower show花展horse show马展ice show溜冰表演leg show大腿舞minstrel show黑人剧团的演出monkey show猴戏motor show汽车展览会oil show石油迹象peep show西洋景puppet show木偶戏radio show广播节目road show巡回演出stage show舞台表演talent show业余能手演唱会talk show答问节目tractor show拖拉机展览trade show内部预演strip show脱衣舞表演TV show电视节目variety show综合文艺节目介词+~at a show在展览会上decide it by a show of hand举手表决for show为了给人留下印象,为了引人注目do sth for a show为某事装门面,为炫耀而做某事in dumb show哑剧表演be fond of show喜欢表现,喜欢卖弄on show在展览中~+介词show of flowers花展show of hand举手表决some show of justice相当公正good show of reason很有理由show of resistance抵抗的样子show of strength力量的显示show of things事物的表面show of trying试一试的机会
show around v.+prep.

领…参观 take sb to look around

show sb around sthNow that you are all here, let me show you around our farm.既然大家都到齐了,我就带你们参观我们的农场吧。
Did you show him around the school?你领他参观学校了吗?
show in v.+adv.

把…领进,迎进 guide in

show sb inShow the visitors in, will you?请把参观者迎进来好吗?
Part of the nurse's job is to show people in to the doctor's office.把人们领进医生的诊室是护士工作的一部分。
show off v.+adv.

展示,炫耀,卖弄 exhibit or boast by words or actions

show sth ⇔ offThese lights show the place off very nicely.这些灯把这里照得非常明亮。
This colour shows your complexion off to the best advantage.这种颜色使你的脸显得格外好看。
Gold hangings were used to show off the pictures.金色的吊帘被用来突出那些图片。show offHe never shows off.他从不卖弄自己的才能。
Oh, stop showing off!哎呀,别炫耀自己啦!
It is very shameful of him to show off.他向人炫耀自己,真不害臊。
Don't take any notice of him. He is just showing off.别管他,他不过在显示自己而已。show oneself/sth ⇔ offShe likes to show herself off.她喜欢自我炫耀。
He likes to show off his abilities.他喜欢卖弄自己的才能。
They showed off their acrobatics, to our great amusement.他们表演杂技,使我们感到有趣极了。
She loves showing off her new dress.她喜欢炫耀自己的新衣服。
He has a very expensive wristwatch and he misses no opportunity to show it off.他有一只昂贵的手表,他总是不放过任何机会来炫耀。
show over〔round〕 v.+adv.

领…参观 take sb to look around

show sb over〔round〕They were taken to the house and shown over〔round〕.他们被领到那座房子四处参观。
show through¹ v.+adv.

显露出; 表露出 be able to be seen through (sth such as a covering; be clear in spite of sth hiding it)

show throughThe new colour is lighter, and the old paint shows through.新刷的漆颜色较浅,使原来的漆显露出来。
Whatever part he is playing his own character still shows through.不管他扮演什么角色,他自己的性格仍然会表现出来。
He may be able to speak English very fluently, but his Chinese speech habit still shows through.他虽然能讲一口流利的英语,但还是流露出汉语的讲话习惯。
show through² v.+prep.

透过…显露出 be able to be seen through (sth such as a covering)

show through sthThe old dog was so thin that his bones showed through his skin.那条老狗瘦骨嶙峋。
show up v.+adv.

羞辱,使丢脸 humiliate; shame

show upA police-woman put some chemicals on the piece of paper, and a line of words showed up.一位女警察在一张纸条上涂上化学药品,一行字迹清晰地显示了出来。
Her wrinkles showed up in the strong sunlight.强烈的阳光使她脸上的皱纹更明显了。show sth ⇔ upThe quiz showed up Cane's weak points in physics.这次小测验显出了凯恩在物理学方面的弱点。
The lawyer showed the witness's testimony up.律师证明证人的证词失实。show upHe promised to come on Tuesday but he never showed up.他答应星期二来,可是一直未露面。
Not one student showed up for the scheduled meeting.没有一个学生出席预定的会议。
She showed up late.她姗姗来迟。show sb upShe likes to show people up in public.她爱当众羞辱人。
He showed his parents up rather badly.他给他父母丢尽了脸。用作名词n.a show of hands

举手表决 raising of hands by a group of people to vote for or against sth

for show

为了炫耀〔展览,摆设〕 intended to be seen but not used

give the show away

露出马脚,泄露天机 divulge a secret

in show

表面上,有名无实 on surface

on show

被展示,被陈列 being shown or exhibited

put on a show

做样子,装相 put on a outward appearance

put up a good〔poor〕 show

表现得好〔不好〕 put up an effort of the stated kind

steal the show

抢出风头 attract the most attention and praise

近义词 notepointdisplayexhibitpresentexplainv. indicaterevealn. exhibition反义词 hide藏disguise掩饰
S+~+AWhere is the film showing?—It's on at the Red Star.影片在哪儿上映? ——在红星影院。
Does the mark of the wound still show?伤痕还看得出吗?
The first signs of a split were beginning to show.分裂的初步迹象已开始显露出来。
I waited for him for hours, but he didn't show.我等了他几个小时,但他还是没露面。
Sadness showed in her face.她脸上露出哀伤的表情。
S+~+ adj.The sky began to show red in the early morning.黎明时分,天空呈现出一片红色。
S+~+ n./pron.Tickets, please. Show your tickets.票,请把票拿出来。
What film are they showing this evening?今晚他们上映什么影片?
That frock shows your petticoat.那件上衣太短,让你的衬衫露出来了。
A dark suit will not show the dirt.黑色的套装不显脏。
She showed her favor.她表示给予支持。
He showed great kindness.他显得非常和气。
He showed great courage.他表现得很有勇气。
He shows no sign of intelligence.他表现得一点也不聪明。
He showed his annoyance.他显得很懊恼。
His annoyance showed itself in his look.他的烦恼都在脸上表现出来了。
When the issue comes up for discussion, he will have to show his hand.当这个问题提出来讨论时,他就非表明自己的观点不可了。
We have shown the falsity of the story.我们已说明那个报道不真实。
If he should be so ill bred as to try to take liberties with her, she would show him.如果他无礼想要调戏她,她会给他颜色看的。
I'll show the beast!我要把这个畜生教训一顿!
We were shown into the reading room.有人把我们领进阅览室。
The film will be shown in this theater.那部电影将在这家影院上演。S+~+that-clauseMany of them showed that they did not understand the importance of this question.他们很多人都表现出对这个问题的重要性没有认识。
Her eyes showed plainly that she felt what she was saying.她的眼睛表现出她说出的是真实的感情。
She showed that she was annoyed.她显示出烦恼的样子。S+~+wh-clauseThat shows how little you know.这说明你知道的是多么少啊。
People there will show which road you should take.那儿的人会告诉你走哪条路。
Show what you have in your bag.把你书包里的东西给我看看。
She showed what he did wrong.她承认他做错了什么。
The teacher showed why he failed to pass the exam.老师指出他为何没有通过考试。
Please show where you lost your suitcase.说明你在哪里丢的手提箱。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.She showed me her pictures.她把她的照片拿给我看。
Show me your ticket.向我出示票。
They showed their enemies pity and kindness.他们竟然对敌人表示怜悯。
Could you show me the way to the post office?请你给我指一下去邮局的路好吗?
Well, he had shown the insolent fellow the door.哼,他已经把那个傲慢无礼的家伙赶走了。
He showed me great kindness.他对我表示极大的关心。
He was shown the new school building over .别人领着他参观了一遍新校舍。
As soon as the visitor's real purpose was discovered, he was shown the door.来客的真实意图一旦被发现,就立即被赶出门。S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.She has shown her new ring to her friends.她让朋友们看自己的新戒指。
She has shown her new hat to the other girls.她给其他女孩子看她的新帽子。S+~+ pron./n. +wh-to- vI'll show you how to do it.我来给你示范怎样做这件事。
An old peasant showed us how to cut rice.一位老农教我们割稻子。
She showed me how to ride a bicycle.她教我怎样骑自行车。S+~+ pron./n. +that-clauseHe will show them that he is true to his words.他将让他们看到他是说话算话的。S+~+ pron./n. +wh-clauseShow me where your leg hurts.告诉我你的腿哪里疼。
Would you please show me how I should open the box?你愿意教我如何打开这个盒子吗?
Show me how you are feeling?你觉得如何?
S+~+ n./pron. +to be n./adj.He showed himself to be a dishonest rascal.他自我表白是个无赖之徒。
His new book shows him to be a first-rate novelist.他的新书表明他是个一流的小说家。
She showed herself honest.她表现出她的诚实。
He showed himself brave in the battle.他在战斗中表现勇敢。
They showed themselves to be trustworthy.他们表现出他们是可信赖的。S+~+ n./pron. + prep. -phraseHe showed me to the door.他亲自送我到门口。
Because of the darkness in the cinema,I was shown to my seat.电影院里很黑,我被领到了自己的座位上。S+~+ n./pron. +to have v -edHis record showed him to have worked hard at school.他的成绩单说明他在学校里很用功。
The report showed the accident to have been the driver's fault.报告说明事故是司机的过失引起的。S+~+ n./pron. + v -ingThe photograph showed the baby laughing.这张照片照的是一个婴儿在笑。
The post cards showed things looking a little better than they looked.明信片的景色看起来比实际上的景色要好看一些。用作名词n.She has her own chat show.她有个个人漫谈节目。
The most successful shows in the London theatre are often musicals.伦敦剧院最叫座的剧目往往是音乐喜剧。
Let's go out and see a show, or perhaps a film.我们出去看戏或看场电影。
There is a flower show in the park.公园里正在举行花卉展览。
We have been to the flower show.我们已经参观过花展了。
We can see a fine show of blossom on the trees this spring.今年春天可以看到花开的美景。
The teacher made an outward show of disapproval.老师表面上表示不同意。
This is not a show of reason.这不是一个理智的表现。
The little girl likes to make a show of herself before strangers.这小姑娘喜欢在生人面前表现自己。
The doctor made a great show of patience.医生表现了很大的耐心。
The exercise was intended as a show of force.这一练习旨在表现力量。

show的基本意思是“给…看”,可指有意或无意地将某物置于他人视野内,也可指将他人带到能看到该物的地方。show也可作“上演、展出”; “为…带路”,“带…到某处”解,引申还可表示“表现出”“显露出”“流露出”; “说明”“表明”; “呈现”等。

show可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、that/wh-从句作宾语。也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可由名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that/wh-从句充当,间接宾语则可转化为介词to的宾语。show还可接复合宾语,其宾语补足语可由to be+名词或形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式的完成式、现在分词充当。





用作动词The studyshowsan increase in the disease among the elderly.这项研究证明这种疾病在老年人群中的发病率呈上升趋势。
Her lazinessshowedin her exam results.她平时懒惰从她的考试成绩可以看得出来。
Let'sshowa picture to our audience.要给大家展示一幅画卷啊。
Sheshowedthe technique to her students.她向学生演示了那个技巧。
Can youshowme the right way to do this?你能告诉我做这件事的正确方法吗?
His nodshowedhis approval of this plan.他点点头,表示对该计划的赞成。
Sheshowa high degree of skill in her work.她在工作中表现出高度的技巧。
The chairmanshoweddispleasure at his remark.主持人对他的话露出不悦之色。
I'll send someone toshowyou around.我派人带你到周围转转。
The clockshowedmidnight.时钟显示已是午夜。
The new unearthed cultural relics wereshownin the museum.新出土的文物陈列在博物馆里。
The studyshowsan increase in the disease among the elderly.这项研究证明这种疾病在老年人群中的发病率呈上升趋势。
The movie is beingshownnow.这部影片目前正在上映。
I waited an hour but he didn'tshow.我等了一个小时,可他一直没露面。用作名词Diana is modeling for a fashionshow.戴安娜正在时装表演会上当模特。
All the new products were onshowat the exhibition.展览会上陈列著所有的新产品。
He clenched his fist to make ashowof strength.他握紧拳头来显示自己的力量。
His smile was just forshow;he has a plot in his mind.他的笑容只是装装样子;内心却另有计谋。
She runs the wholeshow.她负责全部业务。
He put up a goodshowin the final examination.他在期末考试中表现得不错。verb.actively exhibit something
同义词 air,demonstrate,display,exhibit,offer,present,produce,reveal,sellafford,arrive,attend,bare,blazon,brandish,disport,expose,flash,flaunt,flourish,mount,parade,proffer,showcase,sport,spread,stage,streak,submit,supply,unfold,unfurl,unveil,vaunt,wavedeal in,lay bare,lay out,put on,set out,show off,trot out
反义词 conceal,cover,hide,suppress,take,withhold,close,dissuadeabandon,deny,leave alone,refuse,vetoverb.passively exhibit something
同义词 disclose,reveal,register,appear,prove,establish,explain,get,reach,show up,project,indicate,note,determine,demonstrate,teach,mark,come,display,present,illustratematerialize,emerge,loom,evidence,point,divulge,proclaim,discover,manifest,assert,clarify,evince,arrive,elucidate,instruct,unveilget in,lay out,make out,turn up,be visible,blow in,make known,make the scene,ostend,put in appearance,testify to,show one's face
反义词 leave alone,abandongo,leave,depart,miss,lose,fail,confuse,cover,secreteveto,refuse,denydisappear,obscure,disprove,withhold,hide,concealverb.grant
同义词 givebestow,dispense,accord,conferact with
反义词 leave alone,abandontakeveto,deny,hide,concealrefuseverb.accompany
同义词 see,lead,conductshepherd,attend,route,direct,escort,guide,steer,pilot
反义词 leave aloneleave,abandon,misguide,neglectveto,refuse,deny,hide,concealmislead The company showed the prototype of the new model at the exhibition.
公司在展览会上展示了这种新模型的原型。 putclub

The election showed that, contrary to what many experts say from afar, Arabs have no difficulty in understanding what democracy is all about and would like it for themselves.
那次大选表明,跟许多专家所说的完全相反,阿拉伯人在对民主的理解上没有任何困难,并且他们自己也向往民主。 yeeyan

The talks showed there was much we agreed on we shared a lot in common.

And while it's not yet clear whether changes in a mother's brain stimulate her to care for her child, or whether caring for a child changes the brain, the study showed a clear relationship.
尽管不确定产后妈妈大脑里的变化是否刺激她关心宝宝,或者还是因为要关心宝宝才使妈妈的大脑发生了变化。研究结果显示了这之间明确的关系。 yeeyan

As a soldier, he showed selfless devotion to duty.

For hours, no one in the family knew where he was or what he was doing; he just showed up for meals.
他的家人不知道他那么长时间跑到哪去,或者在干嘛,他只是在吃饭的时候出现一下。 yeeyan

He said the research showed meaningful connections could be made online, but also some“ needs and responses” could not be met via computers.
他说这项研究展示出了线上可以产生有意义的联系,不过一些需要和反应通过电脑还不能实现。 yeeyan

He showed me the results.
他向我展示他的成果。 yeeyan

He showed us how the power of creative ideas can transform the world.
他展示给我们创新观念改变世界的力量多么巨大。 yeeyan

I remained calm and showed her another dish.
我镇静自若,并向她展示另一道菜。 edu.sina.com.cn

I showed it to her.
我表现出来给她看。 yeeyan

In fact, this is exactly what our results showed.
实际上,这正是我们的结果显示的。 yeeyan

In the course of the trail, the millionaire showed his courtesy properly.
在审判期间,百万富翁恰当地展示了他的谦恭有礼。 ebigear

Most of the smaller teeth, presumed to be female, showed that these individuals grew up outside the region.
大多数较小的牙齿被认为是属于女性显示这些个体在另外的区域长大的。 yeeyan

My earlier research showed that they tend to get better grades in school, which get them into better colleges, which then lead to better job opportunities.
我早期的研究表明他们在学校中通常有更好的成绩,这使得他们能进入更好的大学,接着便有了更好的工作机会。 yeeyan

Nevertheless, he showed great affection and devotion to his master.
然而,他对主人表现出深厚的感情和忠诚。 edu.sina.com.cn

Only there would be no one to bail out their creditors if America or Britain showed signs of defaulting.
如果英美两国显示出违约迹象,将没有一个人有能力营救他们的债权人。 yeeyan

She showed great courage.

She showed that by coming back after losing the first set and coming from behind in the second set against Williams.
她在对阵威廉姆斯时丢掉第一盘后以及在第二盘落后时都表现出了那些特质。 yeeyan

The research showed that the airport you depart from also influences the cost.
这项研究显示你从哪个机场出发也会影响你的花费。 yeeyan

They showed great courage to go on board.
他们表现出极大的勇气冲上车。 yeeyan

This week showed once again that the world needs more monetary cooperation, not less.
本周再一次表明:这个世界需要更多的货币合作,而非更少。 ecocn

Yet the history of these countries in the years before the rise of the totalitarian system showed few features with which we are not familiar.
但是,这些国家的历史在极权体制兴起之前几年间表现出的特征,少有不为我们所熟悉的。 yeeyan

Yet the crisis showed that regulators can only offer blank cheques or no cheques at all to the biggest firms.
但是这场危机表明,对那些最大的公司,监管者要么只会开空白支票,要么没有支票。 ecocn

Your first child, your son, showed you that despite doubt, fear and procrastination, when he arrived he was immediately your deepest and most profound love.
你的第一个孩子,你的儿子,向你显示出,尽管怀疑、恐惧和拖延,当他到来时,他立刻是你的最深最深的爱。 yeeyan




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