

单词 shovelfuls
释义 shovelfuls ˈʃʌvlfʊlz COCA¹³⁵¹⁰²BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
n.一铲之量shovelful的名词复数原型shovelful的复数 And then, and then, a picture I thought I would never see— my 4-year-old son reached for the shovel and he, too, dumped two shovelfuls of dirt onto his father’s plain pine coffin.
然后,就在这个时候,我看见了一幕我永远也不会忘记的画面——我们四岁的儿子伸手握住了铲子,将两铲土倾倒在他父亲朴素的松木棺材上。 yeeyan

In the economy of a storm this big, there was nowhere to get rid of snow that didn’t encroach on someone else’s space, and some shovelfuls must have been tossed back and forth a few times.
如此之大的雪天,到处都是积雪,很容易侵占别人的地界,所以往往是一锨雪被来回抛掷。 yeeyan

Second, as if any more proof was needed, the book throws the last few shovelfuls of dirt on the Efficient Market HypothesisEMT.
第二,假如还需要什么证据的话,这本书就是对有效市场假说最后的否定。 yeeyan




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