

单词 shout-out
释义 shout-out ˈʃaʊtaʊt 高COCA⁸¹³⁸⁶BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹iWeb²⁷³⁶⁰
About five years ago, other, more famous K- pop stars started seeking him out to praise his music— then adopted some of its elements, like shout-outs to the crowd.
大约5年前,其他一些更为著名的 K- pop明星开始找到他,并赞美他的音乐—然后采用了其中的一些元素,比如对着观众怒吼。 yeeyan

And though Angelina Jolie was nowhere to be found, hers got a big shout-out from host Jon Stewart, who noted the number of actresses who are expecting for several times.
尽管颁奖礼上未见安吉莉娜•茱丽的身影,但几次提及怀孕女星的主持人乔恩•斯图尔特“颁给”她一个宝宝大奖。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Don't like it, write your own library and article and send me the URL so I can put in a shout-out to you in a future column.
如果不喜欢,您可以编写自己的库和文章并将 URL发送给我,我会在未来的文章中向您发起挑战。 ibm

Say what you want about conspicuous consumption, but when three global brands give China a shout-out in the space of a week, it’s hard to miss.
你尽管提出各种奢侈型消费,单是当这周三个全球著名品牌都对中国做出宣言,想要错过就很难了。 yeeyan

So far all the responses have been hoaxes, but asking for a shout-out never really hurts.
迄今为止所有回应都是恶作剧,但邀请外星人发一次言没什么坏处。 yeeyan

This was clearly a shout-out to the US, and indirectly a subtle hint to the Bank of Japan to refrain from direct FX market intervention.
这当然指向美国,也间接隐晦指向日本央行,暗示后者不要直接干预汇市。 blog.sina.com.cn




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