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词汇 should
释义 should 英ʃʊd美ʃʊdAHDsh‹d ★★★★★常小中高研牛4COCA¹³⁰BNC⁸⁵iWeb⁹⁹Economist⁹⁶


ought to


will probably



should, ought to

二者都有“应该,应当”的意思。用ought to语气更严峻一些,多指按道义、法律、身体情况应当如何,具有一定的针对性; should更亲切一些,表示讲话人的关心,为了避免使对方感到不自在,常可用should代替ought to。

ought to,should


ought to侧重反映客观情况,多在涉及法律、道义、责任、义务或原则时使用。

should侧重自己的主观看法,语气比ought to稍弱一些。

来自 shall 的过去分词形式。no better than one should be举止不检点as who should say可谓Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today.今天的事今天完成。…shall将要should've口=should…He should have a long spoon that sups with the devil.同魔鬼一块吃饭就得有…I should smile.我很高兴I should worry.我一点儿也不在乎…if anything should happen to someone如果某人不幸死亡…it would should seem似乎有点I should say我想Every tub should stand on its own bottom.桶要靠自己的底立着…
故事记忆天上飘着 Cloud云朵样子多么 Proud骄傲的喊声等我 Aloud大声地回声非常 Loud大声的想飞当然 Would情愿脚踏实地 Should应该非常记忆shou手+ld铃铛⇒手上应该挂个铃铛近义词 have已经have to必须must必须做的事had better应该ought零ought to应当
用作助动词aux.Some time that night, or, at latest, before noon of the next day, we should sight the Treasure Island.那天夜里,最晚到第二天上午,我们就要看到金银岛了。
The day was drawing near when we should have completed the reservoir.我们水库完工的日子不远了。
I never realized that some day I should be living in Hong Kong.我从未想到将来有一天会在香港居住。
If I didn't write them down,I should probably forget all about them.如果我不把它们写下来,就可能忘得一干二净。
Of course I should not dream of doing so if I were not your friend.当然,如果我不是你的朋友,我连做梦也不会想到这样做。
I should have talked to father if I had thought of it.如果我想到了这件事,我是会跟父亲说的。
At that time I should not have understood.在那时我是不会懂的。
I should say that about 30 people were there.我看那里有30个人左右。
I should like to ask a question.我想提一个问题。
I should like to have given him something.我倒是愿意送点东西给他的。
I should so have liked to see her, only for a minute.我本来很愿意见她的,哪怕是一分钟也好。
I should like the reader to be very clear about this.我希望读者对这一点很清楚。
He gave orders that the prisoners should be set free.他下令说这些囚犯应予以释放。
He said he should be ready at daybreak.他说他将在黎明时分准备妥当。
The plan was that the boats should land in the night.计划是:船在夜里着陆。
If I should die, you would get the money.万一我死了,这钱就归你。
If you should change your mind, please let us know.万一你改变主意,请告诉我们。
Wherever she should find John,Alice was determined to tell him her mind.无论艾丽丝在哪儿遇见约翰,她都决定将自己的心意告诉他。
I determined you should come.我断定你一定得来。
The suggestion is that they should start from scratch.提出的建议是,他们从头开始。
But it is more important that we should feel it, than we should be able to analyse it.但是,更重要的是我们感觉它,而不是我们能分析它。
I'm surprised that he should say so.他竟这样讲话,这使我感到吃惊。
It seems strange that she should go from me.看起来好像很奇怪,她竟会离我而去。
It is impossible that it should be a mere coincidence.这不可能仅仅是巧合。
It was no accident that such a book should appear in the 18th century.此书于18世纪问世,绝非偶然。
But I am sure I should be running counter to your wishes.不过我相信,我一定会和你的希望背道而驰的。
He should do some work, but he doesn't want to.他应该做点事,但他不愿意。
Real friends should have everything in common.真正的朋友应当共享一切。
You should be careful.你要当心。
Youshouldn't say that!你不该那么说。
I think you should have told me that before you began.我觉得你开始以前就应当告诉我那件事。
The first sight for over four years of her beloved brother should surely have caused to feel tremulous.隔了四年多,第一次见到她亲爱的兄弟,总该使她激动不已吧。
How should I know?我怎么知道?
Why should he have burnt the letter?他干吗把信烧掉了呢?
I wrote down his address lest I should forget it.我记下他的地址以免遗忘。
I haven't done anything that should upset you.我未做任何惹你生气的事。
We hid it carefully so that no one should see it.我们把它藏得很好,没有人会看到的。
He did that in order that everyone should be satisfied.他那样做是为了让大家都满意。

should是助动词shall的过去式,只用于第一人 称:①用于陈述语气:构成第一人称过去将来时、过去将来完成时以及过去将来进行时。②用于主句中构成虚拟语气:“should+动词不定式的原形”表示虚拟结果时指现在,表示推测结果时指将来; “should+动词不定式的完成式”也表示虚拟结果或推测结果,但使用范围较窄,一般表示一件事情根据条件本可能实现,但由于没有根据条件或条件不存在,因而没有实现,即表示与过去事实相反。在并不强调由于某种条件而产生某种结果时往往不带条件状语或条件状语分句。③构成第一人称委婉、谦逊的语气。④I should like用来表示愿望或意向,有时也可表示犹豫。后接动词不定式的一般式时表示现在或将来可能实现也可能不实现的愿望; 后接动词不定式的完成式时表示对过去一件未做的事情感到惋惜; like用完成式,后接动词不定式的一般式时表示过去有做一件事的愿望,但由于某种原因,这件事未做成,在该结构中like也可以名词作宾语。

should用作情态动词shall的过去式:①用于陈述语气:shall用于第二、第三人称时表示命令、许诺、威胁、警告、禁止等,当它指的是过去事件时就要用should。在表示意向、要求、决定、建议等意义的从句里,如果主句的谓语动词是过去式,则从句中的should既可看作情态动词shall的陈述语气过去式,也可看作它的虚拟语气,但当句子的语气不够委婉时宜看作前者。②用于虚拟条件从句中,可用于各种人称,有以下两种含意:一是表示对将来事件的推测,相当于汉语中的“万一”,这时主句往往不用虚拟语气,而用陈述语气或祈使语气; 二是表示虚拟让步。③在表示命令、要求、建议等意义的词所支配的分句里,通常也用should来构成虚拟语气,这时无论主句用现在式或过去式,从句都可用should,这样的结构主要有以下两种:一是表示命令、要求、建议等意义的动词如advice, demand, intend等等或名词如recommendation, suggestion等等+that-clause; 二是It is necessary〔desirable, essential, important等〕+that-clause。④表示惊愕、遗憾、欣慰、悔恨、失望、突然、出乎意料等感情。⑤表示有很大可能性,是预期中的,几乎是必然的。

should用作独立情态动词:①表示责任、义务或正当的行为。②表示适当、得宜,可以构成劝告或委婉的命令,这是表达说话人意志的谦逊有礼貌的用语。③“should+动词不定式的完成式”表示在某时间之前应已完成但没有完成的行为; 也可表示在某一时间之前做了的事情是应当做的。④should常与疑问词连用表示不感兴趣、难以相信等较强烈的感情。⑤should常用在lest, that, so that, in order that引导的从句中,表示期望、结果或目的。

用作助动词Youshouldtake advantage of it.你应该好好利用这个机会。
Itshouldcost roughly 10.这大约10英镑。
Youshouldgive it a try.你应该试一试。
That heshouldspeak to you like that is quite astonishing.他竟然这样对你说话
I knew if I kept at it Ishouldsucceed.我知道如果我坚持下去就会成功。as in.have
同义词 allow,become,consider,enjoy,experience,feel,know,leave,need,permit,see,suffer,undergoentertain,let,must,sustain,toleratebe compelled to,be forced to,be one's duty to,be up to,fall on,meet with,ought,put up with,rest with,think about
反义词 deny,disallow,forget,hold,ignore,keep,neglect,refuse,reject,halt,stopexclude,wantas in.may
同义词 willbe going to,shall
hasverb endure, bear
accepts,acquires,admits,annexes,bears,carries,chalks up,compasses,corners,enjoys,gains,gets,gets hands on,gets hold of,has in hand,hogs,holds,includes,keeps,lands,latches on to,locks up,obtains,occupies,owns,picks up,possesses,procures,receives,retains,secures,sits on,takes,takes in,teems with
hastverb endure, bear
allow,be compelled to,be forced to,be one's duty to,be up to,become,consider,enjoy,entertain,experience,fall on,feel,know,leave,let,meet with,must,need,ought,permit,put up with,rest with,see,suffer,sustain,think about,tolerate,undergo
hathverb endure, bear
allow,be compelled to,be forced to,be one's duty to,be up to,become,consider,enjoy,entertain,experience,fall on,feel,know,leave,let,meet with,must,need,ought,permit,put up with,rest with,see,should,suffer,sustain,think about,tolerate,undergo
haveverb endure, bear
allow,be compelled to,be forced to,be one's duty to,be up to,become,consider,enjoy,entertain,experience,fall on,feel,know,leave,let,meet with,must,need,ought,permit,put up with,rest with,see,should,suffer,sustain,think about,tolerate,undergo
mayverb concede possibility
be going to,shall,should,will




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