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词汇 shot
释义 shot 英ʃɒt美ʃɑtAHDshŏt ★★★★☆高四六研T牛4COCA¹²⁰⁴BNC²⁵⁷³iWeb¹¹³⁰Economist¹³⁰⁹

C 射击,发射,枪炮声

act of shooting a gun, etc.; sound of this

C 击球,踢,投篮

stroke in tennis, billiards, etc. or kick in football

C 射手,枪手,炮手

person with regard to his skill in shooting a gun, etc.

C 弹丸

nonexplosive metal in the form of cannon balls in former times

C 镜头,连续镜头; 景

photograph or scene photographed; single continous film sequence photographed by one camera

C 太空船或火箭之发射

sending up of a space vehicle or rocket

C 皮下注射

injection of a drug, etc. with a hypodermic needle

C 试图,设法

attempting to do sth; trying

C 少量酒

small amount of whisky, gin, etc.

P 摆脱…的,结束…的

getting rid of; finished with


woven or dyed so as to show different colours when look at from different angles

P 用旧的,耗尽的

worn out; used up

the act of firing a projectile;

his shooting was slow but accurate

a solid missile discharged from a firearm;

the shot buzzed past his ear

sports the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a club or racket or bat or cue or hand;

it took two strokes to get out of the bunker

a good shot requires good balance and tempo

he left me an almost impossible shot

a chance to do something;

he wanted a shot at the champion

a person who shoots usually with respect to their ability to shoot;

he is a crack shot

a poor shooter

a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a filmthe act of putting a liquid into the body by means of a syringe;

the nurse gave him a flu shot

a small drink of liquor;

he poured a shot of whiskey

an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect;

his parting shot was `drop dead'

she threw shafts of sarcasm

she takes a dig at me every chance she gets

an estimate based on little or no informationan informal photograph; usually made with a small hand-held camera;

my snapshots haven't been developed yet

he tried to get unposed shots of his friends

sports equipment consisting of a heavy metal ball used in the shot put;

he trained at putting the shot

an explosive charge used in blastinga blow hard enough to cause injury;

he is still recovering from a shot to his leg

I caught him with a solid shot to the chin

an attempt to score in a gameinformal words for any attempt or effort;

he gave it his best shot

he took a stab at forecasting

the launching of a missile or spacecraft to a specified destination
varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles;

changeable taffeta

chatoyant or shot silk

a dragonfly hovered, vibrating and iridescent

来源于史前日耳曼语skeut-, skaut-, skut-抛出,发射。shoot的名词。
用作名词 n.
动词+~call the shots发号施令exchange shots交火fire a shot开火hear a shot听到枪炮声miss a shot脱靶provide a shot提供子弹put the shot掷铅球send shots at向…打炮sink a shot高尔夫球,桌球击球入洞take a shot开枪,照相,投球get a shot at sth试着去做…get a shot at the title尝到得冠军的滋味have a shot at〔for〕 the train试赶这班火车take a shot at sth试着去做…形容词+~bad shot不准的射击,猜错dead shot神枪手expert shot神枪手first-class shot神枪手good shot好枪法solid shot实弹wild shot盲目乱射close shot特写照long shot远景,不大会成功的尝试special shot特写镜头名词+~crack shot神枪手gun shot炮弹moon shot向月球发射火箭rifle shot步枪射击warning shot鸣枪警告booster shot强化注射剂量malaria shot治疗疟疾drop shot打到对方网前的低球jump shot跳投介词+~against shot防弹的as a shot作为猜测in shot在射程内like a shot飞快地,立刻do sth like a shot做得很快out of shot在射程之外within shot射程之内~+介词a shot at a bird打鸟a shot at the goal足球射门a shot in the arm注射手臂a shot in the dark瞎猜a shot in the eye恶意的行为用作形容词 adj.~+名词shot silk闪色丝绸~+介词shot of摆脱shot with闪现着…
用作名词n.a big shot

大人物,大亨 an important person; a wealthy man

call one's shot

预测命中率 predict the rate of shooting

call the shots

操纵 control

get shot of

除去,开除 get rid of; dismiss

like a shot

乐意地,立即 eagerly; quickly

not by a long shot

绝对没有希望 entirely impossible

shot across the bows

警告 warning

shot in the arm

刺激因素; 鼓舞的力量 stimulant

用作形容词adj.shot through with

充满着… full of sth

shot to pieces

毁坏,搞糟; 悲痛 destroyed; spoiled; very distressed

故事记忆有一个 Pot茶壶满身是 Spot斑点还有黑 Dot圆点眼看要 Rot腐烂卖给个 Sot酒鬼酒烫不 Hot热气得掏枪 Shot射击打中一个 Pilot飞行员掉到一张 Cot床上口袋里有 Plot密谋沾满许多 Blot污点还有口红 Alot许多非常记忆s美女〖编码〗+hot热〖熟词〗⇒射击后的美女浑身发热联想记忆短short距离的射击shot很容易击中目标近义词 ballleadblastcrackbulletchanceshootermottleswateredinjectionn. attemptturnadj. moire
用作名词n.The shot wounded his arm.子弹打伤了他的手臂。
The shot missed him, but it was a close shave.这发子弹未打中他,但实在是侥幸脱险。
His shot went to the right of the goal.他一脚射门,球向球门右边飞去。
We are out of cannon shot.我们在炮火射程之外。
Our attention was arrested by the sound of a shot.枪声引起了我们的注意。
How many shots were fired?开了多少枪?
The shots quickly drew the police.枪声很快引来了警察。
I am doubtful whether I can solve the puzzle, but I'll have a shot at it.我怀疑能否解开这谜语,我将试试看。
After a few shots at guessing who did it,I gave up.到底是谁干的,我猜了几次猜不着就不再猜了。
The hunter is an excellent shot.那猎人是个优秀射手。
I don't know how shot is made.我不知道弹丸是怎么制造的。
This is the shot of the politician making a speech.这便是那位政治家演讲的镜头。
I got some good shots of the carnival.我有几个狂欢节的精彩镜头。
Please pass me a shot of whisky.请给我一点威士忌。
It's a five to one shot that she will find out.十之八九她会弄清楚的。用作形容词adj.
S+be+~I'm just shot.我真筋疲力尽了。
My nerves are shot,I need a holiday.我已疲惫不堪,我需要休假。
This old machine is shot.这台机器已老旧了。
His chances are shot.他的机会丧失了。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseI am very glad to be shot of the job.我很高兴做完这件工作。
The chill air was shot with the fragrance of violets.寒冷的空气中透出紫罗兰花香。Pslingshotn.弹弓Pbloodshota.充血的Peyeshotn.视野视界Phalf-shota.半醉的Pshot-feel枪弹感觉Psmallshotn.小人物Pshot-proofa.防弹的Prifleshotn.步枪射手Pslungshotn.硬头软鞭Pscreenshotn.屏幕截图Pshot-peening喷丸加工Pupshotn.结果结局要点Pcannon-shotn.炮弹射程Pgrapeshotn.霰弹葡萄弹Pmusket-shotn.步枪射程Pshot-puttern.推铅球者Pparashotn.防伞兵的射手Psnapshotn.快照抽点打印Ptwo-shotn.双人特写镜头Pscattershota.漫无目标的Pshot-compressor缝线珠镊Pbowshotn.箭的射程一次射击Pmugshot面部照片嫌疑犯照片Pcockshotn.掷棒/石的靶子一掷Pshotcrete压力喷浆喷射水泥砂浆Pone-shota.只有一次的一次完成的Pearshotn.听力所及之范围可听距离Pgunshotn.枪弹射击炮击射程a.射击的Poutshotoutshoot的过去式和过去分词Pshotgunn.散弹猎枪媒人v.用猎枪射击Ppotshotn.乱射射击肆意抨击v.乱射射击肆意抨击Photshotn.艺高而自负的人货物快车快速交通工具大人物Povershota.上射式的上颚突出的overshoot的过去式和过去分词Pundershota.下颚突出的下射式的undershoot的过去式和过去分词




shot作“子弹,枪弹; 弹丸”解时,可用作可数名词,也可用作集合名词,作主语时,谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。


在美国口语中, shot还可作“机会”解。

用作名词He gave me a secondshotof penicillin.他又给我打了一针青霉素。
Eight-year-old Griffin Stevens made theshotof a lifetime this past weekend.8岁的格里芬史蒂文斯在本周末创造了一次一生难忘的投篮。
In this case, the ever-changing waves are part of ourshot.在本例中,不断变化的波浪也是我们拍摄的一部分内容。
I heard ashotin his room.我听到他的房间内一声枪响。
The deer was peppered withshotall down one side.那只死鹿的半边身子都被子弹击中。用作形容词I'mshot. I'm too old for this job.我一点力气都没有了,我这岁数干不动这活儿了。noun.try, chance
同义词 attempt,break,opportunity,timeconjecture,effort,endeavor,fling,go,guess,occasion,opening,pop,show,slap,stab,surmise,turn,whack,whirlnoun.discharge;ammunition
同义词 ball,bullet,leadbuckshot,dart,lob,missile,pellet,projectile,slug
addictionnoun a habit of activity, often injurious
bag,bent,craving,dependence,enslavement,fixation,hang-up,hook,inclination,jones,kick,monkey on one's back,obsession,sweet tooth,thing
agedadjective old
age-old,ancient,antediluvian,antiquated,antique,been around,creaky,elderly,getting on,gray,moth-eaten,oldie,over the hill,passé,rusty,senescent,senior citizen,shot,timeworn,venerable,worn,worse for wear
ammunitionnoun projectiles for weaponry
ammo,armament,ball,bomb,buckshot,bullet,cannonball,cartridge,charge,chemical,confetti,explosive,fuse,grenade,gunpowder,iron rations,materiel,missile,munition,napalm,powder,rocket,round,shell,shot,shrapnel,torpedo
anaestheticsnoun sleep-inducing or numbing drug
anestheticnoun sleep-inducer
analgesic,anodyne,dope,gas,general anesthetic,hypnosis,inhalant,local anesthetic,opiate,pain-killer,shot,soporific,spinal
anesthetic/anaestheticnoun sleep-inducer
analgesic,anodyne,dope,gas,general anesthetic,hypnotic,inhalant,local anesthetic,narcotic,opiate,pain-killer,shot,soporific,spinal Did I kill him on Monday, the day I shot him?

The dragon has four on board cameras that relay images back to the operator via the hand held controller. Each shot can be viewed on screen separately or all four at once in a grid.
“龙行者”装有四台摄录机,操作者通过手持遥控器可以接收到回传的画面,每一支镜头可以在屏幕上独立显示或者四个画面全部显示在网格内。 yeeyan

A policeman shot at the kidnapper.
一名警察向那个绑匪射击。 ebigear

All inner scenes are shot inside this car.
所有内部镜头均在此车厢内被拍摄。 yeeyan

All inner scenes are shot inside this car. Tunnel views and station interiors will be later laid on the green background with the help of computer.
所有内部镜头均在此车厢内被拍摄。隧道和车站内部的景象将稍后在计算机的帮助下被添加在绿色背景上。 yeeyan

An angry mob attacked the jail and shot both Smith and his brother to death.
有一个非常愤怒的暴徒袭击了监狱,并开枪打死了史密斯兄弟俩。 yeeyan

And when Jacob walked in through the glass doors, her back just happened to be to the security cameras as she shot him in the stomach.
而且,在雅各布推开玻璃门走进来之后,她开枪击中他的腹部,这时她碰巧是背对着保安摄像机的镜头。 yeeyan

Did you see that shot?

Even now, over two thousand years later, people still remember what a good shot he was.
即使两千年以后的现在,人们仍然记得他是一个如此出色的射手。 ebigear

He then shot himself as police stormed the building.
到警察攻击这幢建筑时,他开枪自杀身亡。 yeeyan

He brought him out of the house, he walked him over there and said, 'Get on the ground, ' and he's like, ' No, Daddy, no, Daddy, ' and next thing you know, he grabbed his head and he shot him.
他把男孩带出房子外面,在那儿他走近男孩并说‘跪下’,而男孩象在喊‘不,爸爸,不,爸爸’。接下来的事你知道,他抓住他的头发并开枪了。 yeeyan

He later shot himself.
后来他开枪自杀了。 yeeyan

He soon found a huge bear, shot at it but only wounded it.
他很快发现一只巨大的熊,向它开枪但只是把它击伤了。 yeeyan

He shot the ball before he was tackled.

In their simplest experiment, they shot laser light at the edge of a solid glass sphere.
他们最简单的实验是在一个实心玻璃球的边缘上发射了一束激光。 yeeyan

Inside the control room, physicists and engineers cautiously shot the beam down part of the tunnel, stopping it before it went all the way around.
在控制室内,物理学家和工程师们小心地顺着一段段的隧道发射光束,在其完成全程之前把它拦截下来。 yeeyan

On his way home, however, police ambushed his car and shot him in the leg.
在阿里回家的路上,警察伏击了他的车,开枪射中了他的腿。 yeeyan

So who fired the shot?
那谁开枪杀开了他呢? yeeyan

Starting this year, the news stories we produce have all been shot, edited, and distributed to TV stations without ever being on any kind of tape.
从今年开始,我们的电视新闻从拍摄,到剪辑,再到传输到电视台的整个过程都将不会使用任何形式的录影带。 ebigear

The fox ran away before the hunter shot it.
那只狐狸在猎人向它射击前跑掉了。 ebigear

The shot was taken in February at one of the Kremlin gates.
这张照片是在二月份的时候拍摄于克林姆林宫门口。 yeeyan

Then she sees the man who shot at Jack run by.
接着,她看到向杰克射击的那个人在附近跑过。 yeeyan

There was a powerful recoil after each shot which hurt his shoulder and he then had to go to the trouble of reloading.
每次射击完之后都有一股强大的后座力弄痛了自己的肩膀,而且自己还得麻烦地重新上膛。 yeeyan

Well we lit up the debris and then shot the three of them as they ran out.
于是我们点着了这堆枯枝,然后开枪打死了从里面跑出来的那三条狗。 yeeyan

What makes this shot work is the dramatic burst of blue spurting into the crowd.
促成这次拍摄工作的,是那蓝色喷射进入人群时激动人心的爆发。 yeeyan

You feel so good on the court, you trust every shot.
你在球场上感觉很好,以至于你相信每一次击球。 yeeyan




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