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词汇 shortness
释义 shortness 英ʃɔːtnəs美ʃɔːtnəs 高COCA³¹³⁷²BNC³⁵⁵⁶⁹iWeb¹⁴¹⁸⁷

the property of being of short spatial extent;

the shortness of the Channel crossing

the condition of being short of something;

there was no shortness of money

can cause shortness of breath

the property of being truncated or shortthe property of being of short temporal extent;

the shortness of air travel time

the property of being shorter than average staturean abrupt discourteous mannershort短的anasarca with shortness of breath正水shortness of breath气急hot shortness热脆性dough shortness面团酥性cold shortness冷脆性hydrogen shortness氢脆性red shortness热脆性blue shortness蓝脆性,蓝热脆性…black shortness冷脆性
short矮-ness名词后缀⇒n.短小²⁰近义词 speed速度brevity短暂poverty贫困smallness小curtness简略tininess极小rapidity迅速quickness急速briefness简单concision简明briskness敏捷abruptness突然brusqueness唐突succinctness简明truncation切掉顶端littleness细小少量gruffnessgruff的名词形式…transience短暂,片刻,稍纵即逝…反义词 tallness高longness长度

用作名词He was extremely sorry for theshortnessof time.他对时间不足感到十分抱歉。
Some women don't have typical symptoms like chest pains, she said, but may have pain lower in their bodies or severeshortnessof breath.有些女性没有心脏疼痛等病征,但在身体深处有疼痛感,或严重呼吸不足。as in.impatience
同义词 anger,annoyance,anxiety,eagerness,edginess,excitement,nervousness,restlessness,uneasinessagitation,avidity,disquietude,expectancy,fretfulness,haste,hastiness,heat,impetuosity,intolerance,irritability,rashness,restiveness,suspense,vehemence,violenceants in pants,irritableness,quick temper,snappiness
反义词 apathy,calm,calmness,contentment,enjoyment,happiness,joy,peacecontrol,ease,endurance,forbearance,patience,tolerance,waiting,willingnessas in.lack
同义词 absence,dearth,inadequacy,loss,paucity,poverty,reduction,scarcity,shortage,shortcoming,shortfallabridgement,curtailment,decrease,default,defect,deficit,depletion,deprivation,destitution,distress,exigency,exiguity,inferiority,insufficiency,meagerness,miss,necessity,privation,retrenchment,scantiness,shrinkage,shrinking,slightness,stint,wantinsufficience
反义词 abundance,affluence,enough,excess,plenty,success,sufficiency,addition,advantage,enlargement,expansion,increase,perfectionextra,lot,plethora,profusion,surplusas in.smallness
同义词 narrownessbrevity,diminutiveness,minuteness,petiteness,scantiness,slightness,tininessatomity,dinkiness,infinitesimalness,smallishness,small size
impatiencenoun inability, unwillingness to wait
agitation,anger,annoyance,ants in pants,anxiety,avidity,disquietude,eagerness,edginess,excitement,expectancy,fretfulness,haste,hastiness,heat,impetuosity,intolerance,irritability,irritableness,nervousness,quick temper,rashness,restiveness,restlessness,snappiness,suspense,uneasiness,vehemence,violence
lacknoun deficiency, need
lacksnoun deficiency, need
smallnessnoun littleness
atomity,brevity,diminutiveness,dinkiness,infinitesimalness,minuteness,narrowness,petiteness,scantiness,shortness,slightness,small size,smallishness,tininess A person should seek medical care if they experience shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, or if a fever continues more than three days.
如果出现呼吸短促或呼吸困难,或者发热持续三天以上,就应求医。 who

People with cough- variant asthmaor CVA often have no other“ classic” asthma symptoms, such as wheezing or shortness of breath.
咳嗽变异性哮喘发作时,患者往往不表现出哮喘的其它典型症状,例如喘息或呼吸急促。 yeeyan

The bad news came from a test of Natrecor, a drug that had meteoric sales after its approval in 2001 because it was the only medicine that seemed to help shortness of breath.
坏消息则来自于对奈西立肽做的测验。这种药自2001年得到认可后,销量惊人,因为当时它被认为是唯一可能治疗呼吸急促的药。 yeeyan

The best advice for any person troubled by symptoms such as a lasting, low-grade fever, unexplained weight loss, tiredness or shortness of breath is to see a healthcare provider.
对于被如持久,低烧,体重下降,疲倦或呼吸急促等症状困扰的人,最好的建议是尽快就医。 yeeyan

The majority of diagnosed patients experienced fever and cough; far fewer reported sore throat or shortness of breath.
确诊病人大多数都有发烧和咳嗽症状;诉称喉咙痛或呼吸不畅的病人要少得多。 iciba

A crushing feeling in your chest, pain shooting down your arm, and shortness of breath— these are all signs that mean something, and you’d better pay attention.
一种强烈的感觉压在你胸口,疼痛让你抬不起胳膊,呼吸短促-----这些都是一些事物的征兆,你最好留意他们。 yeeyan

A panic attack victim usually suffers at least four of the previously mentioned symptoms, while a heart attack victim often experiences only pain and shortness of breath.
一位恐怖症患者通常至少会有本文先前提到的上述四种症状,而心脏病发作时患者通常只有疼痛和呼吸短促。 kekenet

Ah, the poverty, the shortness, the disappointment of human joy!
啊,人类快乐的稀缺、短暂和求而不得! yeeyan

Call paramedics immediately if you feel chest pain, have shortness of breath or are unusually fatigued and they'll walk you through the proper course of action.
如果你感到胸部疼痛、气短或是异常疲惫,要马上叫来医护人员,他们会帮你正确的度过危险。 yeeyan

Combined with his weight problem and shortness of breath, Harding also became easily tired and had occasional chest pains.
加上他的超重问题和呼吸急促,哈丁也变得容易劳累并伴有偶发性的胸痛。 yeeyan

Do you experience shortness of breath while you’re exercising or exerting yourself?
当您锻炼或着急的时候有呼吸急促的感觉吗? yeeyan

Experiment with different activities to see if you have shortness of breath when you increase your level of exertion, and note if there have been any changes over time.
以不同活动项目的实验,来看当运动强度加大时,你是否会有呼吸短促症状,注意过一段时间后,是否有变化。 yeeyan

He never had a heart attack, but that surgery was similarly prompted by complaints about chest pain and shortness of breath.
他没有心脏病发作过,但是这个手术也同样被提示关于胸痛和气短的疾病。 yeeyan

If your heart arrhythmia persists for more than a few minutes or is accompanied by fainting, shortness of breath, or chest pain, seek emergency medical help immediately.
如果你发现自己心律失常持续超过几分钟而且觉得要晕倒、气短或是胸闷胸痛,速叫急救。 yeeyan

In addition the person may experience difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath; feeling sick or vomiting; feeling light-headed or faint; breaking into a cold sweat; and becoming pale.
此外,病人可能感到呼吸困难或气短;恶心或呕吐;头晕或无力;虚弱乃至出冷汗;以及面色苍白。 who

It takes two department heads to treat shortness of breath?
要两个部门的头头来治疗呼吸短促? iciba

One afternoon while she was preparing dinner in her kitchen, Anne Peters, a32-year- old American housewife, suddenly had severe pains in her chest accompanied by shortness of breath.
一位32刚的美国家庭妇女安妮 o彼得斯,一有天下午正在厨房里做晚餐,突然她胸部剧痛,并发着呼吸短促。 kekenet

Symptoms of aortic valve disease include shortness of breath, chest pain or dizziness.
心脏主动脉瓣硬化症状表现是呼吸短促,胸痛,头昏眼花。 yeeyan

Symptoms of infection can include tiredness, a persistent, dry cough, shortness of breath, weakness and“generally feeling bad, ” he said.
他说,感染的症状包括疲倦、顽固干咳、呼吸短促、虚弱和全身不适。 ebigear

Symptoms of rheumatic heart disease include: shortness of breath, fatigue, irregular heart beats, chest pain and fainting.
风湿性心脏病的症状包括:气短、易疲劳、心率不齐、胸痛和眩晕。 who

They are marked by cough, fever, and shortness of breath.
它们明显伴有咳嗽,发烧,和呼吸短促。 yeeyan

This must be renewed from time to time as the hair’s shortness makes it want to stand up more than remain flat.
头发太短就会更易“站立”而不是“平躺”下去,所以保持这个发型就需要不时重整。 yeeyan

When amyloidosis affects your heart, a common symptom is shortness of breath, even with slight exertion.
当淀粉样变侵袭心脏,最常见的症状是呼吸急促,甚至轻微运动就会喘促憋气。 yeeyan

Women are more likely to have shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and back or jaw pain.
妇女更易发生气短、恶心、呕吐,以及背部或颌部疼痛。 who




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